Day 20 since the children arose from their coco nests:
So I've not posted over the past couple of days because, let's face it, it's not enthralling reading at this stage of the grow. But since I have left it for a couple of days, there is something to report!
I began to LST the plants on the 20th, and there has been some growth since then. I didn't take any photos before I tied them down, but here is what they looked like after their first round of LST:
I closed them up and left them after a feed of:
Megacrop: 1.1g per L
pH: 5.9
I noticed that the Blackberry Kush had small spots on some of her leaves, I think she was low on calcium so I have since started adding a 1/4 strength dose of Canna CalMag, and started to increase the pH closer to 6.2. The Lemon Meringue looks nice and healthy, so I didn't want to up the dose of Megacrop and risk nute burn.
I also adjusted the garden wire each time I opened the tent so both girls stayed mostly horizontal.
The girls are being fed:
Megacrop: 1.3g per L
Canna CalMag: 0.25(ish)ml per L
pH: 6.1
Here is what they looked like when I opened the tent today for feeding:
They're both still young so I'm not expecting rapid growth at this stage, but I wanted to control the height of the plant as much as possible so started LST a bit early.
But the lower growth is starting to look nice
Lemon Meringue:
And the plant is generally looking nice and healthy:
The Blackberry Kush has no new spots on her leaves, so I am hopeful I was right and she just needed a bit more calcium than what was available in the Megacrop at this dose.
Blackberry Kush:
In my attempts to adjust her restraint, I accidentally snapped off one of her leaves, not a massive problem but a reminder that they're very fragile at this age
And here is them both after being readjusted:
My temps are still low when lights are off, I haven't been able to install my vivarium heater as of yet because the thermostat probe doesn't stretch far enough to get in through the flange (funny word). So I need to wait until a new flange cutter (ouch) arrives and I can get it in before the weather drops and we get snow. But I have brought down the RH quite a bit and it's stable now.
And that is about that, really! They're growing quickly and showing early signs of sex so I think both will be fairly quick to harvest, probably ready sometime in early January
. Will be a nice smoke to keep us cosy in the winter weather.
I'll probably leave a few days before I post another update unless something exciting/tragic happens, until then I'll just pester you all on your own journals.
Thanks for stopping by