Mumps Volcanic Grows 2020

Hi Shed!
everythings fine again thanks
long story short on the 19th of october 2020 police came a my door they said they knew i was growing stuff and they took all my harvest..about 800g of beautiful buds stored in jars, they left some dark mason jars they didnt notice and the trim (a lot of) that was in the freezer where they didnt check
then they found a packet from holland with my partners name on it..10 dutch passion seeds i probably talked about here two years ago.
so they went to my partner's house as well and you can imagine what they found since we splitted everything from the beginning,
anyway i've been accused of selling and i risked to go to jail...justice in italy i slow but after one year and an half on the 20th of april (lol) i've been declared not guilty!
police didnt accused me of growing..if i was accsued of growing things would have been much better..instead they accused me of selling even though they didnt have any proof about it..and the judge couldnt do anything but saying that mumps is innocent
it's been a tough time but im finally out of it, yesterday the sentence became official and they gave me back my cell phone.
in one year they will give me back the money i spent for the lawyer (5k euro).
no idea how that happened (half an idea maybe) since i never sold a single gram of weed and my friend did the same anyway im sure internet hasnt anything to do with it, mumps vulcanic grow never ceased activity and now is officiallly back on track
i just read crazysweed last message and i really hope everything is ok and hope to read him again soon..we exchanged a few messages on telegram and i could write him if only i remembered the password of the cell phone they just gave me back...hopefully in the next days will pop up in my mind..
Hey sorry about the nonsense with the govz... That's really frustrating to deal with all that for a year and a half just to be ruled innocent... But regardless happy your safe and back at the grow.

Best wishes growmie and when you get going again I'm in.
Hi Shed!
everythings fine again thanks
long story short on the 19th of october 2020 police came a my door they said they knew i was growing stuff and they took all my harvest..about 800g of beautiful buds stored in jars, they left some dark mason jars they didnt notice and the trim (a lot of) that was in the freezer where they didnt check
then they found a packet from holland with my partners name on it..10 dutch passion seeds i probably talked about here two years ago.
so they went to my partner's house as well and you can imagine what they found since we splitted everything from the beginning,
anyway i've been accused of selling and i risked to go to jail...justice in italy i slow but after one year and an half on the 20th of april (lol) i've been declared not guilty!
police didnt accused me of growing..if i was accsued of growing things would have been much better..instead they accused me of selling even though they didnt have any proof about it..and the judge couldnt do anything but saying that mumps is innocent
it's been a tough time but im finally out of it, yesterday the sentence became official and they gave me back my cell phone.
in one year they will give me back the money i spent for the lawyer (5k euro).
no idea how that happened (half an idea maybe) since i never sold a single gram of weed and my friend did the same anyway im sure internet hasnt anything to do with it, mumps vulcanic grow never ceased activity and now is officiallly back on track
Holy moly what an ordeal! I'm so glad it worked out in the end but to have to go through it must have been painful. I remember most of the laws here on selling only had to do with how much you had on hand: over a certain amount and it wasn't personal use, it was possession with intent to proof of selling needed. :eek:

I don't know if it's still like that in some places but at least not in California anymore.

Are you worried that they'll come after you again for growing?
i just read crazysweed last message and i really hope everything is ok and hope to read him again soon..we exchanged a few messages on telegram and i could write him if only i remembered the password of the cell phone they just gave me back...hopefully in the next days will pop up in my mind..
I have no idea but a lot of us are wondering if he's okay. If you do get a hold of him please let us know he's okay. :thanks:
Holy moly what an ordeal! I'm so glad it worked out in the end but to have to go through it must have been painful. I remember most of the laws here on selling only had to do with how much you had on hand: over a certain amount and it wasn't personal use, it was possession with intent to proof of selling needed. :eek:

I don't know if it's still like that in some places but at least not in California anymore.

Are you worried that they'll come after you again for growing?

I have no idea but a lot of us are wondering if he's okay. If you do get a hold of him please let us know he's okay. :thanks:

i didnt reset my phone yet just because i would like to find his telegram contact but i cannot remember the password fuck me i was smoking too much!
in the next days hopefully..
i just came back from my last meeting with the lawyer to get all the final papers..
i was very lucky the police is crap and the justice is supercrap...we waste tons of public money on bad justice..they basically did all they could do to let me win..
here it doesnt always depend on the quantity but my lawyier said that with nearly one kilogram i was most probably goind to be declared guilty of something but thanks to the police inabilty to do their job i am free, god bless them and their huge ignorance but really fuck them...they dont even know what a weed plant looks like..the prosecutor asked for 30months, the first 24 months count for fines public services etc, the months you get over the 24 months you go to jail...fuck me 6 months in jail for a plant would have been a real pain in the
they found seeds, they found tents and lamps packed in my garage, they didnt find any cash money, they didnt find a precision scale, the quantity of buds in the jars was different one to another (one jar 82g, one jar 50g etc..), they didnt properly checked the THC quantity and my phone was clean...thats why the judge said i could not be accused for selling but me i and my partner were just two growers
but growing here is illegal..
i could be accused of growing all the time in this year and an half...i could be accused of growing even for a month and an half after the sentence by the judge...but they didnt do it..because i was lucky and because they are lazy God bless italy.
anyway yes of course im scared...the other day they came to my door to give me back my cellphone and i had flashbacks like vietnam...but im superclean, all my weed is in the neighbour land..he put the land i put the knowledge (basically all i've learned here) and we split the harvest...hopefully it will not end like the last time lol
now last chapter of this bad story, i have to go talk with the "prefetto" the guy who rapresent the law in my area and he will probably take my driving license for a couple of months and maybe send me to drugs checking..or maybe any of that anyway i do not care, not smoking at the moment and i love to bike...but they better be fast since the first auto i planted end of april is nearly ready!
thank you guys for support, i came back just because i was sorry about crazysweed, we were chatting but one day to another i wasnt replying anymore because the fuckers took my phone....anyway i love this forum and i'll post some pics in the next days.
funny fact, last year i showed some friends growers how to quadline, LST, supercropping etc..this year everybody is doing it!
all the growers in my town thank you Shed : D!
hi @InTheShed do you know what's going on here?
plant in 80 days from seed and a couple of weeks ago the trunk started to peel off...then leafs started to turn brown...t then many more leafs started turning brown and get dry..
plant its not ready ready yet and i was thinking about waiting another week..what do you think? thanks
im sure she wasnt overwatered...maybe the 2 years old mega crop did this? weird since other plants are fine..




thanks, i think you are right, it looks like some insects work...3 days ago i cutted the two lower brances because they where all yellow...infact they where dead inside, rest of the plant still has many green leaf and apparently is doing good and hopefully is going to mature somehow. shes about 85 days old and flowers are getting fat and smell good, think she will be ready in a week.
for this summer grow i have:
2 autos ready next week
1 auto which is 45 days old
2 photos i planted end of may
all plants are in pots but i want to put the two photos in soil
summer here is super hot and superdry
i just finished my mega crop (bought 10kg two years ago) and from now on i'll use biobizz...soil is plagron royalmix
will post pics soon
buona giornata (have a good day)!
is this normal or is the same weed eating beast?
plant looks healty but at this point im a bit scared.
I would get in there with a magnifying glass and see if there's something living in it. It sure looks like it was intentionally done by whatever did it!

If it looks clean inside you could try taping it up to protect it from bugs that might want to invade the plant from there.
another pic from the soon to be harvested ak47 auto
and the third auto which is about 45 days old, pot is 4gals, she streched quite a bit but nothing compared to what they became two years ago with 20+ hours of light per day (sunlight + lamps)
those plants get just 10 hours of direct sunlight


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