Mars-Hydro LED Grow Light Discussion


WJ > I do not threaten, I ask questions, it's different ...I use this tone because I'm too concerned by this bug and I'm angry...So I protect myself by being hard (and thank you and good make me understand that my English is very bad, it's very nice of you, me I try to protect your data ...thanks you for this)

MagigMediWana >if you know the bug, you would understand why I try to make things go faster, I am too affected by this bug ...

SmokeSara >I do not have FB (i'm not crazy.....), and I'm not engineer, or even a hacker, I'm just a citizen ...sorry

I do not understand why no one offered me a goodwill gesture to thank me for being honest just because I am honest and kind, you know why I say this ...

it would be nice if the problem is resolved quickly ... because if a less nice person that falls on me, I think the song will not be the same, and I do not want to pay the price (and I think others either ...)

i just emailed u. :)
Hi Sara,

I got your email, thank you.

I just need to know one more thing, do you accept Australian dollars?

The Paypal conversion fee to US dollars is high, I would have to pay over $20 to them just for the AU to US currency conversion. :(
Magento is a English shopping system, here our engineer can not solve it very well, so we need longer time to familiar with it. thanks for your understand,. we are trying our best to protect all of you. please help us to protect others. thank you very much.

WJ > I do not threaten, I ask questions, it's different ...I use this tone because I'm too concerned by this bug and I'm angry...So I protect myself by being hard (and thank you and good make me understand that my English is very bad, it's very nice of you, me I try to protect your data ...thanks you for this)

MagigMediWana >if you know the bug, you would understand why I try to make things go faster, I am too affected by this bug ...

SmokeSara >I do not have FB (i'm not crazy.....), and I'm not engineer, or even a hacker, I'm just a citizen ...sorry

I do not understand why no one offered me a goodwill gesture to thank me for being honest just because I am honest and kind, you know why I say this ...

it would be nice if the problem is resolved quickly ... because if a less nice person that falls on me, I think the song will not be the same, and I do not want to pay the price (and I think others either ...)

As I said, the first thing we want to do is to keep all of you safety. the second thing we want to do is to help all of you growing happy. the third thing we want to do is to help all of you saving money :))) Dear all, We know you trust us, so we are trying our best to let you know that it's worth it . :high-five:
One more thing, we have new shipment arrived at AU warehouse and our mars II 1200w and mars II900w will be out of stock in UK soon, so my friends, you know what you should do now,. hahahaha.:MoreNutes:

I am getting tired of being mocked me(yes i'm sensitive), and we do not take me seriously .... I try to preserve our security! ...I would have preferred Thanks instead of teasing

I can not send PM ...

for those wishing to learn more about the BUG,give me an email and you will know better .... like that'll stop you laugh ... and I think you will have less smile ...

I am nice, but when you make fun of me I can be very nasty, so be careful

Hi, pacopac. please email the screenshots to my mailbox: . i will try my best to solve the problem which u refered. thank u very much.

hi all,

there some time, I detected a large bud on topledgrowlights site ....

it was a very important bug ..... I informed the site, who thank me and that's all .... I say this is because the bug is very important and compromise the personal data of customers, you!
no commercial gesture was offered me, I find it weird knowing that keeping the discretion I save now, if I disclose the bug, I think the farm business ....

any other company would have offered me a goodwill gesture for reporting a bug as big ...

what should I do? I should inform you of this problem?

ps: watch out! if you block or close my account, I would contraind to make a youtube video with my screenshots ....


I am getting tired of being mocked me(yes i'm sensitive), and we do not take me seriously .... I try to preserve our security! ...I would have preferred Thanks instead of teasing

I can not send PM ...

for those wishing to learn more about the BUG,give me an email and you will know better .... like that'll stop you laugh ... and I think you will have less smile ...

I am nice, but when you make fun of me I can be very nasty, so be careful


Hello pacopac, it seems that you got a thank you and that just wasn't enough for you. If you look at the bold text above you see what I'm saying.

I thank you as well for looking out for everyone's security... but when you reply and you say "so be careful" you will get nowhere. :Namaste:

WJ > I do not threaten, I ask questions, it's different ...I use this tone because I'm too concerned by this bug and I'm angry...So I protect myself by being hard (and thank you and good make me understand that my English is very bad, it's very nice of you, me I try to protect your data ...thanks you for this)


It looked like you were demanding something in return. You were trying to hack or find something not secure on their website to be able to do what? Why? Demand something because they already told you thanks and you wanted more. We don't do that demanding type of thing here in the USofA, but I guess that sort of thing, blackmail, is ok in France. Especially with a threat of putting it on YouTube. Your english isn't bad enough to know you wanted something in return for screwing around on their site and finding a security issue.

I know I am not allowed to post FB link here, but please check the post from 7.21

I asked help for sure, and we are solving problem. I hope we can stop here on this thing. I told you we are solving problem, why not believe me and read what I post here? Believing others is believing yourself.

Hope this thing end here, I will not post more about this thing on public. thank you all.


I am getting tired of being mocked me(yes i'm sensitive), and we do not take me seriously .... I try to preserve our security! ...I would have preferred Thanks instead of teasing

I can not send PM ...

for those wishing to learn more about the BUG,give me an email and you will know better .... like that'll stop you laugh ... and I think you will have less smile ...

I am nice, but when you make fun of me I can be very nasty, so be careful

Hi all I'm a new member and I am wondering what light I should go with. I have a 4x4x8 grow area. I am considering the Mars II 1200 or two of the older 200x3 (white ones) My main concern is coverage and heat issues. I don't have very good exhaust for heat at this time but will be getting that changed soon. Just looking for input on how hot these lights get and what will cover my area the best. Thanks in advance
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