Multi-Strain Seed Run

Another update...
The girls are growing. Their tent is in the basement where the temperature has ranged from 12°C - 18°C (54 - 64°F). This is really on the cold side, so I'll put a heater in the tent.


Seedlings, May 17, 2019

I mentioned in another thread that I'd have ventilation problems with my new tent. The DIY light fixture, and the hanger block the top and side openings. The cords for the light hanger block those at the sides of the tent. I had to come up with a solution...


The Problem: Openings Blocked by Light Fixture and Hanger

My solution is a 'Tent Topper'. I'm using 3-1/4" X 10" X 48" (8.25 X 25 X 120cm) HVAC stack, and a 6" 4" X 10" (15cm 10 X 25cm) boot on top of the tent. I'll use three diffusers to pull the air from the tent into the ventilation stack.


Tent Topper Under Construction
Boy,those openings in the tent are all perfectly placed in just the wrong spots....
Great idea for a workaround- where there's a will,there's a way.
A little creativity can sure smooth out those bumps in the road,eh?
Boy,those openings in the tent are all perfectly placed in just the wrong spots....
Great idea for a workaround- where there's a will,there's a way.
A little creativity can sure smooth out those bumps in the road,eh?
It’s like a toddler (in an empty tent) just pointed to random spots, and when the parents said, “are you sure?” the kid smiles and nods... and that’s the story of how ventilation hole locations came to be in grow tents.
I didn't get much done on the tent topper this week. Too much else happened. Some of the prizes for member of the month arrived, and my wife won the Mars-Hydro TSL-2000. I installed it in my 2' X 4' X 5' (60 X 120 X 150 cm) tent. I'll do as much of this grow as possible under it so we can get a sense of how it performs.


Mars-Hydro TSL-2000 Installed

These are the plants after the installation:


Plants Under the Mars-Hydro TSL-2000

Three days later they look like this:


Plants Three Days Later
It may be my imagination, but I think they all had a growth spurt. The next week or so will tell.

The light from the fixture seems to have a bit of a reddish cast to it due to the mix of LEDs used. It's much easier to look at than the 'blurple' that I've used to date. I don't know whether to keep the T5HO for photographs or not. What do you think?
What are you using to take your pix? If you can adjust the white balance on the phone/camera to the color temperature of your lights the pics should come out very close to natural looking. On some phones that option is in the advanced or pro settings. Hope this helps and hope you guys are seeing a beautiful day over there too!
What are you using to take your pix? If you can adjust the white balance on the phone/camera to the color temperature of your lights the pics should come out very close to natural looking. On some phones that option is in the advanced or pro settings. Hope this helps and hope you guys are seeing a beautiful day over there too!

Makes for some beautiful pics!
That light is a perfect fit in there...and the plants seem to be very happy with it.

My el-cheapo LED has a little red mixed in also,I notice the plants get greener when
I take them out of there...the red just makes them look a little less green...
My northern lights looks pale in the box,but out of the box she looks normal
and my wife won the Mars-Hydro TSL-2000

Sounds like you and Mrs.Salt should of bought a lottery ticket or 2 a few weeks back...
You will have to excuse Ole Pdub, he takes a lot better pics than grows plants sometimes.. Keeps him grounded.. LOL.. Love ya P... Anyway, if it were me I would be propping those B's up, unless you are going for a ground level grow.. Something I intend to do this fall when I have more time... Green days all, Salt...
Man! I sure hope that didn't come off as douche-y... damn.
I've got the IQ of a potato, and snap all my stuff from a phone. I just love to share those tricks to others if I can.

I took up photography after I started growing... in love now.
I run them all through Corel Photopaint for cropping, resizing, and conversion to a .png. The auto image adjust does a nice job of changing the color balance. What I might do is post images that have been processed, and those that haven't because what I see is close to the unprocessed images. I'll need to play a bit before I decide.
Hey @Old Salt looking great in there :ganjamon: It seems the girls love the new light!
It's a late update, sorry for that. There have been a lot of ups and downs as I've been put through a battery of medical tests. I've had shortness of breath, fatigue, and chest pains. Preliminary test indicate aortic valve calcification or stenosis. More test are scheduled.


Plants: Jun 04, 2019
Hi Old Salt, Sorry to heat about the tests - best of luck :goodluck::hippy:
Glad to see you're back,I noticed your absence,and was getting a little worried....
Better safe than sorry when it comes to your heart...Good luck on the future tests...:peace:
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