Multiple feeds for coco?

Ya this has been on my mind, if the fine stuff is not called sand then I wonder what they do call it. In a video I watched a while back it was referred to as sand, if it looks like sand and acts like sand and someone else is calling it sand then I figure sand it is. I still do not understand if this is wrong in your books or what.

Anyway those bricks I mentioned that had a ton of sand in them, well the other half was large chunks. I busted the chunks apart to access at least a little bit of fiber.
IMO getting 20L of product from 8 bricks that claim to be 9L each I thought was a waste, my method of busting up those large chunks was very questionable.

Lots of sand in cement too, mortar even more so... maybe the bricks have a binder in them.
Guys quick one..
Ive transplanted from the 12l into 20l pots given em a good soaking this was yesterday. Wondering should i feed again today or leav em for a while?
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