My first grow. Does everything look good?

Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

So I had cut off a 5 tiny branches way down by the soil on Friday, broke with no improvement in site, time to smoke some of my own. Started smoking it this morning. Should've weighed it, but I didn't. Fills a film container, real loose little buds, and sticky, wow, stiiiiiicky! Anyways, I smoke just a couple small buds, like I normally would any other bud. I got so damn high I went into some serious paranoia. I mean, I do NOT get high like that anymore! About 10 minutes in it sounds like the swat team is rumbling up the road. Peek ever so slightly out and instead discover the neighbors are having a new roof put on. Cruel joke! Then I cut a few more branches from two others I hadn't cut Friday, trying to trim that up I was shaking like a leaf. Insane!

So, the question is, if those little tiny one hit buds that don't look sticky are that potent, what about the big bad sticky icky buds? Are they going to be even more potent?
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

Premature bud has a tendency to be racy and paranoia-inducing. Especially that which contains some sativa genetics.

To markedly decrease paranoia - and increase yield - leave the poor plants alone until they're finished.
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

I like the more sativa high. I cannot believe the things I have gotten done today. I didn't think it would hurt taking just a few of the teeny branches at the bottom, would rather not have to go back to my hydrocodone, I hate the shit, but I don't have any money. But if it is going to damage them, I won't do it again. Please let me know if it will hurt them, that will decide what I do for pain control. Thanks! :)
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

Won't hurt them, you'll just lose the yield from what you take would mature to.

Between cutting from your plant and the pills... I understand.

Hopefully you will manage to harvest enough that you will still have some while you await your next harvest.
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

Don't know the strain Sam, bag seed, the guy the bag "supposedly" came from "supposedly" grew White Widow and Diesel last year, so, yeah, who knows, potheads, lol.... I love the smell, I don't know how to describe it, but it is etched in my memory from the many times I have opened up a baggie and smelled it. It has always given me the experience I desire! :)
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

You had me scared, whew. Thought maybe I had done something to murder them. At week 8 now, the stuff I am taking hasn't grown much in quite some time, they are sooooo shaded and far away from the light. The lowest branches on the stalk, little tiny fluffy buds. They aren't even marble sized. Tedious trimming.
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

Won't hurt them, you'll just lose the yield from what you take would mature to.

Between cutting from your plant and the pills... I understand.

Hopefully you will manage to harvest enough that you will still have some while you await your next harvest.

I doubt it will even hurt his yield that much as he has stated he is at day 52 of flower so he has maybe 2 weeks to go and seeing they are bottom buds not likely they would have gotten very much bigger in the next 14 days anyways . So if it was me I would also clean up all the little popcorn buds that wont likely get much bigger and smoke them especially if the alternative is to have to return to opiate pain killers (those things will kill ya).
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

Day 57 of flower, lol. Not that it makes much difference. I am anal retentive!
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

You had me scared, whew. Thought maybe I had done something to murder them. At week 8 now, the stuff I am taking hasn't grown much in quite some time, they are sooooo shaded and far away from the light. The lowest branches on the stalk, little tiny fluffy buds. They aren't even marble sized. Tedious trimming.

Oh, yeah if your upper canopy is nice and tight and the lowers aren't receiving much light than it's not going to be a big deal. That's cooking bud, lol.
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

The leaves are all starting to look like crap. They are all doing something different. One is going really purple and the leaves are super shiny and not dry, but culing under at all the edges. Another is going all yellow and purple and the leaves are crispy. Another the yellow is just creeping in on the edges. Another the super fuzzy little bud leaves are starting to twist and yellowing at edges. The "special needs" girl is droopy, the buds are not nearly as good, but it is the one oddball, diff strain than the rest, very obvious.

The buds, however, are still looking fabulous, so maybe I am worrying for nothing. I know I posted about this earlier in this thread, but they are getting worse. Glad the finish line is near, or I would be totally freaking out!
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

Day 64:
Ugly leaves on that one, but she is the biggest of all. Still mostly clear with a few clouds, broke down and gave nutes last night, been too long.
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

looks like fall to me :) I love harvest time,, or getting close to harvest time. I think of it like fall,, as the plant sucks the goodness out of the leaves, to give to the buds, all that is left is yellowing, or colors,, like fall leaves,, anyway, that is how I think of it,, like they are getting dressed up for a special occasion (which they are,, just they don't realize that the special occasion means them getting the chop) :Hookah:
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

I know, I know, you have re-assured me before Herb Zen, but it is still nerve wracking! I don't freak out when my oak tree does this, lol!

I don't think the buds have changed much for awhile, but maybe it just appears that way because they're bigger now and change isn't so noticeable.

Three are seeded, the seeds are looking pretty ripe, but my trichs are still mostly clear. Small seeds, but so were the ones I grew these from. Two of the seeded are the two hermies and the other is the "special needs" one, the one that is nothing at all like the rest. If she was a better plant it would be interesting to see what that cross would bring, but she has maybe half the bud mass of the others, but I will prolly try just one next time. Otherwise, I will grow out of seeds I collect from the hermies.

Thanks for the help and re-assurance guys! :)
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

holy plump!
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

Geez guys, I am coming up on 10 weeks of flowering, today is day 68, and all is still pretty clear. What little bit of cloudy I have, or think I have, has been there for a couple weeks. How much longer is this going to go? Will they maybe just all of a sudden be ripe one day or are they going to gradually when they start cloudy-ing? My entire house is smelling like fresh cut christmas tree squirted with citrus and sprayed by a skunk.
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

Good things come to those who wait, lol.
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

I know, lol, I was just getting worried. Don't hear of many going that long, I was concerned I was "missing something". A lot has changed in a week. Inspection Tuesday night showed mostly cloudy with about 10% amber and around 20-30% still clear. I was prepared to harvest Sunday thinking they would continue to progress at that speed, but Friday night turned up little or no change. Last gave nutes Tuesday (6 days ago), giving water and blackstrap only now. Maybe this weekend, crossing my fingers.
Re: My first grow.... Does everything look good?

Do you have C02? flowering times are not only exaggerated for higher sales,but also for ideal (maxed out) conditions. Real word results will vary.

when looking at flower times, think MPG or OEM estimated battery runtimes on your phone/laptop. -never as advertised.
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