Multiple feeds for coco?


Well-Known Member
Hi guys i have question in regards to multiple feeds for coco.
So is it necessary to increase frequency of feeds with coco? Currently feeding once a day but im aware a lot of people feed coco multiple times a day. If it is neccessary, how do you know when to feed more than once? and is it a reduced amount of nutes per feed? Just want to know how it works..
I usually feed Coco twice per day during Veg & 3 times per day in Flower. You feed every time till you get about 15 - 20% run off. No need to change the strength unless you get a def. or toxicity. The reason is nute / salts build up in Coco because it has no buffers. So when you feed you wash out the old salts & it also supplies air to the roots which promotes vigorous growth. Never let Coco dry out. pH your nutes to 5.8.
I usually feed Coco twice per day during Veg & 3 times per day in Flower. You feed every time till you get about 15 - 20% run off. No need to change the strength unless you get a def. or toxicity. The reason is nute / salts build up in Coco because it has no buffers. So when you feed you wash out the old salts & it also supplies air to the roots which promotes vigorous growth. Never let Coco dry out. pH your nutes to 5.8.
Cheers buds, my plants are currently in 12l fabric pots they are 2 and half week old clones . I feed em 1litre once a day, should i start to feed twice maybe? Hard to judge when they need more..
Cheers buds, my plants are currently in 12l fabric pots they are 2 and half week old clones . I feed em 1litre once a day, should i start to feed twice maybe? Hard to judge when they need more..
They will grow faster if you feed more often. As far as judging when they need more ? are you talking about another feed or stronger nutes ? As far as how often you feed I just go somewhere about 12 hours apart in Veg & 8 hours in Bloom. You can't go by dryness or pot weight with Coco because you keep it moist at all times. Coco is more like Hydro then soil.
You follow the rules of Hydro for the most part.
As far as when to increase or decrease nutes. Go by your plants leaves. The leaves tell you everything. Dark Green, Clawed & burnt tips all mean nutes too strong. Light green or yellowing leaves mean nutes too weak. Taco shaped leaves mean grow area too hot or light is too low. Leaves hanging limp means you need to water. Reddish rusty spots on leaves means you need Cal Mag (and you will with Coco). Goes on & on so pay attention and learn to read what the leaves are telling you & you'll be right on top of things.
I'm new to coco sort of, I on my 1st grow but I do use it for cloning. I figure a small plant in a big pot is gonna need less nutes so it all depends where you are at in your grow. I've 5 gal cloth pots and there was 3 or 4 days (staggered) where I did not water them, I judged by observing them and it seemed to help.

Now that I'm about 22 days into bloom I'm thinking maybe they would like it twice a day. They've become monsters and are taller than me, I had to give one up because it got dwarfed and pushed into darkness. I also like to touch the bottom of the pot to see where the moisture is at, they are using it up faster now.

As Mr Buddy explained read your plants carefully every day, they've a lot to say.
I figure a small plant in a big pot is gonna need less nutes
Less as in Strength or in amount ? Strength yes / Amount No. Coco needs to stay moist.
there was 3 or 4 days (staggered) where I did not water them, I judged by observing them and it seemed to help.
Sure you can get away with not feeding once in a while. Can't say it does the plant or the Coco any good.
I also like to touch the bottom of the pot to see where the moisture is at, they are using it up faster now.
If you're touching the bottom of the pot to see where the moisture is at .... then the Top is dry ?

Got any pics of your plants ? How long did you Veg ? Any LST or anything ?
I'm not trying to be rude or anything like that. But from everything I've learned it sounds like you're treating Coco as both Soil & Coco.

