MassMedMan's Greenhouse

Hey MMM! Congratulations on the. MOM win!:welldone:

I thought I would share my Habanero pics here as you are also growing them. By the way if you want some seeds for next Spring from my collection, just send me a PM.

The plants in the ground always take longer to really get going - the two plants in pots with already ripened/ripening chillies are 4 years and 2 year old respectively, all others are from seed this Spring.


Have a great day with the family :thumb:
Thank you Bapple. Your Habs are beautiful, I'm so jealous and I will absolutely take you up on your offer for seeds. I want to grow one inside, year-round.

My peppers,, all my peppers are toast. I'm very sad about this but I saw it happening a few weeks ago. A bunch of issues, mostly aphids, and beetles,,, I don't know. Most years I can fight through it. This year I did two things wrong, one I changed my pest spray. Bad move. And then I had so much going on I just let the problems keep on instead of dealing with it.

Stuck my head in the sand which is very unusual for me.

All my peppers for my salsa will come from the farmers market. Oh well. I've got awesome tomatoes, eggplant, and the rest...... Always one thing each year that doesn't live up to expectations,, Disappointed it's my peppers. :(

Thanks for the nice comments,, even if you didn't vote for me. I like your honesty,,, and of course, your garden rocks!! :)

Thank you for coming by......:Namaste:
My secret weapon when I grew Habs in London (weather which I don't think is far off your weather) is that I would grow my chillies in massive pots, and each pot had one Marigold and juvenile Rosemary already going before I popped the Habs in beginning of June. Once the pepper got going (usually late July), I would then chop the Marigold down leaving the Rosemary as a companion plant.....nothing messes with Rosemary. Out of habit, I still do the same thing here but each pot gets one or the other....Marigold or Rosemary I mean.

Thanks for not objecting to my Habs pics; nowhere else to post them. :thanks::high-five:
My secret weapon when I grew Habs in London (weather which I don't think is far off your weather) is that I would grow my chillies in massive pots, and each pot had one Marigold and juvenile Rosemary already going before I popped the Habs in beginning of June. Once the pepper got going (usually late July), I would then chop the Marigold down leaving the Rosemary as a companion plant.....nothing messes with Rosemary. Out of habit, I still do the same thing here but each pot gets one or the other....Marigold or Rosemary I mean.

Thanks for not objecting to my Habs pics; nowhere else to post them. :thanks::high-five:

I like the idea of companion planting. My marigolds got a late start, but, I will remeber that for next year. Got some pics in the garden today, start with last year. I canned sixty quarts of tomatoes last year, i have eight quarts left and they will be used for some pizza sauce. I'll use some carrots from this year along with an onion,,, and brew it up, then can using half pint jars (pickles not going in he sauce)


And on to this year..



bnut squash


aacorn squash

sunflower, noticed the bird shit on the leaf, target rich enviroment....


cherry tomatoes

pumkins and an whole bunch of stuff


and yes, twenty roma tomato plants,, about twenty tomatoes per plant showing,, another forty per enroute

first semi red one down there...aaaaaah sooon


This is the only pepper on this Anaheim plant. I have had several flowers, only to have stem and all fall off. Other than heat stress any ideas as to why?

This is the only pepper on this Anaheim plant. I have had several flowers, only to have stem and all fall off. Other than heat stress any ideas as to why?

Not pollinated would be my guess. If those flowers aren't pollinated I don't think you'll get fruit/ a pepper in this case. Any bees around,, Is that inside a linie... Indoor pool area?

Most of what I hear about peppers is they love the heat, doubt it's that and the plant appears to be healthy...

Love the pics,, btw-- thanks for sharing!!

Maybe they can self pollinate,, I'm going to look that up...

It is an Anaheim, the other 2 we have are Garden Salsa, they are throwing out lots of fruit. Moved the Anaheim further away from morning sun and turned on overhead fan for air. They also had some White Mold on them, used milk wipe, then treated. Looking a lot happier today, with a few new peppers showing. Have hear some folks add silica to aid in heat stress, 95 degree with 100% is tough on man, beast! and plant.
It is an Anaheim, the other 2 we have are Garden Salsa, they are throwing out lots of fruit. Moved the Anaheim further away from morning sun and turned on overhead fan for air. They also had some White Mold on them, used milk wipe, then treated. Looking a lot happier today, with a few new peppers showing. Have hear some folks add silica to aid in heat stress, 95 degree with 100% is tough on man, beast! and plant.

Yeah, that's hot. See, they say they like heat where I'm from cause we don't get your kind of heat.... Haha. Silica is a great supplement for container plants dealing with heat. Much love bro,, keep posting them!
Gonna do a video update this week. Got pumpkins growing on trees, vines have taken over, shit I didn't plant growing,, and tomatoes, plenty of them. This is about half of what I'll process today, tomorrow the same, and I've got three gallons already in a spare fridge waiting a canning session. I'm busy


I blanch and remove skin for tomato gravy only

As a kid I was my Granpa's little "hoe'r" my sister and I would hoe down one row and back the other. Late summer nights, armed with salt shaker, headin for the mater patch.
As a kid I was my Granpa's little "hoe'r" my sister and I would hoe down one row and back the other. Late summer nights, armed with salt shaker, headin for the mater patch.

Brings back memories of my own. Thanks for the smile, and chuckle....
Got a video in the garden this morning.

Hope you enjoy. I'm up to my ears in tomatoes. But, that's good, and normal. ;)


Home sweet home. Hands full now, belly full all year.

Wish I had that green thumb. You have forgotten more, than most know. Great job,a lot of hard work.
Now THAT is a garden. Great job. I'd be happy with half that bounty !

Home sweet home. Hands full now, belly full all year.

Wish I had that green thumb. You have forgotten more, than most know. Great job,a lot of hard work.

Thank you both. It's very rewarding this time of the year. Only complaint is my season is so short, by the time things get cranking it's time to close it up. Oh well. Have six gallons of tomatoes processed so far. I'll probably stop there for a while a shift focus to my salsa...
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