Matticusss - White Widow - DWC - 2015 LED Grow Log

Has anyone tried any of the medical topical pain creams that can be made from cannabis?

Yes, I use it constantly for my back and knees during ski season. Works wonders, esp when applied with icy hot. Doesn't get me stoned though. I guess some people get stoned from using it apparently, but that's not why I use it so I was never worried about that.
EDIT: I also just get the recreational stuff, and not the medical, which is WAY stronger and probably would get you pretty baked.

Plants (and roots) are looking great by the way! :thumb:
cool I am going to have to look into making my own.

Would like to see how that's done! The stuff is pretty pricey from the store, but a two once jar has lasted me over a year and I still have half of it left so I feel like if you make a batch of it, you could end up making a lifetime supply of it pretty easily. You would need less than a gallon of finished product to make an 80 year supply at the rate I'm using it.
it wanted me to trim the video in order to upload it for some stupid reason, so that's why it is cut off at the end like it is. Its hard to be serious and do a video and remember what your talking about when super medicated on dabs of Pure OG! Which I highly recommend by the way, very relaxing , makes you very lazy! well that's gonna be it on updates for the night until tomorrow night when I turn the light on.
Just wanted to say congrats to chronic for winning plant of the month! I was just reading what all that is about and what all you get if you win it, holy crap, alright its time for me to stop being so damn lazy with the plants and really get in there to make it be the best plant I can make it so I can enter and win one of these contests. It will definitely be a few grows until I produce plants like yours Mr. Chronic, but I will be working from here on out to be a competitor for these contests.

so from what I read you get 420 rep points, a t shirt, some stickers, a nug jar, and im confused about the other items it lists from the sponosors, like all the bug sprays from one sponsor, a 1200Watt LED light from MarsHydro. and a bunch of other stuff. is that given for the monthly contests or for the annual one? Cause if you get all that other stuff from winning plant of the month, then holy crap, that will be my main goal every few months with new runs of plants.
Forgot to mention that when I trimmed those leaves, I gave them to the pot monster, Lola, and she was very happy with her treat! My cat LOVES weed, any chance she gets to get close to the plants she takes, and all she does is get close to the buds and take in this deep sniff. she smells the plants so hard you can actually hear her sucking in all the air into her lungs over the sound of the inline fan. That's all she does is sniff the hell out of WW#1. She even tries to smell WW#1 through the bottom vent when the tent is closed. Now I have to admit, WW#1 has had a extremely strong weed smell coming off of it for the last couple weeks and it just gets stronger by the day. I have a feeling this one is going to be a excellent mother plant with its strong smell, and looking at it last night I noticed a ton of branches and shoots coming out with what will become budding points. These shoots i intend to take as clones during my monster cropping and placing in the grow box/ cloner
Friday im ordering some liquid koolbloom, clonex, and some 2in neoprene collars that i can put cuttings into. I plan on taking my clones 3rd week of july, so that means I have until then to figure out how to use my grow box as a cloner with the dwc bubbler system.

So I have a few questions for the pros on here, first if you haven't read the dimensions of the grow box here is what I am using as a cloner.

its a box that is 17.5 in wide, by 13 in deep and 4ft tall. it has a 4in intake fan with carbon filter on the bottom, and 4in exhaust fan with carbon filter on the top, It has a built in power strip and a 50gph air pump installed on the inside of the box situated halfway up the box. There is an eye screw drilled into the top of the box on the inside that I will hang a 180 watt MarsHydro UFO LED light, its an older model. it uses 60 x 3. actual power draw 100 watts. Inside is also a 5 gallon storage container with a lid for 9, 2 in netpots. Here are pics





Heres my questions, What is the best way to use that bubbler system as a cloner? I keep reading conflicting ways to place cuttings into rockwool, and the using a hormone vs using plain air and water, I am really confused as to which is the best way for this type of system since most HOW TOs are using soil. Do you use a very small dilution of nutes? Ive read forums saying yes to one thing and no to another. Someone who has used a similar systems advice would be really appreciated, especially if you have taken cutting a couple weeks into flower. I don't want to have to take 16 cuttings from a plant just to make sure that 4 survive. if theres a better way of survivability I would really like to know so it wont diminish my harvest.
im not sure well see if I get a light I saw he just mention it today but it is for potm winner not poty
and Thank You Matti, theres always a lot of stiff competition ive tried many times just got lucky :thumb:

oh and by the way I got some pics of my bubble cloner somewhere in my journal
a 2 gallon bucket 2 holes for airlines and 4 holes for neoprene pucks
I stick the cuttings so the end of the stem is just touching the water
well this run they are in the water but theres oxygen lol
its still rooting takes 10-14 days ive let it go a week without changing the water and ive done it changing the water every 2-3 days
either way worked for me so I get lazy now and unless I feel like it needs to be changed I don't change it till res change day
I put a little hormex in the res 5-10 ml in my 2 gallon res when I do my cuttings I take a bit extra throw in in the bucket and when im ready to put it in the puck I cut it underwater then I stick it in my shotglass that has clonex rooting gel
ive done it without even tho it washes off it still helps it root a bit faster than not putting anything
Thx for the advice Chronic!

Picture Time

Heres WW#1



Heres WW#2



And here is the Big Bang, when the light came on this plant looked terrible, it looked like it was dried out the leaves look wilted, I removed the rockwool cube from the hydroton, theres a few roots coming out the bottom of the rockwool but they were not long enough to get to the water, all the hydroton soaked up the water before it got to the rockwool cube. I soaked the rockwool with the water from the bucket, then replaced the cube in the bucket and replaced the hydroton, this time placing the cube farther down into the netbasket than before. It now looks like its bouncing back, I will update with pics before I go to bed, but heres the pic of the Big Bang.

I have also down some more LST work on the plants, added more screws to the bucket lid and used mason line to wrap around individual leafs and tie them down to open the plant up. added a few more screws to WW#1 bucket and added 2 screws to WW#2 bucket, will update with pics in a little bit.
YAY! That's awesome, that means they should be getting here around the same time I take my clones, awesome, so if none of my clones take atleast I will have more beans to grow instead. What a grow saver!!! Thank you kindly! Those beans will be in the grow journal starting at the end of july.

So I just completely sterilized the grow box, recleaned the water reservoir, soaked all tubing in sterilizer, and even sprayed the sterilizer through the fans and carbon filter, the sterilizer I used is what I use to clean my lab equipment and is used by the CDC to clean rooms, it is completely non toxic and has no smell. Getting it ready to house new babies, now I just need to figure out what size clips I need to buy to hang this other light with its hanging brackets. Anyone know what size hole they are? the clips that go to my hanging kit broke so I need to replace them, but am looking for something a lot sturdier than just buying a new hanging kit.
Light comes on in less than an hour, I will take pics before I do any watering or anything and then another set of pics before I call it a night, Hopefully the big bang isn't all wilted again, but we shall see and maybe you fine folks here at 420 mag can help me figure it out if she is wilting again.
So far the big bang has bounced back to the point of life, lets see if it truly recovers since its an auto. WW#1 is branching very nicely with a bunch of grow sites. Really looking forward to ordering clonex, rapid start, and liquid koolbloom tomorrow. Thinking I may take the clones as soon as I get the solution. Any cloning tips? I should have everything needed, I have the gardening cutters, rubbing alcohol, *clonex, * rapid start, neoprene collar to hold the cutting or 2in netpot with rockwool cubes. and the grow box with light and dwc system. So far I am just going off of youtube videos on how to take clones. I will post with updated pics later tonight
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