By week 5 of Veg I would be feeding 1/2 gal. per plant twice per day. I usually Flip to 12/12 in week 5 or 6 depending on plant growth. By the 3rd week of Flower I'm doing 1/2 gal. per plant 3 times per day. Sometimes by week 8 of flower I feed even more at 1 time.
I quit growing in Coco a year ago because it's too much work to do 4 - 6 plants by hand. Auto-Pots if you plan to stay in Coco will make life easy.
I went back to soil (FFOF) & Mega Crop for the simplicity of it. I usually yield 8 - 10 oz. per plant so I'm OK with that. Would love to get a pound just once ... lol.
Pulled 9 oz. off my Blueberry this week. 6 oz. lg. buds & 3 oz. small. Before & after pics below.
OG Pie Face is drying now.
They will grow faster if you feed more often. As far as judging when they need more ? are you talking about another feed or stronger nutes ? As far as how often you feed I just go somewhere about 12 hours apart in Veg & 8 hours in Bloom. You can't go by dryness or pot weight with Coco because you keep it moist at all times. Coco is more like Hydro then soil.
You follow the rules of Hydro for the most part.
As far as when to increase or decrease nutes. Go by your plants leaves. The leaves tell you everything. Dark Green, Clawed & burnt tips all mean nutes too strong. Light green or yellowing leaves mean nutes too weak. Taco shaped leaves mean grow area too hot or light is too low. Leaves hanging limp means you need to water. Reddish rusty spots on leaves means you need Cal Mag (and you will with Coco). Goes on & on so pay attention and learn to read what the leaves are telling you & you'll be right on top of things.
Thanks buds loads of good info.. this is the 1st grow so all ur help is really appreciated. I have noticed a few rust spots on lower fan leaves which i believe is due to lack of nutes resulting in either K or Mg def. So ive upped nutes slightly ill post a pic aswel in case i am wrong.


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Less as in Strength or in amount ? Strength yes / Amount No. Coco needs to stay moist.

Sure you can get away with not feeding once in a while. Can't say it does the plant or the Coco any good.

If you're touching the bottom of the pot to see where the moisture is at .... then the Top is dry ?

Got any pics of your plants ? How long did you Veg ? Any LST or anything ?
I'm not trying to be rude or anything like that. But from everything I've learned it sounds like you're treating Coco as both Soil & Coco.

By week 5 of Veg I would be feeding 1/2 gal. per plant twice per day. I usually Flip to 12/12 in week 5 or 6 depending on plant growth. By the 3rd week of Flower I'm doing 1/2 gal. per plant 3 times per day. Sometimes by week 8 of flower I feed even more at 1 time.
I quit growing in Coco a year ago because it's too much work to do 4 - 6 plants by hand. Auto-Pots if you plan to stay in Coco will make life easy.
I went back to soil (FFOF) & Mega Crop for the simplicity of it. I usually yield 8 - 10 oz. per plant so I'm OK with that. Would love to get a pound just once ... lol.
Pulled 9 oz. off my Blueberry this week. 6 oz. lg. buds & 3 oz. small. Before & after pics below.
OG Pie Face is drying now.
They look awesome i cn still see loads of good small buds aswel tbf
To make things easy you can add 2 ml. of Cal Mag per gal. every feed & you usually wont run into Cal Mag issues. If you do it will usually be in the last 2 - 3 weeks of Flower & at that point it's not as much of a big deal. Plants at the end anyway.
Kind of looks like a slight nute def. You mainly want to keep an eye on the new growth that's about a week old. If they are light green make nutes stronger. If dark green make them weaker.
To make things easy you can add 2 ml. of Cal Mag per gal. every feed & you usually wont run into Cal Mag issues. If you do it will usually be in the last 2 - 3 weeks of Flower & at that point it's not as much of a big deal. Plants at the end anyway.
Kind of looks like a slight nute def. You mainly want to keep an eye on the new growth that's about a week old. If they are light green make nutes stronger. If dark green make them weaker.
In terms of calmag last feed was 6ml per 10l and i feed 1 litre per day is this good enough? And do i gradually increase this? And is Canna A n B the same prinicipal? Currently feeding 7ml each per 10l along with 6ml rhizo. Nutes are still quite difficult for me to grasp..
In terms of calmag last feed was 6ml per 10l and i feed 1 litre per day is this good enough? And do i gradually increase this? And is Canna A n B the same prinicipal? Currently feeding 7ml each per 10l along with 6ml rhizo. Nutes are still quite difficult for me to grasp..
I'm not familiar with those specific nutes. I usually start out with 1/2 the strength the bottle says. 6 ml. of Cal Mag is a lot. I'd only use about 3 ml. It wont hurt it though. As far as 1 liter per day ? Does water come out the bottom of the pot when you feed 1 liter ? If it does you are feeding enough at one time. If not you have to feed more. About 15 - 20% of what you put in should come out the bottom. The bigger your plants get the more they will drink & the Coco dries out faster. That's another reason to feed twice per day. It gets expensive with high priced nutes. You can get a great harvest just using Mega Crop. Way cheaper & excellent results. Doesn't get any easier either.
You can almost get a way with 1/4 nutes with smaller plants in coco

