So make sure you pay every last cent in taxes man don't you dare not follow the rules. I do not think that is what Quincey, Adams, jefferson, washington and all the other founding fathers said when we decided we had had enough of Britain. This is a fight! This is not a pissing contest and until we start treating it like a fight we are going to lose homes, businesses, freedom and it will not stop there. Our government will stop at nothing to have you lose your rights. Do you really think some guy in a desert knocked over the WTC? That was done so we could move into Iraq and put someone in place that would play ball with the oil companies. The oil companies are the ones who are really against legalizing MJ not big pharma (although they do not want it either). Yes I am out of weed and a bit on edge! But this kind of lackadaisical way of thinking is killing us in the fight to end prohibition!
Wait, what? The oil companies?