Multi Strain Grow Journal


Hood height at 400w.. (600) dimmed
So the main 3 girls. Peyote critical. Which I damaged trying to Pop the seed tray like a blister pack. Damaged the Husk and she's growing with bits almost missing or smaller on one side!! The critical kush & the blueberry og. They're all looking tall for quadlining but we'll see. Also I repotted them 3 days ago. I charged the soil with a bio tea. And then totally over watered all 3 . They all have dry bottoms of the fabric pots now. They were dripping.gulp. and now I have ten regular seeds in with them but maybe I can get a set of 4 autos going in the other tent. Electric£££but I have 3pinneaple chunk and a critical kush all autos from Barney's farm. I'd be using 2 kit 400w hid ballast kits. Which are a transformer and a ignition capacitor that get very hot. I've got them on fire bricks with a fan on them. And a digital ballast.
I'm thinking that I can veg at least 3 with 10 regular seeds which I'll call a 4more girls, that would be ok out of 10. This would be 7vegin girls. If I have a five foot square tent Will I get four flowering autos in the middle with the other 7vegin in the sidelines. I might have to. The temperature has dropped off for the year,,, I think. It's never certain in the UK . Yeah I think that I Will only manage to veg these girls properly (try to) if I already have a smoke approaching. You know. If I have no weed then why aren't the plants on 12/12 . No patience, like a redundant hospital.
Hey folks. I've decided that if I can't get perpetual harvest right yet,, I can still go for quantity. I've 3near month old girls trimmed and topped for quadlining! I've got ten regular seeds in and growing well. Now I'm getting pissed off with a lack of weed so I am going to stert 4autos 3×pinneapple chunk & 1 critical kush auto all Barney's farm seeds.except the regular seeds which are weed seed shop Amsterdam. Cheap, less than€30 for the 10. I've had seed from there before which grew exactly like they had TMV ( tobacco mosaic virus) every exact symptoms all of them. But it was gone next grow. No bleaching or change of everything from soil to pots. So despite the symposia being an exact fits the description of TMV. it was gone again . Phew.
So back to firing up the autos, this is truly multi strain grow.
Spanner in the works. We have the housing association coming to inspect the property next week and I have 17 plants! They are all less than a month old so that's good to hide under a box. It's the collection of fans 2tents and cupboards full of paraphernalia nutes and stuff. £100 in seeds. What a great day .
First seed I've wasted in....... Well I can't recall but having learned how to achieve near 100% germination success; last night I dropped a pot with an auto pineapple express in .. I've got a few rigid seedling trays, pro greenhouse stuff I use to sit my fabric pots on. There is over 500 little seed squares in each tray and I dropped the pot over 2of them.ffs.
I've had the landlords agents, property inspection. They gave me 4 weeks to affect repairs and decorate!! I said this was financially prohibitive and the new year would be enough time to get a professional finish. So I have 4 months to get the best from my girls .
There is a God.


A welcome breathe after being stacked up in a 2x1 cupboard . . This is actually only being continued ,as my Mrs has fybromayalgia. Personally I'd probably benefit with a good detox and re valuation of my achievements in life. They ain't all good.
Thrips. All the symptoms of pH off, with the extra symptom of holes in the leafs. I'm well happy with the growth in general and vigorous growth is getting under way with just watering. That will be the John innes no 3. What a lot of commercial bullshit the grow room business is. Compost is cheaper than nutes.
Really matching all I've read about thrips. I've got a litre of neem oil coming from eBay, meanwhile I have started with a vinegar and eco-over detergent in water to try and keep it in hand. The girls are now being encouraged to quadline. I've got them on the run out to the edge of the potential final pot size waiting on the next nodes to get stronger and move along.
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