if the bottle says 4 ml per litre use 1 ml per litre if the leaves fade use 2 ml per litre ,
cal/mag sometimes your lucky enough to get enough in your tap water , if so you can ad a bit much if you use full strength ,if your feeding by tap check the ppm first , my tap water is like distilled lol so i have to add cal/mag
Less as in Strength or in amount ? Strength yes / Amount No. Coco needs to stay moist.
Less in amounts is what I meant.
Sure you can get away with not feeding once in a while. Can't say it does the plant or the Coco any good.
Agreed, I'm no expert for sure just stating what I've done. Not all coco is the same... heck not everyone has access to coco... will not ship to your location on repeat for weeks. When I finally did get some bricks I had 2 near death experiences and after processing 8 bricks I had about 20L of the stuff = 8 bricks to fill 1 pot with coco and I had a large bag of sand to go.
Finally I found some bags of coco, bought 2 with gnats and all but... well they are mostly sand I added all of my perlite and still mostly sand, heavy very heavy. I worked with what I got. The young plant in a large pot I figured could use the break, it seemed I was right in that it helped.
Got any pics of your plants ? How long did you Veg ? Any LST or anything ?
I've a couple of pics finally, no cord to upload to my pc though. Maybe sometime next year I will be able to go looking for one. This year is finished in my books, flat broke until I can access my rrsp again. I'm not allowed to make $100 or all the snowflakes will start melting.
If you're touching the bottom of the pot to see where the moisture is at .... then the Top is dry ?
Not really I've not seen them dry up, again my coco is very heavy, much like soil maybe that's why it sounds like I'm treating it as soil. I'm not trying to I just read and react and my read was telling me they had wet feet.
How long did you Veg ? Any LST or anything ?
I vegged until I had 2/3 of my space left above my plants more or less. I was gonna wait but they were going too fast I switched and... well my stretch was a bit too much LST is ongoing. It does look like a mad mess, 2 of 3 plants look to lean sativa the 3rd looks like pure sativa. I'm supercropping lots, I now have too much at the top. I also have oversized pegs that I put in the wall and tuck the tips under.
I think you are the 1st person I've heard of who mixed sand with their Coco. I honestly can't say how I would feed that. I guess it would take some creativity. I'm sure the sand kept things really moist as it holds water a lot longer then Coco.
It's almost conflicting with the Coco as you grow in Coco for quick drainage & easy root growth. Where sand would hold water & probably slow root growth. Oh well, if you've got it figured out to where it works for you that's all that really matters.
lol No I took sand out of the coco from bricks and tried busting up the chunks...the quality of that stuff was hard to belive, it was mail order and I didn't want to send it back.
The bagged coco was/is very heavy with sand I did not add anything other than perlite. I could have sifted/washed the sand out of the bagged stuff but didn't bother and I didn't want to lose half.

Neither of what I have is very good quality, the first bag I bought years ago and used up seemed to be fine. My neighbor showed me what he got and that would be what I prefer. All of the examples I've seen have been very different.

Sorry about my earlier rants.
I'm wondering how you can compress the stuff into a brick and it stay that way if it's full of sand. Sand isn't exactly a binder.
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