Matanuska Valley's Picture Thread

Black_Death :popcorn: :yummy:




j6s6u6 yes just Fluorescence and water only. you can't get any easier then that for a 2 foot plant 24" to 30" ...... 1 to 2 OZ's per plant dry weight

First off, your Diesel looks fantastic, I have some going now, I have never even smoked the strain let alone grown her. So I'm really looking forward to seeing if they will live up to the hype.

Second... "Black Death", is that your own/local strain or what... I've never heard of or even seen it before... looks delicious!

Thirdly, what is w/the growing w/o nutes? I recently hooked up w/an old friend of mine who has throughout the years come to the conclusion that nutes are just high priced BS that are in his opinion unnecessary. He uses H20 and Super Thrive, nothing else for the entire life cycle of the plants.
He seems to do very well w/it, he ballparks multi pound plants this way :goodluck:
So... I will pose the question to you as I did to him.
It seems to me that indoor or outdoor, wouldn't you increase your yield or do you think the end result is the same either way? I personally believe that the harvest is way heavier and the bud bigger/better w/the use of proper nutes? Not just because they are bigger mind you, but because they are (or should be) better fed, more nutrient balanced and thus healthier.
I think you see the jest of my question! I have no doubt about your abilities, I am not trying to discredit your methods. It's just that it flies in the face of what I have always thought and done! HOWEVER... I am open minded when it comes to growing; I hope one day to be good at this thing... and maybe even get mah own sticky... LOL :cheer:
I will say that, in my research, I have come to the conclusion that if you start w/the right soil or medium, you can pretty much avoid any nutes until well into flower... I am going to implement this into my next seasons OD grow!
Anyways, I hope you don't mind my questions, I am a student first so it is my nature to want to know!
I wish continued success in all that you do... cheers! :roorrip:

PS... the Duke Nukem reference in your sig rocks man... thanks for teh chuckle!
Capt K - in answer to your questions and others who have asked....

1 - I dont think I have met anyone who didnt like the diesel strains. You learn when to harvest your plants for the type of smoke your looking for. Harvested at peak, it has a great high, and aromatic taste.

2 - "Black Death" is a Celtic Stone Strain so is Celtic Hash - CelticBerry and the list go's on.

3 - Technically speaking, the soil has nutrients in it, to begin with. Your right when it comes to starting with the right soil that works best for you, or what you can afford to start out with. We make our own compost. It is very nutrient rich to start with, it would probably feed the plant for its entire life, but who wants ordinary? I prefer spectacular myself!

The previous pictures have had no added nutes, as of yet. Shortly, you will see the same plants change dramatically, as I have begun the "Guano" regime!

I will say that, in my research, I have come to the conclusion that if you start w/the right soil or medium, you can pretty much avoid any nutes until well into flower...

However, I think by showing you the plants without the nutes to begin with, anyone can see you would still have a great looking plant with good smoke, even, should you choose not to use nutes.

Yes, the harvest can be heavier, and the bud bigger/better, w/the use of proper nutes. Sometimes the cost of the nutes can be prohibitive and you use what you can afford at the time. Each and everyone of us have our preferences on what type/kind we use.

I have Flowering Bat Guano at $40/gal, and Alaska Mor-Bloom $30/gal. They are both organic ferts, since I am picky about what I want to smoke, and chemicals is not one of them!

There is always room to learn and improve on your growing method Even 4 me
It looks like Cannabis an it smells like Cannabis but it is a haft breed remember it's a Auto
Sex : Feminized
Type : Indica, Sativa, Ruderalis
Flowering : Autoflowering
Genetics : (Lowrider#1 x Dinafem #1) X Grapefruit
Flowering Time : Short, Medium
Outdoor Harvest : April to October
Height : Short, Medium
THC Level : 6% - 12%
Characteristics : buds as sticky as honey

2 to 3 weeks left in 20 HR of CFL lights

Dinafem_Fruit_Auto_Grapefruit 57 days old... :popcorn:





To be honest j6s6u6, I don't know.
When I started back up after the cop came here I went all florescent 4 foot shop lights. Befor the cop came here I payed $300 to $400 a month for my electric bill and thats no bullshit it was NOT all lights but still $300 to $400 a month is a kick in the ass and I dont care who you are. now it's a $150 a month so f^^k HPS and MH, did I lose some by going all florescent, yes I did but its not a bid deal to me... my cannabis is still kick ass...
I lost it in my yield about a 1/2 oz per plant give or take a little but I don't find that a bid deal this is my Black Death and trust me you will only smoke a little if you have any thing to do because if you do and you smoke 2 or 3 bowls you will laugh your ass off at the people pissed @ you and then they get madder @ you and it's fucking Awsome... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I am stoned later... :popcorn:


