Massachusetts Senator "Elizabeth Warren", backs Marijuana Legalization.


420 Member
Leaves me wondering if she ever tried it before because just trusting words or from others that it's good is how she uses her political vote and platform to vote Yes for "legalizing" (legal 4 1, legal 4 all. Health and finances are involved and they're training for Dispensary jobs when I needed that so I'm left Defamed waiting for it in Tennessee yet WillieNelson didn't have to wait lol!*)

I like Elizabeth. I like Pro-Pot. Some people need a boost and don't feel high naturally to fly a kite or go to Taco Bell or make Homemade Taco Bell at home from YouTube recipes.
CBDcart battery used for this thought*:
This is the only thing she is good about, her views are so screwy and way out there like most libs from Ma. I'm from there 29 years and I never realized how screwed up their views are compared to the red state of Texas, big difference.
This is the only thing she is good about, her views are so screwy and way out there like most libs from Ma. I'm from there 29 years and I never realized how screwed up their views are compared to the red state of Texas, big difference.
You may find "most libs in MA" have more similarities to your great Texan ideals than you think friend. I agree she has/hopefully had a winey way about her. She's getting better at getting to the point. She sides with the working person far as I can see. I was that before I retired.

I take offense to your most libs comment. I'm a hard working, family oriented, gun carrying guy. A good man that helps others like most of us here. It's the same all over. There's good and bad. Most libs in MA is as accurate a term as most right wingers in TX. So "everyone says this about that" has to go away and get replaced with facts.

I try to keep in mind that we have different needs in our different states. Also that our system is meant for different parties to mash things out to bring an agreeable outcome. We're not enemies under normal conditions and we shouldn't be saying so either like I do see. Yes, you and I may have some different wants and needs but general life is the same. Work hard, love family, be comfortable financially is what I wanted for. I suspect it's the same for you.

We are on the same team.

I'll bite, give me a view that's so different please? We can be civil, yes?
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