My First Grow Ever - CFL - Bag Seed

Re: My First Grow Ever - CFL - BagSeed

Because your asking for it!:thumb:

gave her a feeding today, shes looking really good. I want to switch to 12/12 when shes just about doubles in size maybe a little before just to be safe on room in the tent idk yet though.



Re: My First Grow Ever - CFL - BagSeed


Only 4 more inches come on lil plant! i decided to top her, i was trying to FIM but i think i just ended up topping no worries though i dont really know but i think im seeing potential bud sites everywhere, im getting excited because its almost time for the really fun part flowering :)



Re: My First Grow Ever - CFL - BagSeed

Very nice Top, Plant is looking great! keep up the great work id watch out for infection on that top tho see a pale brown there. :) just a eye on it make sure every things okay
Re: My First Grow Ever - CFL - BagSeed

looks great, i mest up my fim and it stunted growth and i ended up topping it about 30min ago, looks like yours is topped as well,

looks like you not got long till you go to flower, how long has it been veging for now
Re: My First Grow Ever - CFL - BagSeed

i think im getting the same problem, slow growth, me and another grower got berry bomb seeds from the same supplier at the same time, we planted them at the same day, and the results say it all, mine has only got the little round seed leaves and the single real set of leaves and its just growing the next set, well the other grower has got the next set fully grown and is on the set after that, confusing i know, but to look at you would say my plant is a week behind hers, i just dont get it, their is nothing in my soil nute wise, theirs no nute when i water, not at that stage but my plants are all stunted growth, wonder if its a problem with the tap water,
Re: My First Grow Ever - CFL - BagSeed

ye i do that with the water all ready, i have tropical fish so i do it for them as well, i leave it out for at least 24 hours but more like 48 by the time i come to use it so i think the water is ok, my compost drains really well so dont think its that either, im hoping its a temp issue, still waiting on my ph meter, i ordered one of them ones that measure temp and humidity as well, its the one you stick in the soil with 2 long prongs and its got an analogue gauge on it that tells you loads of different stuff, just waiting for it to turn up
Re: My First Grow Ever - CFL - BagSeed

what temperatures do you have usually?, anything over 90 and photosynthesis slows down, also have you tried making a co2 generator, there not hard to make i found this posted on the forms somewhere i don't remember where though.
very simple... my mix is:
2 1/2 Cup water
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup regular sugar
1Tsp yeast
1 tsp Baking soda
heat the water, with 1 cup of heated water disolve sugars, in other 1 1/2 cup water mix in yeast and baking soda, mix both together in containment bottle after about 45 min you will have Co2.
to boost the co2 generating in bottle shake it.
Re: My First Grow Ever - CFL - BagSeed

i think my temps where to cold around 48f with the fan running, cfls give off very little heat so wasnt keeping the grow warm with the fan on, now the fan is off and temps are up to about 75 to 80f now and growth has started to take off.

thanks for the tip about the co2 though, ill give that a try mate, i read that when the temps are high the plants can use more co2 so i might look into that
Re: My First Grow Ever - CFL - BagSeed

looking good mate, think ill try a sativa strain next time or a cross, mine are indica so short plants, i got 1 northern lights cross big bud fem but even that looks mainly indica, i only planted 1 seed of each strain and all mine turned out female so im chuffed about that, ive got 3 in flower at the moment and just showing sex, so a bit behind yours, so i think ill try a sativa dominant strain next time as my plants at the moment are less than a ft tall but have very heavy growth and the plant is so dense you can even see any branches or nodes, i have had to remove 1 or 2 leaves like you have, but remember that the closer it gets to harvest the more chance you have got of getting leafy bud, if you take to many leaves away then the plant forces the little leaves in the buds to grow and this then makes the buds very leafy, but im liking the way your plant looks, looks like its doing very well indeed
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