Monster Cloning & Seeds, LEDs, Promix & Soil

You are not joking with the gnats I see...... BIG GUNS!!!!!
Great info in here already... love the worm bin talk and the fungi! I watch a great nature of things a couple nights ago about fungi... a great watch
Great job on all the new girl Lowded. I noticed your clones your trying to root got little buds on them... isn't a flower plant harder to clone? Maybe that's why it was taking so long. Anyways cant wait to see this get rolling
Great info in here already... love the worm bin talk and the fungi! I watch a great nature of things a couple nights ago about fungi... a great watch
Great job on all the new girl Lowded. I noticed your clones your trying to root got little buds on them... isn't a flower plant harder to clone? Maybe that's why it was taking so long. Anyways cant wait to see this get rolling
I think I'm trying this lol. The way it turned out. I named it monster clone and now see it should be monster crop...
Growers Lounge
Howdy 420 Folks!

Well forcast is for more snow today than recorded average for April lol. This freezer won't move.

Monster clones......I broke the roots off both plants time a root shows she's in a solo......sigh....

Update day 18: Crop King: 2* SD, 2* OGxHaze and 1 GK along with the 2 Jonny regulars transplanted to 1 g pots.
Update day 1: Expert seeds: 3* GGxL, 1 CBD and 1 CO were planted into solos so day 1!
Watered after transplant
QG pt 1 grow 1ml 1-2-5
GH Calimagic 1ml 1-0-0
FH royal gold 3ml 0-1-0
FH planticillin 1ml 3-0-0
Ppm 320(base 270) diluted and ph'ed.
Ph 5.9

Everything was planted deep to try just get leaf above medium. Did not water seedlings as the coco pucks were still moist. The two CO Cali orange that didn't show their heads are recovered and over sat reciever to try pop out. Maybe they need more time.

Mosquito dunks and this glass pertile were put as topdressing on everything to control f gnats. Also, mosquito dunks added to water.

Pinched off some lower leaf off transplanted girls to get them deeper in soil. The one OGH is really looking good!

Thanks for stopping by!

Hard to believe you are still getting snow. Ugh.

We had a nice 21C day yesterday but crazy showers today. I was out on my walk today and got drenched by not only rain but heavy hail. What the hell.. Tomorrow should warm back up and back to normal weather.
I'm going to buy some Mosquito Dunks today. I haven't seen any of those fungus gnats today after the Hydrogen Peroxide treatment of yesterday but I'm sure they are still there just waiting to hatch some more.
Hard to believe you are still getting snow. Ugh.

We had a nice 21C day yesterday but crazy showers today. I was out on my walk today and got drenched by not only rain but heavy hail. What the hell.. Tomorrow should warm back up and back to normal weather.

Ill take rain over snow any day . We got two feet here of shore crap then a day go solid freezing rain and now rain today and it’s all going to melt probably break my sub pump in basement lol.
Ouch! Hails never fun. I hit it a few times on my bike....hard to believe how big hail feels. I hope it didn't bruise you up, just a little tenderizing. :rofl:

No damage --- I have skin as tough as an elephant. :laugh:
Ill take rain over snow any day . We got two feet here of shore crap then a day go solid freezing rain and now rain today and it’s all going to melt probably break my sub pump in basement lol.

I keep seeing the weather on the news back there. I'm sure you are looking forward to spring. Hoping you don't have any flooding in your basement. That would really be terrible.
Yeah...I just put them in my soil, but you may want to put them in a coffee filter and pour water over them. Then feed your plants.
Good one
If I add the worm castings to my coco then would I just add this stuff with water really low ppm? Lol. Bare with me

Ill take rain over snow any day . We got two feet here of shore crap then a day go solid freezing rain and now rain today and it’s all going to melt probably break my sub pump in basement lol.
Top notch on the818
No damage --- I have skin as tough as an elephant. :laugh:
The elephant :rofl:. Man I think I melt in the rain!
Hail stingers.

Ok update.
I bought a vacuum chamber yesterday.
My 2700k QBs are shipped waiting for 3000 or 3500k lights still so we're vegging under advanced LED the Dimond series 100 and the Dimond XML 150. The 100 top light is 800 quantum's at 4in. The 150 gets 1000 at 4 in. These were my first ever lights and I still love them for that. They worked awesome together with autos sourD.
For the girls they look absolutely happy. So glad I'm diluting the nutz. I'm going to see if my filtered water has better ppm. Update forthcoming. Nothing other than looked in checked humidifier. Seedlings day 32 clones day 31. I checked no roots but there's bumps all over the stalks now so it won't be long......I was at the growshop today but forgot f rapidrooters...I'm back to the big smoke Thursday so will try remember to pick them up them. Lol. I any good job Leafs!

Thanks for taking time to check this out!
Looks good lowded :goodjob:
Thanks iti! I think I'll quad line these as per aces. (I couldn't spell the tag for the @ function sorry ace) as they are mostly sativas, I'll need to keep them low somehow!
I was asking you before(or if anyone has an opinion please share) when are seedlings old enough for a neem foiler spray? I have the neem oil now and am dying to apply it! Ha day 33 from seed. I had some cooler night temps so that could be y the seedlings are a little slower.
Thanks iti! I think I'll quad line these as per aces. (I couldn't spell the tag for the @ function sorry ace) as they are mostly sativas, I'll need to keep them low somehow!
I was asking you before(or if anyone has an opinion please share) when are seedlings old enough for a neem foiler spray? I have the neem oil now and am dying to apply it! Ha day 33 from seed. I had some cooler night temps so that could be y the seedlings are a little slower.

You should be ok at 30 days. I started spraying mine about that age without a problem.
Hello 420 Folks!
420 eve!
Splended day here! No roots on budding clones. Buying rapid rooters today. Hoping they will pull those roots out. I know they are ready. Lol. Mf clones of mine....who cares what day they are at anymore lol. Sticks in water over a month. With a flower tough plant.

There were a couple shriveled leafs I took pics of. Could be my famous drip drop damage then I pull out the clones water drips on the seedlings....

Other than that things look green! I want to start a foiler spray. Cal mag and neem oil I think?
Here's what everyone looks like.

Cheers y'all!
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