MJ420's Second - Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Great work MJ! Your plants look perfect. You've got everything dialed in and ready to go. Transplant, ScrOG, Flower... go for it!!!

Hey Usul,

Thank you !

You know there is one thing I'd like to have better though.

My heater is digital so I have to cover the display, but not only that it is a fan type rather than an oil type which would be ideal for my situation .

Only hang up is, all the oil types that I find have bunk ass Thermostats ( 1-10 ) power rating or something like that .
This doesn't work for me because I do not need a heater during the day.

Can you recommend a good heater w thermostat or some kind of heater / thermostat combo that is by real temperature rather than power rating ?

Thank you for stopping by !
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Yea, I know the problem - I have one of the oil filled heaters and its thermostat just says low, medium, high. I fiddle with it until it gives me the temp I want - takes about a day or two to dial in then seems to be very stable once properly set.

Thanks for the humidifier recommendation by the way. That's one nice unit - especially the humidistat and 48-hour run time. It's a bit too large for my tent, though it'd fit if I was just growing two plants... Maybe next grow...
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Yea, I know the problem - I have one of the oil filled heaters and its thermostat just says low, medium, high. I fiddle with it until it gives me the temp I want - takes about a day or two to dial in then seems to be very stable once properly set.

Thanks for the humidifier recommendation by the way. That's one nice unit - especially the humidistat and 48-hour run time. It's a bit too large for my tent, though it'd fit if I was just growing two plants... Maybe next grow...

I'd venture to say that this one ...

Would almost fit in the same space as one of your humidifiers . You do have two right ?
I have one of the Vicks kind and the above one doesn't take up much more space than it , and so much more power than the Vicks one if needed .

Plus I had to take the light out of this one !

I don't know what the 48-hour run time is all about it doesn't apply to my situation !

Thanks for stopping by !
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Yes, I've found manufacturer's claims about humidifier run time can be exagerated. How long does your unit run before it needs to be refilled?

According to the info I've found the unit you have is 15"H x 12"W x 9"D. It would just barely fit in my tent but there are issues with position relative to the air intake, access for refill, etc. etc. Growing in a 2'x2' tent is a real challenge! The little humidifiers I'm running are 6"H x 9"W x 4"D.

Ultimately, I'm hoping to switch to the Haight Solid State 800 LED light (just waiting to see how Setting Sun's test comes out) and if I do that I'll need much less ventilation and low humidity won't be nearly as big an issue as it is with my 250W HID.

Now, back to the subject at hand... when are you going to flower those girls?! I'm pullin' ahead bro and have little white pistils poppin' out all over - I'm needing some competition. LOL!! Seriously though, you're doing great so don't let me mess with your plan - longer veg time will most likely result in higher yield. Your patience is amazing.
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Yes, I've found manufacturer's claims about humidifier run time can be exagerated. How long does your unit run before it needs to be refilled?

Usul, So that is what that means !
Lol I thought it was some kind of timer .

I run mine full blast most of the time and for the moment I don't have a fan controller so it works out !

It lasts I'll say 24 hours on max speed and the humidstat on max.

If it was on low , I could see it lasting longer than 48 hours , but I've only ran on low a few days so I don't really know !

According to the info I've found the unit you have is 15"H x 12"W x 9"D. It would just barely fit in my tent but there are issues with position relative to the air intake, access for refill, etc. etc. Growing in a 2'x2' tent is a real challenge! The little humidifiers I'm running are 6"H x 9"W x 4"D.

Until now I didn't catch that your room is two by two , so ya it's a little big !
Your pictures are deceiving ! lol

Ultimately, I'm hoping to switch to the Haight Solid State 800 LED light (just waiting to see how Setting Sun's test comes out) and if I do that I'll need much less ventilation and low humidity won't be nearly as big an issue as it is with my 250W HID.

I'd love to incorporate some LED's ,
CFL's and LED's together I hear work very well !
You, me, and nearly everyone here is interested in seeing that one pan out !

Now, back to the subject at hand... when are you going to flower those girls?!

I'm pullin' ahead bro and have little white pistils poppin' out all over - I'm needing some competition. LOL!!

Seriously though, you're doing great so don't let me mess with your plan - longer veg time will most likely result in higher yield.
Your patience is amazing.

Thank you !

