Mr. Sauga's Sponsored Grow Journal - Featuring Atreum Lighting And Blue Planet Nutrients

I'm with you Justin. As long as they see the powerful light from the moment they come up. I find stronger, thicker stems and closer nodes that way.

mine have slightly shorter nodes since i start and veg them under a mix of 3000k and 3500k.. there's less blue in the mix even though white light. it compacts the nodes but you lose a little development. probably extends veg a wk or so to.
mine have slightly shorter nodes since i start and veg them under a mix of 3000k and 3500k.. there's less blue in the mix even though white light. it compacts the nodes but you lose a little development. probably extends veg a wk or so to.
Yep, I've had perfectly good grows with what I call too tall for me plants. I just feel like I won't kill them as easy being shorter and thicker.
Sounds like good use of light bluter!
Sounds like good use of light bluter!

it was a compromise at the time. now i'd probably build dedicated veg and flower rigs with a bit more spread in the kelvin between them. i wasn't sure what the rigs would have to do at the time.

plus i sold rigs, and most folk were interested in a flower bias. i added the burple 5050's you see on my veg rigs to get a little more blue at them in the am / pm. it's not a lot but it does serve a purpose.

i'm not selling anything anymore. i do still have stuff in support though.
Hey everybody!
I've been preparing my feed schedule for the new girls using the @Blue Planet Nutrients that were provided to me. This is a whole new experience for me since most of you know I've been with one base product for some time. My plan is to stick with the recipe I've been comfortable with.

These plans could change depending on how the girls look and respond to their diet. The image below shows a comparison of the two feed schedules. One thing to note is I won't be going by Week 1, 2, 3, etc. Instead I'll call it by the stage of growth. Early veg, mid veg, late veg, etc. The first feeding is simply called... first feeding.

So where do you buy an Atreum light in Canada. I see on their website that they don't ship out side of the US
are there any dealers in Canada?

Hey Brewsterman,

Apologies but unfortunately we don't ship outside of the US and Canada.

The reason is that due to a variety of changes in our logistics, we're currently having a difficult time fulfilling international orders. However, we're doing our best to keep fulfillment open to Canada on an order-by-order basis.

If you're really interested in purchasing our products, then we suggest that you follow these steps:

1. Head to our website so you can check out the products that you want to avail and purchase.
2. Send us an email at with the products and quantities you are looking for.
3. We will then send a follow-up email with a custom checkout link, with the shipping costs and price adjustment for your current order. There may be additional charges due to the weight, but it should be less than shipping a separate order.
4. Once you complete the checkout, there's a 7-14 business day lead time to forward and combine your order, since we'll need the items to be moved in a forwarding location before it is shipped to you.
5. Once your order is ready to ship, you will then receive an email notification with the tracking number.

If you have questions about the status at any point, please reach out and we will provide an update. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we are working through these interesting times!

Sorry about your germination/burn issues MrS. Well, not really sorry because I know you do these things on purpose so your audience feels like you could be one of us rather than the star you are. I think it worked based on the outpouring of sympathy you got.

Also, how far off is the "Actual" pie chart from what you would be accomplishing with your old nute line? To wit, are you finding yourself able to get close using the Part A and B mixes, along with the Si?
wondering if the lux apps on phones are any good?
Farside did a good test of phone apps vs. lux meters here!
Also, how far off is the "Actual" pie chart from what you would be accomplishing with your old nute line? To wit, are you finding yourself able to get close using the Part A and B mixes, along with the Si?
Oh that would be a great pie chart for you to see. Wanna see it?
@Mr. Sauga

I am interest in your feed ppm's; I myself tend to caution with lower ppm's.

When I say lower I mean around 600-650 on the high side.

What's your opinion on ppm levels?

Since I grow in soil I don't worry about the nute PPM. In fact I don't think I've ever measured that. I can't tell you the last time I pH'd my nutes either.
I try and achieve PPM targets for various elements, namely those you seen in the pie chart. Whatever the PPM works out to be is what it is, if that makes sense.
Hello Mr Sauga


Sorry I’m late :)
Oh my, half the semester is over. You better sit up front so I can keep my eye on you. Late or not, it's lovely to have you here. :circle-of-love:
Is that not what that chart is, or did you mean a chart that compares the two methods of feeding (old vs new)?
I'm not sure exactly if I understand, but I think I do.
The first piece of pie was the BPN recommended amount. The second slice is me tinkering with the BPN amounts to suit what I would normally feed at this stage(2g). The 2g amount never changed. It's the same recipe I use.
My old line I would have to add all kinds of three things to get close to those target numbers. That 2g value is based around the feed calculator from you know where.
The chart below would show my old nute line using the same recipe. It's relatively close. A little less N and Mg, but a tad more P.

Gotcha, thanks! Hard to A/B half a page away from each other, but if you say "It's relatively close. A little less N and Mg, but a tad more P" then I believe you!

Just so I have this straight, you are mixing your two parts + Si to come close to your v1 + supplements + Si, and that was set up to be targeting v2 + Si? Or was v2 + Si not the goal in recent days?

Type of N notwithstanding of course!
Just so I have this straight, you are mixing your two parts + Si to come close to your v1 + supplements + Si, and that was set up to be targeting v2 + Si? Or was v2 + Si not the goal in recent days?

Yes and no. V2 was always the base I work around. I've learned that those ratios were never perfect. I shouldn't say learned that, I think we all knew that a while ago, and if I recall I made a long post on it. What I did learn is how to adjust my nutrients to keep in line with the max amount of N I want to give the plant at various stages. The old line was good for using N as an indicator for feeding, so I know those values are good to rely on.

I'm now able to control how much P, K, Ca, and Mg to make sure those ratios stay correct. As long as they do and you don't exceed around 225 PPM of K, your grow will always be successful as far as not getting deficiencies from nute lockout.

What I don't know is what to expect. Numbers are numbers right? So there should be no difference in how the plants respond to different nutes.
Sorry to keep peppering you with questions, but I can't be the only one wondering these things...
if I recall I made a long post on it
Any chance you can dig that up?
I'm now able to control how much P, K, Ca, and Mg to make sure those ratios stay correct. As long as they do and you don't exceed around 225 PPM of K, your grow will always be successful as far as not getting deficiencies from nute lockout.
And the Part A + B give you enough flexibility to accomplish that? Some nute lines offer 7 different bottles to enable growers to fine tune like that.
to keep in line with the max amount of N I want to give the plant at various stages.
You have a number in mind for each stage? Or are you still using the lowers as a gauge like the rest of us still using v2?
Any chance you can dig that up?
I can. I'll find it.
And the Part A + B give you enough flexibility to accomplish that?
It appears to, yes. With the exception of the Si, plus I don't need to add the calmag. Dropped two products from my arsenal.
You have a number in mind for each stage? Or are you still using the lowers as a gauge like the rest of us still using v2?
As long as I achieve the N PPM then there's no need for me to look. It's when I jump to the next stage. Wait too long, or miss a watering and the plants don't like it. There's more to it than that with the old line though. I keep harping on ratios. Since most growers don't have the flexibility to modify their nute line they are stuck with what's in the bag.
Then some figure well it's missing Ca, better add some calmag. Or it has a K def, better up the feed amount. The old line is good on it's own up until 5g. After that it's hit and miss on plants. A little more forgiving in soil.
Any chance you can dig that up?
The first one wasn't that long. It talked about the imperfect NPK balance.

This one talks about correct ratios, not specific to a product.
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