My 3rd Coco Grow Indoors - Just Started

This is what i use in my feeding progam. They are 16 day from germination. I love A.N.

I just do sensi in half strenght from now on.
There are them today befor feeding...

but i think they get some desise, next update i will shoot them 1 by 1 so if smone1know what is it. Tep is about 27 on day, 21 at night, and RH is from 40-60.
I also start spray them foliary with pirana and calmg, i see somewhere that pirana used foliary portetc plants from fungi desise. And that is problem here i think...
For next updata i will transplant them in 5 l smartpots, i will place 250w MH lamp insted this 250w cfl that run at half sternght because it break. Also roots start to show at bottom. And also take pic of each plant itself so you can see better what hapends, but it think pirana will solve this... see ye gusy, i hope some 1 will join soon in my jurnal.. .
Hi guys!! Update an transplatation.
.. i didnt get smartpots and my MH 250 w bulb, because my saylary lateit must be all dobe for next update.
First this is my plant one by one
Firs one, i transplate her in 10 l pvc conteiner, i think it was 5 l, that is why i didnt transplant them all.

I will choose her for mother if it be female a hope a lot.
For mother plants look strong and vital fast growing seedling, i love it leaf shape, that show ic indica dominaton ,short bettwen inernodes, that is why choose her and trnsplant it in 10l cointeiner. This is (dont know why i call it like its female) HER, after transplation.
Few pic how looks now, tomorow will transplate others

Temp is from 25.1 to 27.8 max and RH from 60 to 35, first time i see that RH 35% today because my tem/RH meter save lowest an highest results. About 21-23.8 tep is at night.
For transplation i mix 75% coco and 25% perlite. Ajust ph of water around 6, and add to water. A.N. pirana, ancent earth and sensi calmg xtra, plus Hesi super vit. I alos put pure pirana araund holes in new pots.
I alos put to germination 5 seeds i found in very poten weed, and 5 seeds from pot i smoke with very sour smoke i love and very head higf and sativa domination. Will se what hapend.
Stay tuned
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