Mello's Mystery Seed Party Cups Grow - 2nd Grow

In my experience with bagseed thus far usually females take forever to show lol i wouldn't know about males as i have yet to run across a true male, had a female hermie on me though I was sad when that happened lol. I think i read something somewhere about females tend to take longer to show then males what I don't remember is whether that is in veg or after the flip. As much as it sucks to not know i like to believe that if a t takes a while to show its most likely female, that just my opinion based on my observations lol. Take it easy brother all in due time
I've read that vegetating cannabis will pre-flower within 3-6 weeks (not counting seedling stage). I've also read that if you start to notice some pre-flowering but can't really tell if it's female that a good indicator would be to look at shape (long vs round) and if some of the stipules are crossing each other. Apparently male plant stipules will not do this. Baby Greens is checking both boxes.
ok then,, a stipule checking i will go,, la la la, i have noticed crossed ones before,, never thoughtt anything about it tho,, thanks for the tip,, silly to be so impatient,, but,, curious minds want to know the earliest sign of sex,, for knowledge sake alone,, cheers mello
I know, I know. I'm also looking at defoliation techniques. I'm still a little lost on it. I know what to pluck, but I'm not sure from where exactly. I don't think I'm being impatient, worried maybe, but not impatient. I much rather be aware of these things than oblivious to it.
Notice the thicker ring around the base of the stem.

This is a fem seed. Had another fem plant with bigger knobs, and my current flower girl has very small to no buldge.. So im not sure how much truth there is to the buldge indicator..

Oops, add the pics pothead:lot-o-toke: ..good grief!!! So i added yet another reply.. Oiy!
ok again,, will look for bulges,, crosses, longies, hairies, whities, all of the above,, i think i got em all on my afghan reg,, so close to givin it up but what a tease it be,, bitc,, on never mind,,

So..... I defoliated her..... she's a bit scary looking...... Now I'm anxious because I haven't noticed a reaction from the plant. She looks sad now. Healthy, but sad. Plenty of light penetration and air movement. RH dropped dramatically. From a range of 45% highs and 33% lows it changed to 27% highs and 16% lows..... I didn't expect that. I knew it would drop but not that far down. I hope I didn't kill her with this little experiment. I did plenty of research and I was led to believe that defoliating her would help increase yield and bud size in a smaller environment. What I can't seem to find is info on how to feed and water a defoliated plant. Should i treat her as a younger smaller plant when watering?

I hope i didn't ruin the grow......
No way you ruined it by a defol,, did you water too,, couple hours before defol?? Not necessary, but 'the big droop', happens couple hours after a heavy watering,, least for me, and others too,,

All will be well,, i defol heavy at times, least I have in the past, with not a single ill effect, ever,, plants beg for more usually,,

Cheers pal

This the goal eh??

Definitely! :rofl: I watered the night before and defol'ed in the morning. This is my first time trying this technique so thank you for the feedback. Ill post a pic soon.
Well..... think it is safe to say that Baby Greens is definitely a female. I do however, have a male in the grow room. New Life is a male guys. Rootie might be a female as far as I can tell but she isn't showing it so I'll wait a little longer. I think you can tell who is who in the pics.

Don't stress about the defol. It will stall the plant for about 2 days, and then BAM... big growth. Plus you get to open her up and expose more bud sites. Win win...
Looks like your on the money there Mr Poppins. I feel your pain. Give a couple of days to confirm then cut him into pieces. :passitleft:

I know right. Thank the ganja gods I so happened to have trained the female. How long is enough? I don't want to make the mistake of waiting to long and he..... you know.... busts a nut.. :rofl:

Don't stress about the defol. It will stall the plant for about 2 days, and then BAM... big growth. Plus you get to open her up and expose more bud sites. Win win...

Thanks. I kinda was :rofl:. It's been 3 days and today was when she told me she was thirsty. I was relieved to know she was still responsive.
How long is enough? I don't want to make the mistake of waiting to long and he..... you know.... busts a nut.. :rofl:

I left mine long enough for him to think he had a chance of busting a nut all over my daughter before I stuck a bag over his head when he wasn't looking, dragged him out of the room and then cut him up. :rofl:

We don't tolerate no dudes around these parts
The last afghani reg I had I swore was a male, right up till female confirmation,, again, I have never had a male so am in the dark as to what one looks like, but, before you chop, I will say again,, i swore mine was a male and it looked a bit like yours, not exact, but kinda,, just sayin,,, girls rock
Cool mister,, no doubt that would be male for sure,, nothing like that on my plant yet, fingers and stipules crossed,, cheers, and reps

Any other male flowers popped yet?? How long till this pops you think?? Pls
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