Medical Grow - Insomnia

Hi guys! We are at the end of the 5th flowering week. Buds are great, but I have slight problem with BB. Lower-mid leaves are turning yellow and have brown tips curling upwards... I went through plant abuse charts, but didnt find nothing. Can you help?

without knowing how many millilitres per gallon you are feeding right now its hard to know what to recommend, it may be you need to increase your nitrogen or micro you are feeding. it may be the leaves are too far from the light source and are dying.
My best guess is Nitrogen. Maybe it hit a growth spurt and used up the Nitro? How are the trichs looking? Could it be getting closer to harvest? Maybe you have been giving flower nutes and skimped on the nitrogen?

First I would check the PH... Ph would have to be way off to lock out Nitrogen. I am sure you probably thought of these already. Hopefully KingJohnC or someone with more experience will pip in soon.
Hi guys, thanks for reply! I´m feeding them 10 ml flower and 4 ml grow per 3 liters. pH is ok, checking weekly :) Leaves too far from light are dying, but these leaves are directly on light. I think it was underfert... because i fertilized them three days ago and the yellowing stoped :) Do you think I should go fertilize-fertilize-water-fertilize-fertilize-water? Right now i´m on fert.-water-fert.-water schedule.
Hi guys! Long time no report, girls are near done. I will be harvesting BB and Ortega on thursday. BB has no leaves :D It lost them completely and I don´t know why... CBD and Ortega are perfect but I think that CBD won this round. It is resistant to under watering, over/under fertilizing, has GREAT smell and the buds are just awesome. Ortega/Mazar have second place... great buds both of them. Ortega has really nice, kind of fruity smell and is resistant to under/over fertilizing. Mazar is tougher to grow, it has dead spots and brown, dry leaves. So not much resistance for greenhorns faults. BB is complete looser, I mean in beginners garden like mine. It is really problematic to grow and has very thin "green" line. Mine lost its leaves two weeks ago, so now it´s kind of stagnating. Buds are fluffy but are all over the stem, longest bud is 30 cm long. I´m sure that this plant, with experience, is REALLY great.
Hi Medicatetoday :peace:

How did this grow turn out?

We would love to be updated with some pictures and info! :blushsmile:

How about posting a 420 Strain Review?

I am moving this to abandoned journals until we get updates.

Hope all is well in your world :peace:

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