To be honest j6s6u6, I don't know.
When I started back up after the cop came here I went all florescent 4 foot shop lights. Befor the cop came here I payed $300 to $400 a month for my electric bill and thats no bullshit it was NOT all lights but still $300 to $400 a month is a kick in the ass and I dont care who you are. now it's a $150 a month so f^^k HPS and MH, did I lose some by going all florescent, yes I did but its not a bid deal to me... my cannabis is still kick ass...
I lost it in my yield about a 1/2 oz per plant give or take a little but I don't find that a bid deal this is my Black Death and trust me you will only smoke a little if you have any thing to do because if you do and you smoke 2 or 3 bowls you will laugh your ass off at the people pissed @ you and then they get madder @ you and it's fucking Awsome... :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
I am stoned later... :popcorn:

I have to agree with you on the florescent lighting. I switched from HID's to CFL's and while I may have a little less yield the quality is still awesome so it more than makes up for it in the money I save on utility bills. When I was using the HID's not only did I have to pay to run the lights but i spent a small fortune in exhaust fans to keep the heat in the room down, now I still use ventilation but it is only for fresh air not to get rid of all of the heat build up.This past summer we had sort of a heat wave for most of it and my room stayed a constant 80 degrees during the light cycle and a constant 70 degrees during the dark cycle and that was while it was 100 degrees + outside. If I would have been running the HID's I probably would have had to either shut it down or turn to AC's and that would have been even more money. And to be quite honest the few people who get to smoke it never noticed a thing when I switched over. Yes I am sold on the CFL's for sure, especially now that all i do is grow for my own needs...:roorrip:
It was bothering me tremendously not knowing what "Ruderalis" meant!
I had to go read up on it... pride is a bitch. LMAO
For anyone else who doesn't know... it is supposedly and third (mystery parent) to the AK47 I believe, it gives it the autoflower char. and also a short stature, so the story goes.
It auto flowers in about 7-8 weeks, no matter what type or amount of light you have it under.
Also, they are known for very low Thc content, I can see by the amount that MV has written there that this part holds true, being at 6-12%... sounds like a great morning smoke! I'm sure there is more to it but... that is a tutorial for another time~
Hope I'm not messin up your thread MV... just tryin to spread the knowledge! None of us knows more than all of us... cheers!
Cannabis ruderalis is a putative species of Cannabis originating in central Asia. It flowers earlier than C. indica or C. sativa, does not grow as tall, and can withstand much harsher climates than either of them. Cannabis ruderalis is purported to go into budding based strictly on age and not on changes in length of daylight. This kind of flowering is also known as auto-flowering.[1].

Cannabis ruderalis has a lower THC content than either C. sativa or C. indica; thus, it has little use as a drug. However, C. indica drug strains are frequently cross-bred with C. ruderalis to produce plants combining a higher THC content with the hardiness and reduced height of ruderalis.

The term 'Ruderalis' was originally used in the former Soviet Union to describe the varieties of hemp that had escaped cultivation and adapted to the surrounding region.

Similar Ruderalis populations can be found in most of the areas where hemp cultivation was once prevalent. The most notable region in North America is the midwest, though populations occur sporadically throughout the United States and Canada. Big wild ruderalis plantations also reigning in the center and eastern Europe, most of them in Lithuania, Belarus, Latvia, Estonia and around of these countries. Without the human hand aiding in selection, these plants have lost many of the traits they were originally selected for, and have acclimatized to their locale.

Though they contain little THC, these plants hold large potential for use in breeding, both in hemp and marijuana applications. Early flowering and resistance to locally significant insect and disease pressures are but a few of the important traits present in these feral populations.

Despite years of US government sponsored eradication programs, these wild plants still remain in bountiful abundance.
Marijuana smokers often call this wild cannabis "ditch weed."

THC Now in some strains are as high as 22% I know I have some...

Hope I'm not messin up your thread MV... just tryin to spread the knowledge! None of us knows more than all of us... cheers!

Thank you for bringing that up Captain Kronic
I had a feeling you would have a lil something to add... good stuff MV... thanks!
Seems to me that it might be worth my while to do some work w/Ruderalis as I plan on some serious breeding of my own.
I have a pretty massive indo planned, I can see a place for this Ruderalis in all of that. It would be awesome to be able to shorten the grow length on some of the C. sativa that I have... I don't grow it because it takes too long up here in Oreganja!
Would also like to have some 0 dat 22% you gotz MV... would save some time in breeding that level up... LOL
Thanks again... this thread has a lot of good reads... this is another!
I can't find 22% THC now, here is a good 1 tho and you will see this 1 and alot more Auto's right here but I can only have 6 plants @ a time an only 3 can be in flowering @ 1 time... I have a hit list coming up soon Auto's and regular cannabis but I haft to time every thing right to stay with in the Law f-ing pricks

Genetics: New York City Diesel x Lowryder #2
Variety: sativa/indica/ruderalis
Type: Stabilized hybrid
Harvest Date: 9 weeks from seed
Flowering Period: 6+ weeks
THC Content: 17-19%
Characteristics: Resinous, tasty auto-flowering authentic strain.
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