Mars II 400 AK-48 & Northern Lights

A Couple more Day 27 shots

Bloom Day 29....

They're really putting on now. Previously when I grew I would need to water/feed every 3rd day, but that's no hard and fast rule, I noticed last night they were already dry from Saturday morning's watering, so they're getting hit again. Feeding today.

1 tsp/gal Tiger Blooom, 1 tsp/gal Grow Big, 1 Tbsp/gal Grow Big, 1/4 tsp/gal Beastie Bloomz

Looking great my friend!

I'm sure you know this already, but just keep a close eye on those Mars IIs getting too close to the plants.....i've read a lot of reports of bleached buds because of this.

Keep up the good work. :)

Yeah, I've heard of bleaching occurring with LED"s before. I was in on some discussions with some other Spectra 3 watt owners back in 2011 and some of them were having that problem-I've never seen bleaching first hand, and don't see any evidence -yet- on this grow. The wide angle lens I use on the Nikon can distort the distance perception, that being said, the closest the tips are to the lights right now is 9 inches, the grid is 24 inches from the lights. I thought about raising them a couple inches but was worried about sacrificing the development of some of the lower buds. Thanks for the word of warning, I'm keeping close eye on them for sure.
Bloom Day 35...

Looking good, though buds could be a bit bigger. I was running my lights at 12.5 on/11.5 off, reduced by 30 minutes this week so 12/12 now. Plan on subtracting 15 minutes in a week and the week thereafter to encourage ripening.

Feeding today, 2.5 tsp/Gal Tiger Bloom, 1/4 tsp/gal Cha-Ching, out of Big Bloom so subbed with a few Tbsp of Buffalo Loam compost tea.

Been doing a bit of defoliating and removing suckers from the bottom part, not perfectly clean as you can see in the picture but as good as my knees could bear.

Both Strains have a finishing time of 7-9 weeks, AK 48 seems to be slightly faster finishing the last run I ran them both about 53-56 days. We'll see this go round how it goes, I'll start posting some Trich shots through my USB scope in a week or so.

Bloom Day 41....

Looking good I think, colas have gotten a little bigger. I ran clear ph'd 6.5 ro water through them yesterday, rather than the day before like I said earlier.

We've had a lot of rain in the area lately making the humidity levels too high to be ideal, so I'm running a dehumidifier 24/7 now in the grow room. 85F with RH 48%~52% at canopy level is the usual reading. Bringing the daily average temp down starting tomorrow along with taking away another 15 minutes of light-one click on the timer. Oh, and Happy Holidays to all!!! :party:

Bloom Day 44....

I'll get some trich shots up soon (...soon as I bother to get off my butt to take the portable into the grow room with the usb scope attached) They were watered yesterday with Molasses (1 Tbsp/Gal) water was 70 degrees, right about where soil temps are right now. We've gotten a break from the high humidity, yesterday it actually dropped below 30% outside, but it's only a temporary reprieve, rain is on the way. Being that I watered them though humidity hovered around 50%-56% at canopy level most yesterday with temps around 77-79F. Just checked, currently running 78F @ 47% RH late next week is shaping up to be Chop Day, I'm guessing Christmas Eve.

Bloom Day 51....FINAL

They received a final clear water flush on Saturday morning, almost completely dry, I'm running the lights for a few hours today then darkness until chop tomorrow afternoon. Plan to hang the whole branches up (after I've trimmed them) in the grow tent for the first week or so, first couple of days I'll run temps of 70 degrees RH 50% then 65 degrees RH 60% there after. The exhaust fan running continuously the first day and in 15 minutes intervals there after. I'm satisfied with the results from the Mars II and will be buying 2 more full spectrums to run 4 of them next grow which will be 2X2 Northern Lights and AK-48 - my two favorite strains obviously, I always grow AK48 because of it's strong sativa quality buzz, that and a few cups of coffee is a good way to have a productive day :) I like to change out the NL for Master Kush or Bubblicious from time to time. I'm also planning a Nirvana Freebie seed grow after that-no idea what they are, so that will be an interesting surprise.

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