My First Auto March Madness - Lemon Drop, Gypsy Widow, Cheese, Amnesia

Thats sorta where I am too.. Its funny, this time last year I bought my first seeds... Had an old fridge and did a stealth grow... HOOKED! This place is great to met like minded people and make new friends. I have a script but haven't applied for my legal grow license yet... with it actually looking like its gonna go legal for everyone in a few months, maybe no need to get the health permit... BTW.. @Troy01 whats the Animal Cookies like? I think I followed that journal while you had it going...

I haven't been doing very well with my journal updates but am going to try and make it a daily routine!
So only 3 of the 4 girls decided that they wanted to come out and dance so I have thrown another bean in, soaked it and dropped it this evening in dirt and put it with the other girls! I'll keep my fingers crossed that she comes up this time...
I have filled all my 5 gal Flytier pots... and they are ready to be put to use...

Anyway... work tomorrow, but then going to do some grow room mods Sunday and get this thing rolling!

Here they are so far...

I'll try not to take any more Blurple ones... they are pretty ugly! LOL!
BTW.. @Troy01 whats the Animal Cookies like? I think I followed that journal while you had it going...

Animal Cookies is a nice one. It has tone of sweet and sour and once cured has a smooth smoke. Easy growing and produces well.
Well the girls are doing well! I love seeing the different leaf structure already developing... This pics were taken April 1, my Gypsy Widow is a few days behind...
Tomorrow afternoon after the white shit stops coming down I have been thinking of back filling these girls a bit... anyone ever do that with an Auto before? Here they are...

So... I have to go in and figure out my notifications... Right now my email is being pounded with notifications from a gallery folder I made... I thought it was going to be one of my media folders, but its public to everyone... The funny thing is, now lots of people are putting some really nice pics into it... but its filling my damned email up LOL! Is there a way I can stop it from happening but everyone still gets access to their pics...? Or I just leave it... the problem is that my other pics are back on page 4 already! LOL! Oh well... man that Cinderella99 is a really nice buzz...
Well the girls are doing well! I love seeing the different leaf structure already developing... This pics were taken April 1, my Gypsy Widow is a few days behind...
Tomorrow afternoon after the white shit stops coming down I have been thinking of back filling these girls a bit... anyone ever do that with an Auto before? Here they are...

Back filling works find on an Auto. I had 6 that were really spindly. I planted them in their final pot about 3-4 inches deep. They are doing great.
Went out to check the girls after Snowageddon last night... LOL! The oldest was on the bus home from school, and the roads were so bad it just stopped and sat there for 45 mins.. they turned around went back to the school... He got in at 830pm... The girls are doing great... really pushing some growth out...
It's I guess... 7 days today since they popped out of the ground, so I'm going to say that was day 1.. Thursday March 29th. I usually would wait awhile before I up-plant them but I think I'm going to put them in their forever pots this weekend... Any yays or nays?

Might as well let the roots go and see if it helps grow mass above... right?

Reading @Guy Cavallero 's Tribute journal to JH... I need to get some worms, and some of @VanStank's Stank soil! LOL! That shit is real...
It's I guess... 7 days today since they popped out of the ground, so I'm going to say that was day 1.. Thursday March 29th. I usually would wait awhile before I up-plant them but I think I'm going to put them in their forever pots this weekend... Any yays or nays?

Might as well let the roots go and see if it helps grow mass above... right?

Reading @Guy Cavallero 's Tribute journal to JH... I need to get some worms, and some of @VanStank's Stank soil! LOL! That shit is real...
Fkn right it is eh.....that JH is insane by comparison....shhhh lol !!! Not cheap to make his soil, cost me about $800 for 200L, but never any nutrients or worry about PH again.....well talk, lol.
Sorry I'm late to the party brother!!!
Fkn right it is eh.....that JH is insane by comparison....shhhh lol !!! Not cheap to make his soil, cost me about $800 for 200L, but never any nutrients or worry about PH again.....well talk, lol.
Sorry I'm late to the party brother!!!

No such thing as late Guy! So 20l=5gal... So about $80 a pot. Everything else being equal... my dirt and nutrients per plant are probably half that. The growth and quality would be the tell tale... Double the final results?? Thats an experiment right there! You should do the honours in a new journal...because you are keeping up on everything you are involved with already! lol! We' can chat about it...

Here are the girls this morning. Nodes are nice and tight, and they are pushing their 4th set out now. Some interesting leaf colour variations... which is weird with them being so young and in the same concoction for seed starting mix... Maybe something like a light patch in the led array that is off a bit... I have rotated them and re-positioned... I kept the same height so we'll see.

Have a Super Saturday!

Happy Monday everyone!

So I went out on the weekend and was planning on moving the girls to their new homes...and... the dirt in my pots...frozen! lol! I didn't need to worry about it when i grew last time in the summer and fall...
So needless to say I am giving it 48 hours to acclimate inside with the girls before I make the move... The only problem is that they are really moving! I am going to transplant, and then after 2-3 days top them... The three are spreading their 4th nodes and shoots from the fifth are poking through... Maybe I'll try to FIM them...

So I don't have any AUTO flower experience... first run... I don't want to stress them out, but it seems now is the time that I should... if I have to...? (obviously up-potting them but the TOPPING timing is my concern with the new home move... I also want to switch my light cycle from a full 24 on to 20/4 near the end of the 4th week which is coming up fast!

I've noticed that the girls seem to be really enjoying the light they are receiving... When I up pot them, I am going to use my second Mars 300 on them until I make the Light on/off time switch... When the lights come on after the switch I will add the third led, and a few florescent bulbs, so the light will be a big difference and some increase, so I'm hoping it will have a really positive effect on flowering... I dunno... the farm boy in me says its gonna help... lol

Here's how they looked when I had coffee with them a couple hours ago...

Plants look good. Generally the recommendation is to do you topping between the 3rd and 4th node before 21 days on an auto. Transplanting should also be done in this time frame.
March 29th they stuck their heads out of the ground, and today is day... 12...
Well guess as @Guy Cavallero always says, I guess I'm winging it!! The Gypsy Widow is the only one that hasn't past the 4outh node...The Cheese is on her 6th... short stout little girl! Bit of a fat bottom on her now! lol

And before you say it, I'm going to apologize... I swore I wouldn't post any Blurple shots from my MARS HYDRO's but once I up-potted the girls and wrestled them in there, I didn't have time to switch to the fluorescent for the photo... But normal pics are coming soon!!

Too funny, lol.
Great job on the girls brother. I also notice the "airpot" modifications done to those Wally world pails. Good idea! I definitely notice when I have to uppot my girls from an airpot to a larger airpot during veg that there is definitely something to be said for allowing your roots to breathe. I never break a single root when I up pot, they have all self prune themselves during growth. Awesome idea. Lots of room for liquids in those big pots 4 days worth lol. That's the only think scaring me at this point. I'm gonna have to drown my girls tomorrow
Maybe @SmokeSara would like to see what her lights can do. I know she's been looking for a grow to showcase her companies lights. What models are you running Peeece?
Looking good by the way peeece. I always top my autos at 4th node. If they are healthy and growing good then I top but if I got one or two lagging behind a little bit and not growing vigorous then I just leave them be and do lst. You will still get plenty of branches by just lst. I had a few autos that branched every which way, they looked like a reveg lol. What ever you decide I’m sure they will turn out good. They are off to a great start.✌️
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