Thanks MrS. I have had it before but it didn't really present like this so I was questioning it.
Well it's not to say there isn't an issue. Broad or hemp mites will do the same but if you're not seeing bugs then chances are you're fine.
Outdoor Greenhouse
Serving: 22.5g MC/5gal
Serving fluid amount per plant: 2L
Pot Size: 3gal
Temp Outside: 22
Stage: late
Additives/Medicine: Sprayed Bug Be Gone
Pests: No signs of living bugs (preventive)

(I have to buy a new thermometer & RH)
Outdoor Greenhouse
Serving: 21 g MC/5gal
Serving fluid amount per plant: 2L
Pot Size: 3gal
Temp Outside:
Stage: Middle
Additives/Medicine: Sprayed Bug Be Gone
Pests: No signs of living bugs (preventive)
Good morning Mama! Just found you.

I have had it before

By this, you are saying you have had mosaic virus before? Because it does kinda look like it to me. :(

Best approach is to isolate her as much as possible from all other plants, and make sure you and your tools are clean after caring for her.


  1. The virus can be spread through human activity, tools and equipment. Frequently wash your hands and disinfect garden tools, stakes, ties, pots, greenhouse benches, etc. (one part bleach to 4 parts water) to reduce the risk of contamination.
  2. Avoid working in the garden during damp conditions (viruses are easily spread when plants are wet).
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