More Phyto's Phun!

Had to go out of town phor 5 days, so I pulled the remaining plants the night before I lepht. When I got back about 6 days later they were about ready, so aphter three days in trim jail I got paroled!!!! Final bud total, dried, cured, and tight trimmed was about 26 Oz. , plus two one gallon ziplocks of larfy bud and trim and a couple grams of "scissor hash". I was particularly impressed with the Sunset Sherbert and Gelato, was less than happy with the Chemdog. The Gelato sent out lot of male phlowers/nannners from about 6 weeks into phlower to the end, strange thing is that I only found about 4-5 seeds in the entire grow, so I'm not so sure how phertile those male flowers were. I'm putting this one in the books. Thanks everyone for phollowing along! Probably won't do another until at least early phall when the temps drop, though I may sneak a couple autos into the garden.

Not sure how to do it, but this one can go in completed journals
Congrats Buddy, nice haul :welldone:
Hit the report button in the bottom left corner of your last post.
A box will pop up.
Ask there for it to be moved to completed journals.
Hope your trip went well.
Take care.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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