My First Grow Journal

You can make some tea's out of the bat guano. I just went to grow store this morning too. Got couple bags of roots organic soil. Some new pots and risers for the pots
That's funny that's what I picked up was some roots organic and they gave me that I've seen bat guano just not nitro bat guano I'll use it in a tea just didn't know the had it
Used to use Bat Guano years ago until i didn't....ha. There are two basic high in P and one high in N.
They are both very strong in SS mixes and should be used sparingly. I wouldn't smoke produce anymore grown in it but lottsa peeps stil do . Just sumpin i got away from . Would rather smoke fish guts :rofl: (DBHBB) than animal , especially bat shit. Cheers bud...:passitleft:
Used to use Bat Guano years ago until i didn't....ha. There are two basic high in P and one high in N.
They are both very strong in SS mixes and should be used sparingly. I wouldn't smoke produce anymore grown in it but lottsa peeps stil do . Just sumpin i got away from . Would rather smoke fish guts :rofl: (DBHBB) than animal , especially bat shit. Cheers bud...:passitleft:
Just out of curiosity sake. What's your dislike about poop ferts? I'm guessing 99% of everything grown organically on the planet is grown with it. What's more natural than shit :rofl:
It was nice to get away from 'shit' based nutes and start using minerals,(DBHBB) which IMO farmers should be using instead of drenching and soaking their fields with animal shit. Whenever i see farmers spreading crap on their fields i always wish it was a broad based mineral supplement instead.
I remember reading a long time ago that consuming vegetables and or smoking produce that was grown in bat guano was not necessarily a good/smart thing to do. Not sure exactly why anymore , it's just sumpin i learned /read years ago when i was using my own SS recipes. Cheers eh. :passitleft:
Hold on Dank,....i never said that! I said wat was printed above.:passitleft: Organics is totally different than my animal feces pet peave... :passitleft: I love organics, always have. Our DBHBB system is almost 100% organic.
It just happens to be a fish , mineral, and microbe based system with some worm poop , how's that for liking organics..:passitleft: I heard that the Covid #19 was started from someone over in China eating an infected bat....Bats freak me out...lmao...cheers Dank..:passitleft:
It's a very sad day today power mildew got the better oh my plant I couldn't see it until I pulled it out it was all up the buds I cut the hole plant down clean the others up sprayed them down scrubbed my tent down broke my new fan down cleaned it I'll just spray them every few days and hope it stays away and I dont lose everything
Sorry to hear about the PM issue Assman. Was there anything you could have done to avoid the PM , or is that a strain weakness?
I think it was all me the tent was to full I didn't have enough fresh air coming in and I should have trimmed the plant up so air could flow better and maybe did some prevent spray but you live and you learn my other grape ape is doing great after changing the layout of the tent move some plants around I should be ok but another reason for me to get my rooms built so I got more room and will make sure to get fresh air coming in I hope this does the trick I really hate cutting up plants especially one that looked that good I lost alot of nice big cola's
OK, lets quick go over wat should have happened.... :passitleft:Sometimes a newer grower will only care for , and prune, a plant until the garden/plant is starting bloom, then they often ignore and fail to prune. 'Out of site...out of mind' so to speak. Its very important to keep the bottom 1/3 well pruned to allow for air circulation. A good way to prune , is to simply remove all vegetation from the first 1/4 to 1/3 rd of every branch, starting at the main stock and working outwards. Some peeps only worry about the canopy ....not good, we have to also get air moving around the bottom of the garden. A good practice is to always have your exhaust fan/filter running 24/7/365 at a reduced rate between 65and 85% so it's not screaming away , unnecessarily.
So, a circ. fan ,12" oscillating is great for the general air movement , mostly pointed at the lower half of the garden, and at least one canopy fan that remains 'on' 24/7. Additional smaller fans can be simply plugged into the timer circuit to only come on when the lights 'fire up'. This fan arrangement combined with fresh air and a decent RH level (below 70%) will go a very long way to prevent mold issues of any kind.
Cheers Assman and gang.:circle-of-love:
Hey @Fastass419 . :high-five: hope youre good bud. I know you're probably pissed about the MD. Ive been drying weed this whole year wrong taking away from the quality. Thats bad and, sake off the cobb webbs and get your ass back in the game, we need you out here..:high-five: hey, just quick "note to self" wont happen again:roorrip:
I haven't heard from you all day
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