My first grow. California Dream

mersone your 600MH come yet? I would veg with that alittle while makes them short and bushy then top them at the height you want. than flower.
wow man. i hadnt seen that page yet +reps
well, im pretty sure there was something to do with the ph issue, a hotspot.
i think this because, i have been using no nutrients and the temp is 78-80F so not nute burn or heat stress.
i dont have a ph meter, only the liquid test,
so im going to look for how to test ph in the soil other ways. because i think it could be a ph issue.
im not using reverse osmosis water however... i think that could be it also?
for now i will just keep checking on them
yeah, im at a loss. i cant figure out what is wrong with them. there is 2 plants where im having this issue.i watered them tonight, and checked the water runoff, and the ph is at 6.0, so i dont tink .5 different would do that. and only in those two plants??
i dont think its heat stress, because the temps are staying at 76-80 and i have great ventilation.
i dont think its nute burn, because well, i havnt used any. i thought maybe a ph, but my water is 6.5 and soil runoff is only at 6.
i dont get why its only on two of the plants on the lower leafs. ALSO one of them has some pretty droopy bottom leaves. any idea on that?
maybe over watering?
i am checked the soil about 2 inches down inthe cup and its bone dry before i water again.
well heres the tip of sick plant a's leaf. curling under a little bit, and this is ONLY present on this one plant. as for the burn issue going on with this plant, i clipped the tip of the leaf, to see if it spreads up the leaf, at the worst, i lose the tip of a fan leaf.

anyway, heres the real problem plant.
the droopyness of it. im thinking over watering? but again, do ot realize why only this plant would be getting overwatered.

heres the burn spots, i dont understand what it is, any help?!?!:thankyou::thankyou:


anyway heres my favorite plant of the group. look at how tiny the streth is! you can hardly see the inner stems of the plant its so thick already!

anyway, any ideas would be GREATLY appreciated.
well, i went out today, and bought 3 different thermometers, to double and tripe check the temps. because heat stress is the only thing i can conclude on, and well, its right.
the meter i was using seemed to about about 7 or 8 F cooler than ALL of the new ones i bought.
the temps were mid 80s around 85/86. so now, i have to figure out a way to drop the temps.
what i have done, is moved my ballast outside of the closet, and shot the ducting right up into the attic. but it hadnt lowered it too much more, so i do not know.
and all of the appliance stores here stopped carrying their mini air conditioners about a month ago as winter is comming in ALASKA and normal folks wouldnt need air conditioning when its -10 outside.
Hey Buddy....The door has to be shut huh? can't leave it cracked a little? I was looking at earlier posts, one vent hole on top maybe,no fan needed the hot air will leave on its own. Do you have fan blowing up from ground level? how about remove the back panel and pushing to wall or just removing the one panel of the insulation any one side? You will get it dude keep tinkering! We talking about a couple of degrees
yeah exactly. well. i used my little axial fan, and put it in the corner, facing up blowing the hot air from under the light up toward the vent.
my thinking behind this, is that if you look at the pics from my setup, there is only about 4 inches on either side of the light if not less between the hood and the wall. so by putting the axial fan in the corner next to the light, it would pull the air from under the light and push it up top above the light where the temp is only76F
and i think i might do that leave the top part of the door cracked so hot air can escape that way as well.
i did accomplish getting it down to right at 83. which is better than 86-88!!! haha, but were gettin there.

so will the leaves patch themselves up or should i think about removing those leaves?
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