Serving: 27.5-28.5 MC/5gal
Serving fluid amount per plant: 3.5-4L
Pot Size:
3 gal
RH: 40%
Inside Temp: 26
Outside Temp: 23
Stage:Mid Flower
Additives/Medicine: Bug Be Gone
Pests: Spider Mites (IPM) Bug Be Gone - Sprayed Yesterday
Lights: Sun
Blackout Time: 7pm
Blackout Cover Off: 8:45pm
Looks great Momma! And you almost pronounced Kalashnikov properly remember just like the Russian assault rifle.

Have a great weekend :snowboating:

Ka-lash-nik-ov I don't know what the ruffle was? Haha
I know I have my gun license but it's a new world to me.
The Red Afro's are beautiful Momma. I know you were asking about the calmag and my feeling is not to use it until you are at the limits of MC which is around 6g/gal. The plants in flower can handle 6g/gal easily now, so you'd be looking at 30g/5gal. You can see how far out you are which is a lot of food the plants could use. Calmag will green them up but it doesn't provide the other nutrients MC is providing.
I am soooo friggin excited! I sprayed today as well. It is pretty windy here so it was a good day to have it dry out so it doesn't sit wet, ya know.
I am totally aware of the humidity. Today it's at 40RH. It raised 3% after feeding.
Tomorrow they will be sooo charged I can't wait!

it is suppose to rain here tonight so I will cover and leave it covered to minimize the humidity that without the plastic it would get more. I find it bleeds through.
I'll put on the AC to help increase air flow, and decrease the humidity.

temps at night are low to 12
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