Mmmmick 1st Scrog 3 strains 90w LED closet

Another beauty,expected nothing less.Do you have another lst scrog in you future?
The scrog and lst seem ideal for these led lights.

well done mmmick


Thank you wct. Actually I am just getting the first post together for a new journal. It will start a little slow as my grow area was redesigned, rebuilt and then redesigned again due to a new commitment. I'm not quite finished with the second build but the clones have been on hold for a couple of weeks and I want to get them under the light. This one will be under the HGL 126w. Not a popular company these days it seems but I have the light and I am going to use it.
I'll link the new journal in my sig once I get it posted.
4 plants under a 19x24 inch screen. Dunno how the 60 degree lens will work in a scrog but thats part of what I will discover. I agree with you completely, when it comes to led scrog seems the best approach. And I still need to work on using the screen properly, heheh.

Thanks again wct and thanks for hanging in with me through this grow. I appreciate your interest.:thankyou:
Time for a brief summary of this grow.

73 grams dried weight total from 4 plants. Harvested early for the most part due to what I've been calling mold but was actually powdery mildew. The Super Skunk x Grape Crush managed 29 grams so I'd say there's no reason why the 90w UFO 4th gen triband can't do 4 oz with a clean grow and the right strain. While the hype (UFO specific) claims equivalent to a 400w yield I don't think there's any question that is at least double or triple the yield the 90w is capable of when growing mj.
So, ignore manufacturers claims, grow an area smaller than 2x2 feet, cut recommended light distances by half and the 90w will provide smokeable bud for the small timer. Scrog will help eliminate the penetration issue with leds. Oh yeah, forego the idea of big buds as well, lol. It'll still smoke the same, but some people have to see big to believe it's good. If big/bag appeal is important, go with higher led wattage, cfl's, or HPS lighting. Or some combination of mixed lighting. Led/cfl combos are producing more satisfactory results for a number of growers and seem a very good alternative to a led only grow.

It's been fun doing this journal and I want to say thank you to the many knowledgeable people who have helped me out as well as those who just dropped in to have a look, or hang around.

Thanks to all. Please join me in my new grow, I can use all the help I can get and I enjoy the company.:ganjamon:

Thanks for sharing your grow with us Mmmmick ;)

Too bad about the powdery mildew, but congrats on our ultimate result. Personally, I enjoy watching the LED grows. It's great seeing the technology's capability demonstrated to endpoint.

Fantastic summary in post #787 btw.

We'll move your work over to our Completed Journals archive for posterity ;)

It's great to see you've started another grow. Mad props, respect, and peace from 420 Magazine to you :surf:
Hi sonzor, thank you.
I enjoyed doing this journal and your company as well. Thanks for sitting in and for the reps.
Hi JC thank you.

Now for a correction, the total was actually 78.4 grams.
Checked the totals from my weight pics.
I used stoner math for the first total, sorry, heheh. Shouldn't work from memory.
New LED is on the way, ETA 12th feb.

This led is in design stage so no wavelengths will be available for publication until released by the supplier.

Available specs:
7 key wavelengths ranging from deep Blue to far Red.
Power consumption: 300W
Light output: 288W (288x1W leds)
Dimensions: 482x315x70mm
Weight 9.5Kg
Fans: 8
Dispersion Angle: 120 degrees

I will be growing Doggies Nutz White Widow in approximately 1 meter square, from seed, scrog style promix grow. Scrog size will be determined once the light is hung. As the unit is rectangular we may decide to go with an appropriate rectangular area rather than a square screen.
I'm excited to see how this unit performs. Journal will start once the unit is in place.
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