My first grow on soil: can you help me identify if my plant is male or female please?


Active Member
Hello this is my first experience growing cannabis on soil.

My cannabis is 6weeks now from germination'

I had realized that some kind of preflower? Is showing. I am not sure if its even a preflower.

If it is, can someone teach me its a male or female please?

I tryed my best but my camera aint good quality.

Thank you guys!





Welcome to :420: @Nittaman ! :welcome:

It's a little hard to tell from those pictures. What you are looking for are little white hairs poking up from the nodes for females. But, looks to me like your plants are not quite there yet as the nodes are still opposite, rather than alternate.

Once they start coming in staggered you can start looking to sex them. How many nodes do you have so far? You say 6 weeks, but it really has more to do with the maturity of the plant. If temps are not high enough the plant can grow slowly.
@Azimuth Thank you for kindly replying!!
Now my cannabis has 6nodes and i had topped the plant .

I had difficulty in the beginning watering and damaged the plant so the nodes below was brown i had to cut them.

Finally i started to learn about watering and doing alright now.

Is it too early to tell the sex yet?

Thank you!!

I think too early, but close. And the structure looks promising, so keep us updated on the progress. The guessing game is fun for us, too!

Any plans to start a journal for this grow? There are lots of helpful fellow growers in here willing to answer any questions and make suggestions along the way if you would find that helpful.
Now my plant is little bit bigger,

Today after i LST my plant,

I realized that something looks like preflower was showing near the top.

It may also be a Little bit early until some hair sticks out,

Please take a look at the photo.
Can't see those pictures.
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