My First Grow Journal - By Mcloadie

Haha, mf'r just did an update and erased my whole friggin post, again; The good dr. and I decided to skip 4 or 5 weeks of veg and go to week#9 of the feeding schedule with the application of dr. earths organic 8 bud and bloom booster worked into the top 2 inches of soil and watered in thoroughly. We have around 3 or 4 hundred bud sites and that's plenty for me! I utilized the bubbledog 500 ( aquarium pump with aerator ) to aerate the water before application. Plants are healthy and growing vigorously. Some slight yellowing of some lower leaves that appears to be a result of shadowing due to the dense canopy. Nobody needs cuttings atm so I'm not making any more. I just received the results ( seeds ) of this years breeding ( sexual ) and progress of a 20 year program ( this year is the 20 year anniversary ) from my good freinds in nor cal. I look forward to using these and hope to figure out the writing on the packets. In any case I will be giving a full report to the grower expressing the results of my folly. It's cool to work with loadies cuz we have a sort of subculture that I've been a part of all my life and I understand the program. When I see a politician on TV I'm so disconnected that they look like fertilizer to me. I've cut the Rh back between 40 and 50 % and the space is stabilizing at around 50 %. I want it around 45% and I'm manipulating it as we speak through; heat, a humidifier and ventilation. All is well, we'll be loadies for thanksgiving, some family has arrived, and I am thankful for the freinds and family that God has provided me with.........later. New pics on my gallery taken today.
Northern lights x big bud x2 cuttings into the mc5000. Mexikush x2 out of mc5000 into 4" peat pots in happy frog soil. I just hope they're females. Noted that these last 2 cuttings were taken 3 days into reduced light period, and they're gonna be in it until I can get my other light set up at which point they will go to 24 on. I don't exactly want to do it like this, but I'm going to, we'll se what happens. I dropped a mexikush cutting the other day and it is rooted, shoved it back into the soil and it's rock and roll. The mexikush cuttings are hungry as hell and I dressed the top of the pots with dr. earth. They are producing new growth. For anybody who wonders I rooted these cuttings like this; I have everything ready before I start, I took the cuttings from the 2 tallest leaders on the plant, cut 1/4 inch below the node, trimmed off leaves and put it in hormex concentrate while I walked to the kitchen. I make all my holes for planting with a .223 round. For seeds my hole is the length of the bullet, for cuttings I go in half the length of the entire round. I put the cuttings in the holes and push the soil around them to eliminate air pockets, water them in either in a tray from the bottom or from the top. Of these cuttings I'll get 4 mothers, 1 of each for myself and the others to a freind. They will grow and thrive.
Whats up Mcloadie! Sounds like a good setup. You seem to be in as deep as I was when I first started , which is good to hear :). I started my first grow in a closet... mind you I am in southern california and the weather is much different.

Light Leaks

MAKE SURE you seal up your grow.. even the smallest of light leaks can cause your plants to wig out and call upon male hormones to make sure that strain continues on. MAKE SURE!!!! Happened to me 2 harvests ago in my newly designed 12x12 grow shed.. ended up with some seedage, but because of the photoperiod during leakage I now have about 200 feminized seeds (100$ OG x White Widow)... probably the best plants I have grown.. so it worked out for the best, I suppose!

VERY IMPORTANT.. especially if youre in a bathroom where humidity may sit a bit higher.. especially if youre showering in there heh. If it's a closet I would suggest purchasing an inline fan to use an an exaust system. Humidity with heat is most certainly the reason for why you'll end up with pests moving in.. and also makes your grow prone to mold issues. (Powdery Mildew in specific, but your airflow sounds sufficient). Anyways... if you can... cut a hole in your roof to mount your in line, and a hole in your floor. The in line will displace air, thus the hole below your babies will act as a fresh source of air from underneath your house (usually much cooler and solves heating issues)

