Miracle-Grow Enters the Medical Marijuana Market

I think that if Scotts Miracle Grow ( a very large, toxic chemical fertilizer company), starts marketing to the medical marijuana industry it could have disapointing consequences. For one, more growers will use these products at a time when we growers should be trying to use less chemicals on our plants (carcinogens in the finished product is huge problem) and they will possibly buy out a smaller company like fox farm and alter their products. We lose the quality when bigger companies are in charge. We say that cannabis is so healthy but it is only as healthy as the soil we grow it in and the nutrients we feed it. This is a very large corporation with corporate intentions - profit, not quality or serving the community.
Im not saying you can get big, robust plants from miracle grow, im just saying its toxic! Below is just the tip of the iceberg of info on the toxicity of these products:

MIRACLE-GRO is a synthetic fertilizer that contains ammonium phosphate and
several other chemicals that can be toxic to your soil and plants. It is
prohibited from use in certified-organic farming. Here’s what soil expert
Robert Parnes, Ph.D., says in his book Fertile Soil: "[Ammonium fertilizer]
acidifies the soil, and thus it is probably more harmful to soil organisms
than any other nitrogen fertilizer . . . . The application has to be timed
carefully and placed properly to avoid burning the leaves and roots . . . In
addition, ammonium tends to inhibit the release of . . . potassium . . .
Ammonium fertilizers are deliberately manufactured to be spread at high
application rates in order to obtain maximum yields with no regard to
adverse effects on the soil. Probably nowhere is the conflict between the
mass production of food to feed the world and the preservation of the soil
more obvious than in the confrontation over the use of either ammonium
fertilizers or liquid ammonia."

And there’s more: long-term studies at the University of Wisconsin have
shown that acidic chemical fertilizers are causing serious, permanent damage
to our soils. Usually these fertilizers are also highly soluble, so they
leach away and pollute our water systems, too. Soil fertility authority Garn
Wallace, Ph.D., of Wallace Laboratories in El Segundo, California, points
out that Miracle-Gro contains muriate of potash, which contains excess
chlorine that will burn plants and inhibit the uptake of nitrogen. Dr.
Wallace also warns that products such as Miracle-Gro often contain unsafe
levels of zinc and copper that will be toxic to soil life.

And if all that’s not enough to convince you to avoid this stuff, consider
this: you have to mix Miracle-Gro with water and apply it every "7 to 14
days." If you opt to fertilize organically, on the other hand, mix a ½-inch
layer of grass clippings into your beds before each crop. As the grass
decomposes, it will improve your soil’s texture and stimulate microbial life
and help prevent disease, all while releasing plenty of nutrients to feed
your plants. (See "How to Fertilize Your Garden," Organic Gardening,
July/August 2000.)

Soil, being everything, must contain Life in the form of microscopic
bacteria and other weird looking life forms. Use of shortcuts is never
recommended and this stuff, despite millions of dollars worth of marketing,
can be nasty for sustainable gardening.

<from Rodale>

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Miracle Gro is NOT organic! For one thing, the "active" NPK ingredients in
Miracle Gro, in the interest of convenient and easily salable packaging, are
reduced to their "useful constituents": which ignores the basic purpose of
organic garden methods. You have plenty of great salts in that
“Wonder-Drug”, Miracle-Gro: but those salts send your worms packing for
better eats, kills your beneficial soil critters that can't move as quickly,
and therefore depletes the good food for your most needed soil-building and
soil-maintaining jobs. You are killing or sending away those critters who do
99% of the work for you, and it'll take deliberate and long-term healing to
bring them back. Why is that an acceptable trade-off?

Certainly, one may use the quick fixes. One will have big, beautiful, and
record breaking produce and blooms - for a while. Then, there will be more
healing to do, which will take more time and effort, unless one has more
money to pump into the soil's increased need for its preferred
aphrodisiac/amphetamine. Eventually, the soil gives up each and every living
thing in it - literally, "Gives up the Ghost".

And, any increase in the fertilizers/pesticides/herbicides/etc. in our
groundwater hurts - a lot. I cannot find a plot to purchase that doesn't
have groundwater contaminated with fertilizers at abnormal levels. Even
wells that are full and deep are not useable for my purposes - you know -
drinking, bathing, eating, washing... Nitrogen is the biggest culprit, but
certainly not the only one.

One does have to ask: If there is so much being applied to the soil as to
leach into the groundwater, why are we using the forms that so easily leach?
Wouldn't it be better to keep those important nutrients where they can be
utilized, and isn't it a real waste of money, energy, and time, to keep
feeding the groundwater with stuff that isn't even good for it, or the
creatures that need this water?

Feed the soil - then the plants will eat well, have their other needs taken
care of, will have the whole of themselves well situated for continued
growth and health. They will have good beds to thrive in, with the tilth and
humus and comfort they need. And, they will continue to eat well without the
effort, money, hoopla, extra stress, or high maintenance schedules required
by the high maintenance methods of the short-term fix of Miracle Gro, and
others like it.

If you care about the health of your environment, you will not use
Im concerned about medical patients who purchase their cannabis from caregivers or dispenceries whose growers use chemicals on their crops.
Has anyone seen a sign up sheet? I mean, I want to tour the Miracle Grow™ corp test bed greenhouses. Something tells me they have some pretty fancy labs. How bad would it suck to have to test formula for them? Somebody has a fun job...

Brings new meaning to "taking your work home with you", or "pilfering office supply's". Pretty sure I'd get myself fired.
I have been using Mir-Acid on my outdoor grows for years to keep pH down. I think this is good, if nothing else it may bring nute prices down as Miracle Grow has never been an expensive product. A little competition is good. Now let's hope they make something good!
There is no competing with a multinational that wants to own the world. Scotts/MG are the sellers of Monsanto Roundup.

Monsanto business plan - every farmer, or human on the planet, will have to pay them, for every living thing, that grows from the ground, every single time, forever. Monsanto is a bigger threat to my personal health, and that of my family, than any other company, corporation, army, weapon or boogeyman du jour.
Monsanto Roundup, designed for use on GMO food (almost all US food) causes cancer, autism, parkinsons, sterility, obesity ie - death. Unless you can pay the organic prices, you are knowingly, being poisoned.

MIT power point presentation. LINK
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