Gods Blue Warp is slowly drying, hanging in the basement, losing its moisture at a pretty controlled rate. Grassy smell coming off the shrinking buds. Slight squeeze and the density is sticky. Sometimes your eyes catch some glistening in the light. Smoked another joint of a quick cure tester. Its good.
My soil is improving each round. I took both storage containers out. A full garbage bin and a second large storage bin full of my mix. I went to the local plant store and picked up a bag of outdoor organic soil mix and a bag of topsoil. I dumped my stored soil mixture onto the tarp. Then I added quite a bit of shredded paper from work on top. I also threw in some raw dry rice I was never going to eat but barely worth mentioning. Then I emptied the two new bags of soil to this mix. Mixed thoroughly.
My intention is to dilute the soil mixture I cooked which has also been sitting in my basement all winter. It has a lot of available nutrients and excellent drainage. I added the rice as food for organisms/moulds/mycos and to get rid of it. The paper was originally going to be layered for the worms to live in but. It will break down. Throughout the previous two grows the “spent” soil has been mixed back into storage soil. Clippings and occasional veggies were tossed in. Last falls pin cherry leaves were added to break down. So the soil has been working, fed with mycos and ACT, and now has been amended with more local earth.
So there should be a lot of different micro/macro organisms in this soil compared to the first grow. It really shows how complex a good soil life is and how plant vigor or yield is dependant on it. This next grow should be even better than the first two.
The next grow, which should include new HSO genetics, will involve large containers, and hopefully some form of cover crop or top soil protection. I think we are going to try the no till type of system for a few crops. See how fat and sassy we can get those colas.
I will take some photos of the Blue Bud tonight. Maybe look at a GBW bud for curiosity sake.
All of you regulars have been killing it with your coco, dwc, rdwc, and los grows. I have been seeing some great lst/mainlining as well as some massive plants/colas. Really puts my yield to shame lol. Stankberry, MOB, Green Crack, Devils Carnival, ATF, Hyena Berry, and half a dozen more are plant of the month nominees. So just wanted to give you all props. You inspire.