My Babies - help?

Awh dude thats why shit aint flowering lol!!!

You got light leaking for sure in that haha. You gotta seal that all up or its no go.
Umm Yup definitely not light PROOF. If light comes out then light can go in. Im talking a match head hole will ruin your flowering. Easy fix dude just cover the cupboard like I say. Horse shoe, bend it in half, make it touch its toes. creates a shorter bushier plant which it looks like you need you've still gotta flower!
100% light leak. Heres a somehwat technical, somewhat not, answer for why---
MJ has a chemical called Pr that after 12 hours of dark becomes Prf. Prf causes flowering. One second of light above a certain lumen level (lets say 20 lumens) causes all the Prf to revert back to Pr and that night is wasted.

Heres a not so technical answer--- TURN THE DAMN LIGHTS OFF ALREADY!!! :rofl: You have to have almost 100% pitch black darkness to get them flowering. So Ghetto up a sloution, and consider tonight DAY 1 of flower... :)
100% light leak. Heres a somehwat technical, somewhat not, answer for why---
MJ has a chemical called Pr that after 12 hours of dark becomes Prf. Prf causes flowering. One second of light above a certain lumen level (lets say 20 lumens) causes all the Prf to revert back to Pr and that night is wasted.

Heres a not so technical answer--- TURN THE DAMN LIGHTS OFF ALREADY!!! :rofl: You have to have almost 100% pitch black darkness to get them flowering. So Ghetto up a sloution, and consider tonight DAY 1 of flower... :)

Well TBH I am not so sure you need it THAT dark. I mean I can see outside with a full moon just like I can see in daytime. Yet plants still flower just fine.
That is aslo reflected light and not directed light. Also stars produce a wavelenght at like 630ish nanos that also induce the transformation. With indoor light all that good mother nature stuff isnt there.

p.s. Dont get me wrong, Im sure I have some little light leaks in my Ghetto setup, but since the originator is a noob, thought Id give him strict guidlines. :) :high-five:
that's right Spimp dish out that growing gold :thumb:
100% light leak. Heres a somehwat technical, somewhat not, answer for why---
MJ has a chemical called Pr that after 12 hours of dark becomes Prf. Prf causes flowering. One second of light above a certain lumen level (lets say 20 lumens) causes all the Prf to revert back to Pr and that night is wasted.

Heres a not so technical answer--- TURN THE DAMN LIGHTS OFF ALREADY!!! :rofl: You have to have almost 100% pitch black darkness to get them flowering. So Ghetto up a sloution, and consider tonight DAY 1 of flower... :)

lol dude , got some dark blanket and now all good its night 2 already, and i think i'm starting to see some bols that i dont like =\ , i'm afraid that all the 2 months of light leak on 11\13 killd them and now they all going to be males ..
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