Mites on side of fabric pots!


Well-Known Member

Can anybody assist me with this problem? Growing two purple kush plants in perlite and coco coir in 5 gallon smart pots. One plant is healthy the other isn't but they both have mites on the sides of the pots and I'm assuming deep in the coco. In one picture you can see what I first thought was salt deposits and now I'm not sure. Big patches of white and brownish material. The other pic I took to show that the mites are visibility with the naked eye. Those hundreds of white specs are them. The last two pics are of mite pics I grabbed online that look almost identical to the ones I have (except mine don't have red legs or head). They have 8 legs, long hairs in the back, and are oval shaped and white/beige/translucent. Please help!!!! I need help identifying whether they are harming my plant or are eating mold off the pots and are harmless. And after identification I'll need help with eradication. Thanks in advance!!!
My personal opinion is that you want to get rid of them. Recommendations for eradication would be beneficial nematodes . You can get them on Amazon and you just put them in water and water the plants. The live in the soil and feed on little bugs and larva. Another recommendation is to get some Neem Oil and mix it in a garden sprayer at a rate of 1 tsp of Dishwasher soap and 1 tsp of Neem Oil per gallon of water. Drench the pot every two days and spray your plants trying to get the underside as well as the top of the leaves. It is recommended you spray the plant just before lights out but I have never had a problem doing it with my lights on period.
I may try the nematodes, heard mixed reviews on em. I think I'll also be wiping down the sides of the pots frequently to catch the ones that venture out
As long as your not in flower dust it you can look it up it's food grade silicate that kills exoskeleton type bugs the DE is Micro scopic bits of silicate that is sharp as glass it cuts the little bugs and drys them out in a matter of hours
I figured you would. You might also want to scope the back of some leave with a 10x and look for tiny little pearl shaped eggs. They are invisible to the naked eye. Also many of the bugs like yours are almost clear and hard to find - especially o the leaves.
I figured you would. You might also want to scope the back of some leave with a 10x and look for tiny little pearl shaped eggs. They are invisible to the naked eye. Also many of the bugs like yours are almost clear and hard to find - especially o the leaves.
Oh yeah definitely agree. It's super easy to miss them. I seen some egg like things. I think mine look very similar to tyrophagus p. Mites. Do you know if those are harmful to the plant at all?
To be honest all mites are harmful to your plants. They aren't on your leaves just for a place to play. My suspicion is that you have spider mites.

Take a read and let me know what you think.
Spider Mites: Everything You Need To Know

Remember that all bugs including mites have a lifecycle and go from the egg stage to Larva their appearance will change according to the life stage they are at.
I've seen so many of them and none looked like spider mites, plus I'm not seeing webbing but I'll still treat anyways. I'm thinking an azamax drench with a nuke em spray and also de food grade on the top layer of soil
Yes I heard I have to alternate treatments. Im actually trying to figure out the best way to do that now. Any suggestions ?
Just to clarify , azamax Drenches and nuke em sprays are safe during flowering correct?

Azamax label indicates it is safe for application on food and vegetables up until 1 day prior to harvest. I've never used it so suggest you do some googling.
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