Microwaved seeds = feminized

You are doing the right thing trying to figure it all out. In the long run that approach yields the best outcome. I will be seeing him (the guy w/ microwaved seed plants) w/in a week. I will look in on the plants and let you know the skinny. Still knowing what I know I will never use a microwave... and I don't like stressing out a plant to make it turn.
try to get some pictures of them. Tell um its fer posterity or the cosmic rays bouncing of jupiter reflected back to earth and we need pics of some crazy nuked out mutants. I just really wanna C what n the hell they look like I n ever even woulda thunk up some shit like at. It is the human thing to do. Or how bout please!
Oh yeah by the way"cnd420" That dam hooter is freakin AWESOME. Is that like a pound roll r what? Kaaaaaachewaaaaa You need a shop vac to suck start that thing is ridonkulous
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