Ill be following your grow, I hope this advice helps you out. Let me know if you have anymore problems and GL man!
Thanks for the advice Jonas. The ventilation you talked about ( floor and ceiling vents ) is the system I'll eventually use, I'm moving soon and the new space may have different characteristics than the space I use now. No probs with light leaks, third grow in this space. plants are looking good, a little damage on lowest leaves, from the bug spray. It's very minimal, just a note if anyone finds this under similar circumstances. One thing I like about this forum or whatever it's called is that if a person takes the time to research this site you will most probably find an answer to your questions. The cuttings from the mexikush ( the lower ones, taken from the first branches ) are performing mostly as expected; slow, stunted. The edges of the leaves are slightly yellowing and I'm thinking they are unable to take up enough nutes with their limited root system. Today I will mix urine with water, 20 parts water, 1 part urine, to give them a little boost. The other two cuttings I took from northern lights x big bud are doing very well, seeking the light, in the mc5000. Today I'll set up the flouro light I built. It consists of 8-2 foot 75 watt walmart grow lights with the diffusers removed, mounted on a piece of plywood 2 x 4 feet with hooks on top to hang it from. So thats 600 watts of that light that's gonna be my nursery for now. This light will run 24 on, and it's great for cuttings, seedlings, and just maintaining mothers. I also am building the maxicloner10,000, ( haha ) which consists of a large clear storage container, inverted, with adjustable vents on top. I never figured out how to post pics or I'd show it. Anyhow this thing should hold at least 50 starts in 2" peat pots. I love peat pots. Humidity this morning is at 45%, temp; 78 degrees F. I'm learning how to manipulate this space since the flip. Still waiting for sex to show, nothin, just waitin. My plants are very close to me and I can observe them all the time. I have literally found the first pistil to show in my entire grow. I have spent many hours observing growth and development. I believe I'll have em all sexed in the next 4 days and finding no sex yet is a good sign to me as the boys usually show first. I've never had a male yet, and have had 1 hermi, wich I removed immediately. My attention to temp and Rh this grow has proven to be very worthwhile, but I changed everything for this grow ( lighting, soil, nutes and climate,also strains ) so I have really cheated myself out of alot of knowlege I might have gained by changing 1 factor at a time, but this crop has got to work or I'm gonna have to buy weed and I hate that, my weeds suits my needs........later:high-five:
The maxicloner 10,000 is operational. Today I took 8 cuttings, 5 mexikush and 3 northern lights x big bud, and put them in the cloner. The 2 mexikush that I rooted are under my walmart lights, outside the cloner. I am also germinating 4 of my new seeds called TWR x N3. I Am not going to be able to tell what these seeds are, I hope somebody comes up with some ideas as to what they are by the numbers and letters. I'm trying to contact the dude that sent them to me, harvest time, loadies, you know.........It may be a while..........f, about 4 hrs on the job today and my f'n back is killin me...............thanks to evryone.
GOod to hear all is operational! Hope your girlies take to the cloning well. Lookin forward to seeing your new space when you get tired of having no room :)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, 9Y is a boy and was treated as such. All my cuttings are responding and I've got 2 TWRXN3 seeds emerging. I am interested in the fact that the seeds were put in to germinate the same day I took some cuttings. My records will show the difference in timing. It scares me when things go so well.
BALLS SUCK!!!!! lol!!! congrats on the new seeds tho!!! praying for those 2 sexy white legs to emerge (pistils) lol dont be afraid my friend lol!
OOPS, I might have smoked my 3 seedlings, they don't look so good. I may have mixed too hot of a soil. 50% happy frog 25% dr. earth, 25% perlite, the is probly too much. I will start germinating again today, I would like to get at least 4 of my new seeds going for next grow. My new soil for sprouting will be 75 % happy frog, 25 % perlite. I'm cravin a turkey sandwich, with mayonaise and cranberry/apple chutney. Wake, bake, comtemplate! TWR x 3N x 4 into germinating environment.
I attempted another time at supercrop, 1 worked and 1 didn't. I waited an hour after watering, and the second one just snapped off, it's kinda funny though, you're gonna get twice what gets removed in any case. The plants are just squirting out growth and I have height concerns, hence the supercrop attempt. It just seems useful as heck as I can bend the leaders that are growing 2 inches a day. Tiny buds everywhere! My seeds seemed to be doing so crappy that I put them in the dome with the cuttings ( I meant seedlings ). The dome gets emptied tomorrow and I'm looking for 2 gallon nursery pots if anyone knows where ta get em cheap to transplant to. I hate potting up, but I do remember that's what we did with cash crops. Roots are growing out of the rooted cuttings and air pruning of the roots has never been something I want to happen. Does anyone have a convincing argument for spending the money and time to pot up? I'm all ears.
8Y is a herm and died an honorable death, tons of bud sites. I apologise for not having any pics, I just can't figure the damn thing out. I'm sure I'm leaving things out because it's mostly useless without photos. I'm having trouble in a couple of areas; my TWR x N3 seeds from cali are hard as hell to germinate, possibly the result of my temp issue in the nursery. It's going down to 66 degrees at night and hovering around 77 in the day. The Rh is around 60% now. My cuttings look like hell to me, but they are out of the dome and either they are alive or they're frozen LOL. My plants in flower are doing well, It's just the waiting game. I'm alternating dr earths bloom food and and liquid concentrate. On the water only days I'm adding 1 tbsp/gal blackstrap molasses. Plants are consuming more water now, and I'm at every 3rd day watering. I've benn doing some LST when I see an empty space to fill.
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