Monster Cropped Strawberry Banana

Fuckin bugs!

There’s a good neem oil/alcohol mix running around somewhere for that.

Or there is always the flying skull stuff.
Trying a sample bottle full of white fly death... at least I hope
Alcohol and water mixed 1:9 will kill white flys.
Nice! I tried a water and peroxide mix, but I can't say it did anything. Where the hell have you been? Lol
Trying to save some cash for a new place to live. How’ve you been?
Cash the other "C" word. I'm so behind right now. I sincerity hope you find what you need.

I'm good. I havent killed my plants yet, so that's a positive.
Alcohol and water mixed 1:9 will kill white flys.

^^ great option. It sorted Jack out with his bug issue enough to get his jungle to harvest.
Pictures... hydro plant has bugs. I thought they were white flies, and they may well be, but they are much smaller than the ones we would get in the yard. Closet plant looks good. Both are flowering nicely if not a little slow. This is day 19 in flower

Hope your weekend turns out to be a good one
Pictures... hydro plant has bugs. I thought they were white flies, and they may well be, but they are much smaller than the ones we would get in the yard. Closet plant looks good. Both are flowering nicely if not a little slow. This is day 19 in flower

Hope your weekend turns out to be a good one
Yup u got bugs mate do u c white dots on ur leafs n under the leaf what u got goin on
Sounds like thrips, good thing is they are not hard to kill. Like Shed mentioned Neem will do the job in veg.
Maybe. They are usually a bit darker around here, but maybe I have albino thrips, I here they are really bad.

Someone was saying Spinosad is the goods. Home Depot sells it so I'm gonna check it out. This is the third week of flower
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