My 1st grow

Hay, MI-grower just got done reading through you journal and looks like you are off to a good start. I love you Christmas Tree. I would hang some lights on that lady for sure with a few bulbs and and little train running around the bottom. That thing would smell way better than a real christmas tree. Any great start and welcome and look forward to watching your progress. + rep for the great start and great attitude as well...
Hay, MI-grower just got done reading through you journal and looks like you are off to a good start. I love you Christmas Tree. I would hang some lights on that lady for sure with a few bulbs and and little train running around the bottom. That thing would smell way better than a real christmas tree. Any great start and welcome and look forward to watching your progress. + rep for the great start and great attitude as well...

Hay Sonzer,

Thanks 4 stopping by and checking out my journal. I loved that tree as well, I should have dressed her up as a Christmas tree b4 she had to come down. I got a lil under a 1/2 oz or so off of her. They were premature lil budz but it got me and my client stonded. I had to make room for the babies. I wish I could have let her mature, it would have been ten times better. Its still better than the mersh going around town. :thanks: 4 the + rep!! I'm glad people are enjoying watching them grow as much as I do!!
any where between 4 to 6 weeks I guess. I plan on taking a lil extra time to top-em a couple different times. I want to keep them short and bushy.

8 weeks veg time is perfect for a short and bushy 2-3 foot max plant. then 8 weeks in the blooming stage. 2-3 foot plant and hella bushy. :)
does anyone let it go the full 3 months veg time and 2 month bloom? i found it works just as well doing 2 months veg time and 2 months bloom. this cuts a month of time out every grow! and then its smart to have a veg and bloom room seperated so then once one is harvested the other moves into the bloom room and is done in 2 months instead of the whole process taking 4-5 months total! this way you get a harvest every couple months instead :) much more key :)
:thanks: To every1 for stopping by and for your support!!:rollit:

No stems No seeds just sticky Green
That's how we like to smoke our weed
Roll it up in a big phat Blunt:ganjamon:
Or hit it off da Bong:roorrip:
Either way we sing the same damn Song

:peace: & Love from the Glove
8 weeks veg time is perfect for a short and bushy 2-3 foot max plant. then 8 weeks in the blooming stage. 2-3 foot plant and hella bushy. :)

That's what I want rite there..
Sup gnome grown thanks for joining the party here on my 1st grow!!

Any helpful hints or if you see me doing something dumb just speak up!!

:peace: & Love from the Glove
Damn I just checked in on the babies and a couple of them are all ready starting to grow branches. They got their 2nd pair of little leaves and just about finished sprouting the 3rd. Damn I was surprized that they are growing branches already. I've never really watched-em grow day-by-day like this before, so its a 1st for me. This light is doing its job! The leaves are sprouting about 1/8th to maybe 3/8th's of an inch apart at the most!! I cant wait to see these babies in a couple weeks to a month. I wonder how many females there will be and how many I'll have to throw away b/c they are males.

Oh by the way I am thinking about trying that screen method b/c my space is limited and I want to get the max yield out of my 1st grow. I'm gonna top my plants 2 times on the top and once on each branch. Is that to much? I really want to keep them short an bushy.

:peace: & Love from the Glove
OK, first, keep your light 14-18" from the top of the canopy. Stretch can be controlled by the use of proper spectrum lighting. MH bulbs in the 6500k range are optimal. If your ballast won't strike both MH and HPS bulbs, look for a conversion bulb. They typically run about 6000k, so you lose a little spectrum efficiency, but it's still alot better than vegging under an HPS...unless you like leggy stretchy plants.

Next, for optimum grow conditions, you need 50w of HID lighting per square foot. That means to completely utilize the space you are using, you need 2000w of light, which means you'll need alot of ventilation to keep temps manageable. Think about blocking off a 3x4 foot space, line it with mylar and work like that. You're still underlit...a 600w light would be perfect for that space...but not nearly as bad.

Soil is easy. Fox Farm Ocean commercially available soil there is, just add 25% more perlite. Nutes are more in depth. It sounds a bit like you've jumped right in without really deciding on how you want to grow. Organic nutes will be the best route for you until you get a little experience. With organics you almost completely eliminate the chance of nute burn. I use TechnaFlora's Pura Vida line, and amend with guanos and feed with teas, with great success. Others really like the whole Fox Farm line.

U are rite, I did jump in to growing w/o a clue at what I am doing or how I wanted to do it. But when a Family member get prescribed medical mary jane and is in chronic pain, you do what you can for-em. I did changed my grow area to 3x 3 or very close to that. I know 400 watts shoud be all good enough for that. I plan on vegging my babies for another 5-6 weeks and topping them off once or twice but then I'm ready to flower-em into the most prettiest buds I have seen. I plan on spiltinng this with my client just b/c they are family. These may be just bag seeds but you just watch these seeds become beautiful female trees!! I mean no disrespect I love ur site here at 420!! I feel I can be myself here b/c I can speak my Mind without being judged by people that dont even know me.

:peace: & Love from the Glove
Sounds like you a well on your way and with all the great info on this site I am sure you will do great, Good luck...
if i can suggest The FIM method instead of toping 4-8 main colas i would also suggest doing this at the 4-6 node weeks shouldn't matter just where and how many nodes up hope this helps

I just looked up the FIM method, that keeps the plants short and bushy right! Well what is the difference between doing that and the wire may I ask. Its seems to me that the only difference is the wire, other than that both methods top their plants right.
New pics!! Check-em out

Week 2




:peace: & Love from the Glove
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