Mr Am4zin's Attempt At Fluxing A Monster - And A Few Side Projects

"High ya"
Things look like they are doing well :)
Thanks for the topping pick that I could follow ;)
I am still not online very annoying
The Kalashnikova is a great night time stoner smoke :)
Very good taste.
I am going to try get used to using the phone :(
Any way thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great evening :)
"High ya"
Things look like they are doing well :)
Thanks for the topping pick that I could follow ;)
I am still not online very annoying
The Kalashnikova is a great night time stoner smoke :)
Very good taste.
I am going to try get used to using the phone :(
Any way thanks for sharing :) I hope you have a great evening :)

Thanks Jaga, it's always good to see you pop by. I hope you get your Web issues sorted soon, it's strange not seeing your green writing.
I'm looking forward to chopping my Kalashnikova, she won't give me much smoke but she will bring plenty of seeds and I want the space she is currently using. Look forward to more pics of what I'm doing, I'm hoping to document everything.

Hope your garden is green and healthy. Much love to you and yours. :circle-of-love:
Your plants look awesome Mr A. That top looks great. I think I keep missing on mine. I guess I could say I meant to FIM them. But, I'm a noob. They know. :)

Cheers noob I'm seeing her new shoots start to come up now, another day I should be able to get a pic of them. You can't really miss when they are this small, you just take everything that is there a way, the shoots will then grow out

Wow...amazing how you got it all to fit....thanks for checking out my journal.

Hey camper, glad you could make it over. I do struggle with space and this new adventure will probably be the worst struggle I'm going to have.

Guys you should make camper a happy camper and visit his journal. He is a new user on his first grow and is waiting for his seeds to sprout. His journal is here

Camper2016's First Grow - Candy Cane Auto

Happy Saturday everyone :passitleft:
This afternoon I filled my big pot in preparation of potting my future monster into it. She will be put into it in about 2 or 3 days, until then she will just sit on the top. It doesn't leave much room in there but as I sat looking I thought "I could fit another in there" and another side project was born.

I've pushed the pot right into the back corner for now and seeing I have at least 8 - 12 weeks in Veg all my side projects should be finished before I flower her and therefore freeing up room to bring her to the middle so I can spread her out as she flowers.

Pure Chocolope Day 11




I've been reading Marzbadrocks thread, roots of agony and took inspiration,
I had prepared a special pot but didn't think I'd have the room for it but I believe I do. It may look like it will hold a fair amount of soil bit don't be fooled, there is a tube runs down the middle where the soil will be held. It holds about 1/3 liter of soil. In there I have a Dark Devil Auto.

Here is my special pot, it's an old bottle jack I had sitting around the workshop doing nothing so I set about adapting it to take some soil and a seed.



It now sits at the back in the corner


Both the other autos are doing well, they both got water today.

Berry Bomb Auto Day 10



Auto AK47 day 10



Thanks for popping by :passitleft:
Very cool pot there mazin. At first I thought it was a motor and you took the piston out to make room for some plants. I wonder if that would work? Instead of injecting gas into the piston it would inject nutrients to the plant? Haha sorry man just dreaming out loud lol. Anyway reps for the bottle jack planter. Looks like that thing is an antique. :passitleft:
That's a nice unique pot there Mr Am4zin, 1/3l of soil? Looks like fun :)

Cheers kraize. Yes 1/3L should be fun. I took the roots of agony title to its word. :)

Very cool pot there mazin. At first I thought it was a motor and you took the piston out to make room for some plants. I wonder if that would work? Instead of injecting gas into the piston it would inject nutrients to the plant? Haha sorry man just dreaming out loud lol. Anyway reps for the bottle jack planter. Looks like that thing is an antique. :passitleft:

hmm engines and cannabis flowers combined together. My 2 favourite things. You could turn an old engine into a wicked planter, I wonder if Mrs A will share my enthusiasm. The jack could be an antique, it was found in the garage when we purchased it, it never worked tho.

That's a fancy little pot! Fun! Are there holes for drainage?

I'm sure fun will come into it as I'm feeding twice a day in flower. :rofl: yes there are drainage holes.

Looking GREAT...I want my babies to look like that :thumb:

Cheers camper, don't think you'll have a problem there.

Glad to see she is bouncing back after the topping. 2 sets of leaves and take the 3rd...Roger that! Looking good!

Thanks nismo, she never missed a beat after the topping, hope she takes all abuse so well as there will be plenty more to come.
Today marks 13 days since the Pure Chocolope sprouted, She continues to grow well and really did take the topping in her stride. She takes some water almost everyday now so will take up home in the big pot tomorrow when lights come on.




Both the autos at day 12 are doing great, the dark devil is yet to surface.

Berry Bomb






Looking back before closing up.


To relieve my boredom when the lights popped on I set about potting up my little monster into her final home.

Before I start, I get an idea of where she is gonna sit.


Then I dig a small hole the size of pot but a little deeper.


Slip the girl out of her old pot and look at the roots. No problems here


I also stripped any growth lower than her main flux arms and sunk her quite deep.



Water her in and leave her to settle in to her new home.


Off to see the physio now. Later folks :ciao:
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