Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion

Some MarsII 240x5w progress...Humboldt Seed Org~Sour Diesel #2

Hi, Have a 3x3 tent, For economic purpose I am looking for a light for the whole cycle. I was thinking about buying the Mars II , are you using it for veg and flowering? Also what size do you recommend for my setup. Thanks.
Hi, Have a 3x3 tent, For economic purpose I am looking for a light for the whole cycle. I was thinking about buying the Mars II , are you using it for veg and flowering? Also what size do you recommend for my setup. Thanks.

I do not use the MarsII for veg, although there are a few whom are. I can tell you how I came to my decision and maybe it will help you. I looked at the footprint of my area, then looked for the light that would fit it and went up one size to ensure that the entire area I wanted covered, was covered.
I can see that Curso but I think if you were buying one light for veg and bloom I would just go with the Mars II. You are saying there are lights with bigger foot prints for vegging right?
thanks for your order Jimmy. :high-five::circle-of-love:
So after some miss-communication and some e-mail's.I have placed order.Very excited.Thank's Sara.
Hi Sara and 420'ers. I already own one of the old style 600 watt units and also have a marsII 400w. I also have a 45 Watt panel, Blue for seedlings and new plants. First time grower, and I have all this crammed into a 6' x 42" closet. Now if that sounds like over loading with lights, I plan on ordering more soon. Loving the MarsII and plan on ordering more in a couple of weeks. Actually i have a whole room I plan on setting up. Couple of Questions for you Ms. Sara. First off, being right on our holiday season here in the USA, are you planning on having a black friday sale? It is a big thing here in the US. It is the friday after our thanksgiving. That would be November 29th this year. How about christmas? Planning on any sales during christmas?
Are there plans in the future to offer lights with spectrums specific to the growth phases of the plants, or will we still be special ordering thru you? Not that there seems to be any problem with that as you should probably be getting the Salesperson of the year with what you have done supporting the patrons on this site. Your boss should be real happy to have you.
welcome Copspops,

I am sorry to tell you that will not have a blackfriday for we do not prepare it. now we are out of stock, if customer order a lot on that day, we do not have product to ship out. I think the price of our light will increase soon after all our lights has been out of stock , because we need to ship them from China.

I think we will make some lights only for growth phases. but there has very less customer want it, so I do not think my boss will agree to stock them at our warehouse. so you need to order from me directly,. if we sell better on vege light next year. my boss will stock there. if you want now, we have to ship from China for u .
Hi Sara and 420'ers. I already own one of the old style 600 watt units and also have a marsII 400w. I also have a 45 Watt panel, Blue for seedlings and new plants. First time grower, and I have all this crammed into a 6' x 42" closet. Now if that sounds like over loading with lights, I plan on ordering more soon. Loving the MarsII and plan on ordering more in a couple of weeks. Actually i have a whole room I plan on setting up. Couple of Questions for you Ms. Sara. First off, being right on our holiday season here in the USA, are you planning on having a black friday sale? It is a big thing here in the US. It is the friday after our thanksgiving. That would be November 29th this year. How about christmas? Planning on any sales during christmas?
Are there plans in the future to offer lights with spectrums specific to the growth phases of the plants, or will we still be special ordering thru you? Not that there seems to be any problem with that as you should probably be getting the Salesperson of the year with what you have done supporting the patrons on this site. Your boss should be real happy to have you.
I got my light last week.
Unfortunately it was damaged... The panel has been dropped on the corner resulting in bend metal and a slightly open box. :(
It could have been at the warehouse or during shipping, it's hard to say.
TopLed didn't want to replace the unit but gave a couple of $$ back.
Now, it doesn't look like the inside was damaged and so far (a few days now) the light seems to be going fine.

However, part of the paint has flaked off and metal is now exposed. I'm afraid that with the heat and humidity it would start to rust?
Should I put a touch-up of paint on it?

I'm excited!!
I should get my Mars 700 (140x5W) in the next few days...!
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