I don't plan on flowering for quite a while still , I want about 1 ft between the screen and the pots .
The tops sit at about 7-8 inches now !
Also, I wanna put the screen in before flowering .

I was definetly hoping that you were gonna wait a bit longer so we could "race" :grinjoint:
Now that I know its 2 by 2 I really think you made the right decision though !

Thank you for stopping by !
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Very Very Nice. I was debating on picking these 2 Strains up from DP for my next grow. Definately 2 great choices in the strain aspect. I'm sorta new to the whole ScrOG world, so let me get this straight. You are LST'n them down and then putting the screen over after? I'm not quite sure I understand the logic behind this as I thought the whole point of ScrOG was to set the screen and train the growth back under to provide uniform growth. Anywho your ladies look amazing!

Side note, Nice work on the stealth room is it a converted closet or something of that nature?
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Very Very Nice.

I'm sorta new to the whole ScrOG world, so let me get this straight. You are LST'n them down and then putting the screen over after? I'm not quite sure I understand the logic behind this as I thought the whole point of ScrOG was to set the screen and train the growth back under to provide uniform growth. Anywho your ladies look amazing!

Side note, Nice work on the stealth room is it a converted closet or something of that nature?

Chameleon ,

Hey, Thank you !

Yes, you are right about the point of a SCROG being to hold it down, keeping uniform growth !
This method works for me because for this grow I prefer to pre-grow the plants out before putting the screen in.

Right now the Strawberry Cough tops are at around 8-9 inches. It would be just under two and a half feet tall without the LST.
The Blueberry is slightly shorter !

Also, Yes it was an extra long closet that I converted !

Thank you for stopping by !
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

I have noticed that my plants smell much more sometimes than they do other times ?

In this stage of growth they are not particularly stinky but some days I definitely notice it more than others .

Do you think that this is more me ( E.G. smoking and then seeing them , seeing them after cooking , or after being outside ) or the plants ( As in they smell more after the dark hours or something along those lines )

Any feedback as to why is much appreciated .

Thanks for looking !
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

I have noticed that my plants smell much more sometimes than they do other times ?

In this stage of growth they are not particularly stinky but some days I definitely notice it more than others .

Do you think that this is more me ( E.G. smoking and then seeing them , seeing them after cooking , or after being outside ) or the plants ( As in they smell more after the dark hours or something along those lines )

Any feedback as to why is much appreciated .

Thanks for looking !

I notice the strongest aroma right after the lights come on.
However that's the first opening of the grow tent during the day.
I remember years ago when I was living in Garberville, and visiting friends in the outer areas, driving home at night with the window down that the smell was stronger than anything I can describe.
Short answer- They stink more at night. :smokin:
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG


These are pictures of the ladies at 70 days old !


Another Blueberry

Blueberry top

Strawberry Cough

Strawberry Cough stem LST

Strawberry Cough top

Family Photo

Thanks for looking !
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

I notice the strongest aroma right after the lights come on.

Short answer- They stink more at night. :smokin:

That's how it happens for me I guess, when I first open it I smell it the most .

Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

Actually its not just when u guys open your tents, because i am growing in my closet and in the room that it is in when i walk in at certain times i smell it more then other times,for the most part i dont smell anything, just certain part of the days i would notice it in the air

Ahh Ha , I thought so !

So what causes that?

Thanks for stopping by !
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

They look great.
Is it the photos or are the leaf tips on the blueberry slightly brown?
I think I read somewhere that blueberry requires milder nutes.:bong:
Re: MJ420's Second. Dutch Passion's Blueberry and Strawberry Cough Fem SCROG

They look great.
Is it the photos or are the leaf tips on the blueberry slightly brown?
I think I read somewhere that blueberry requires milder nutes.:bong:

Hey 1234a5678b,

No not really brown on the new tips at least .

There is some brown from heat stress and transplant but nothing serious.

The Blueberry had Nitrogen deficiency more intense than the Strawberry Cough with the same feeding strength/schedule.

I watered with full strength Grow Big and Big Bloom for the first time not that long ago and they both really responded well , the Blueberry's Nitrogen deficiency stopped . :grinjoint:

The Blueberry has yellow tips for some reason and I don't really know why !

I use distilled water and the Fox Farm's .

Beginning Calcium/Magnesium deficiency ?

Suggestions are definitely welcome :rollit:

Thanks for stopping by !
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