Melville's Doug's Varin Winter Grow

Looks like you broke out the confectioners sugar Melville! :welldone:
Thanks Shed!
It's stinking up the house as it dries!
Looks lovely and frosty, great job Mel! Sticky fingers certainly make it challenging for taking photos.
Thanks Stunger!
Especially when you're using a phone!
Freaking beautiful Mel, those buds look incredible, the color the frost, nice job
Thanks G!
She did put on some fall colours up top!
Congrats on the takedown, Mel!

You finally got to scratch that itch you were having! :Rasta:
Thanks GDB!
Now to keep myself from trying to vape some fresh!
Great work, Mel :)
Thanks Tra!
If all goes well I'll be asking for your help naming a new girl for my outdoor grow in a day or three!:D
Whoof! Well, it's dry enough for the vape!
Not dry enough to jar yet. My head feels like it has helium where my brain should be, I'm also really happy.
I'm glad I cut the session short when I did, this is pretty intense. But my heart rate is still pretty low, and I'm not feeling like I'm going to freak out. Body is kind of tingly, almost like it's buzzing.
Had a bit of a similar taste as Ghost Train Haze, only with really mild lemon instead of strong lime flavour. Think it'll get better in the cure. Next step is to try it at 185C, tomorrow or day after.
Whoof! Well, it's dry enough for the vape!
Not dry enough to jar yet. My head feels like it has helium where my brain should be, I'm also really happy.
I'm glad I cut the session short when I did, this is pretty intense. But my heart rate is still pretty low, and I'm not feeling like I'm going to freak out. Body is kind of tingly, almost like it's buzzing.
Had a bit of a similar taste as Ghost Train Haze, only with really mild lemon instead of strong lime flavour. Think it'll get better in the cure. Next step is to try it at 185C, tomorrow or day after.
Mel what does the difference in temperature matter when your smoking it. Does a dry vape work like a pipe , just put some in and smoke. I honestly have no clue
I think we should elect some people to do taste tests on everyone’s weed. Our own version of the cannabis cup LMAO , I don’t have enough brain cells left to qualify as a tester , that’s kinda obvious that I come up w something like this lol
Mel what does the difference in temperature matter when your smoking it. Does a dry vape work like a pipe , just put some in and smoke. I honestly have no clue
Hey G, sorry about taking so long to answer. I meant to take a pic or two and get back to you this morning.
The vape is pretty similar to smoking with a pipe. Grind up the weed, load it into the chamber and it heats up. You inhale through the stem. It's smoother and doesn't have the burning flavour of joints and pipes. It also doesn't have the carcinogens of smoke. Here's a pic.
Dry weight of the Doug's Varin is 86g.
Not bad, not great. I feel like I could have done better.
Enough for two rounds of oil, a round of sublinguals, and a bit to vape (and maybe a tiny bit to smoke).
I hope her buds provide you with some very enjoyable results Mel.
Thanks Stunger!
I've contacted the lab to have them tested, so it shouldn't be long before we find out what's in them!
Nice haul Melville! It would have been fun to see how it would have done outside this summer but you've got enough from this harvest for some great meds. Have you smoked/vaped any? I'm curious how it hits you.

I vaped a bit at 223C, and it was not the usual high. I'm not sure if it was placebo effect, or if it really was THCV, or even if that's just how weed hits at that temp. I'm going to try it again since I still have a bit in the grinder, and I'm also going to try a strain I've had before at 223C to see if it's different at the higher temp.
I have enough left of that nug to try a bit in the bong as well.
It definitely has a fair amount of THC in there, and the high settled down into a fairly normal one after a bit. I'm planning on trying it at 185C, which is my usual temp, and then the same chamber later at 223C. That way most of the THC will be gone, but the THCV, if there is any, will still be there.
Post #906 was written just after I had that first bit.
Do you ever smoke joints? Vaping is fun but a big old fat joint always hits the sides. Not as technical but still fun
Not really. The best joint I ever rolled looked like a worm with scoliosis frozen in the middle of having a seizure.
We smoked them when I was in high school, but my friends only asked me to do it once.
Lol no worries bro. Completely different culture here. No one would attempt to grow weed without being able to roll first, we aren't legal yet so might have an influence on it. I love a vape, I've got a desktop and a portable one I break out for visitors, honestly just love a spliff. Health implications noted but love them
There's a bit of nostalgia with joints, but even back in high school we were going with the bong and pipes more than anything.
I never really associated growing with joints. When legalization came in here I was mostly intending to stick with edibles and an occasional bong hit. Now I have the dry herb vape, sublinguals, and I even learned how to make infused maltodextrin for drinks!
There's a bit of nostalgia with joints, but even back in high school we were going with the bong and pipes more than anything.
I never really associated growing with joints. When legalization came in here I was mostly intending to stick with edibles and an occasional bong hit. Now I have the dry herb vape, sublinguals, and I even learned how to make infused maltodextrin for drinks!
Thats great. Yeah weed is fun, any which you can. Keep it green brosef
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