Mars Hydro Grow Journal SP 3000: Blue Kush, RDWC, ScrOG

I drained the system and refilled it with my Week 4 recipe:

Week 4 Recipe​

Starting Water : Rain Water 0ec
Buddhas Tree Solar Green Power Silica @ recommended 0.25ml/l
TA CalMag -> 0.4ec
Ionic Hydro Bloom @recommended
Buddhas Tree PK918 @ recommended 0.25ml/l
Buddhas Tree Metaboost @ recommended 0.5ml/l
Hydroguard @ recommended 0.5ml/l

I diluted this down to a solution of 1.1ec.

I'm out of my regular Canna Aqua Flores base nutrient, I use Ionic Hydro Bloom as a backup. For this reason, I fed all nutrients at the recommended, and diluted down at the end, to make sure the proportions were correct.

After feeding and leaving the system to recirculate for 10mins, the system reads:

EC : 1.1
PPM : 530
PH 5.9

Lets see how the ladies react to it

You are so brave ! I can’t imagine using rain water ... all the books I have read say don’t because it is too acidic and full of poison . Blah blah I get that plants grow outside and it rains , I’ve never really wrapped my head around why I use RO water, and then pour liquid shit into the soup haha
Can’t wait to see how it ends !
Looking great

Day 17 Flower​

The readings this morning:

EC : 0.8
PPM : 370
PH : 6.1

The EC is stable and the PH has risen :thumb: System will be getting a top up today.

And here they are, first thing this morning:


I'm seeing some yellowing of the lower leaves on the front-left lady. Will keep an eye on her and the EC.

Have a great day all :peace:
Girls look awesome! Lot’s of buds, very delicious looking. I really enjoyed looking at these buds. The hairs look great. My girls have around 2, and a half months left. I’ll be making sure these girls come out healthy, and full of buds. There are nodes all over 2 of my main girls, and 2 nodes from my last girl. I ended up feeding blooming nutrients a bit for my main 2 girls.
You are so brave ! I can’t imagine using rain water ... all the books I have read say don’t because it is too acidic and full of poison . Blah blah I get that plants grow outside and it rains , I’ve never really wrapped my head around why I use RO water, and then pour liquid shit into the soup haha
Rain water is a valued thing in my household - I love it when it rains :yahoo:

I've been thinking about installing an RO, mainly for the summer when i could run out of rain water. I'd probably still use Rain water over anything else to be honest. The plants love it.

I've read a few things about rain water being bad too. I've never had any complains from the ladies though, and i see way less problems, especially compared to my tap water (0.6ec). The way i see it, rain water is 0ec and the PH can be adjusted :)
Can’t wait to see how it ends !
Thanks @Northern Hydro :Namaste: me either!
Looking great

Girls look awesome! Lot’s of buds, very delicious looking. I really enjoyed looking at these buds. The hairs look great. My girls have around 2, and a half months left. I’ll be making sure these girls come out healthy, and full of buds. There are nodes all over 2 of my main girls, and 2 nodes from my last girl. I ended up feeding blooming nutrients a bit for my main 2 girls.
Thanks @ChronicTrees.

I just stopped by yours to catch up. Looking good :thumb:
When I drain and change my solution; I flush RO water for 30 - 60 minutes to clean the roots of old nutrients.

I don't fill it all the way up about 6 -8 liters or 1 1/2 - 2 gallons.

She respond great to this by doubling the main stem size and pulling more nutrients up to the buds.
I do the same thing when draining the system for a fresh res change @Tokin Roll :high-five: Although I only let it circulate for ~10mins. I'll leave it for an hour or so from now on, thanks for the tip!

One of the reasons i do this is because it's hard for me to completely drain the system of the old nutrient, and as you've said, it hangs around in the root mass too. I add in plain water to dilute it down as much as possible and to make sure old nutrient isn't hanging around in the chiller too. If i've been feeding heavy I may even add in some flashkleen or something.
I just keep to the basic, nothing to fancy.

1 Nutrient cabinet.jpg
I just keep to the basic, nothing to fancy.

1 Nutrient cabinet.jpg
I completely overlooked GHE Flora Duo (or TA DualPArt as it would be here). I see it can be used in coco too which is nice. Thanks for sharing.

Do you use any bloom boosts?

Day 18 Flower​

The readings this morning:

EC : 0.8
PPM : 390
PH : 5.8

The PH has dropped a couple of points since last night. This might be because the plants are taking up more water. I'll be changing the res at lunch time for my Week 4 formula. It's a few days early as i usually do this ~Day21, but considering these girls showed pistils on only Day 4 of flower it's probably about right.

Here they are. I need to do some reshuffling of the screen to make the most of the space.

Absolutely gorgeous brother, I love the screen and the mass of buds mmmmmm. Audrey looks great! My man .... top job
Absolutely gorgeous brother, I love the screen and the mass of buds mmmmmm. Audrey looks great! My man .... top job
Thank you brother, that's very kind of you :Namaste: A long way to go yet, let's hope these ladies stay well behaved all the way through
My Eazy Plugs and Blocks arrived :yahoo:and the timing is perfect. The flowering clone i took has now rooted. I took the clone on the 21st Jan, the clone rooted yesterday which was the 28th so that's 7 days. Spot on.

I made up 5L of bennie rich, nutrient solution to hydrate the Eazy Block with and feed the clone. Probably went OTT with the bennies - I was pretty excited at the time :laugh:

Eazy Block Tonic
CalMag -> 0.2ec
Buddhas Tree Coco -> 0.8ec
RAW Kelp
PH adjusted to 5.8
Root Excelurator
Voodoo Juice
Great White

Next batch i'll be adding Fulvic acid too, once the roots are more established.

Here she is in the Eazy Block. The cube didn't fit perfectly as it wasn't an Eazy Plug, but rather a Root Riot cube, but i just filled the edges with a little coco and ran some nutrient through it and let the block drain.

Let's call this Monster cropped clone.....

Audrey 2

Day 18 Flower continued...​

The readings at lights out:

EC : 1.0
PPM : 520
PH : 6.0

The EC has dropped slightly and the PH has risen :thumb:

The ladies seem to be pretty unphased by the res change. Looking forward to seeing what they got up to during the night.

I diluted 4 grams of Epsom Salt in a gallon of RO water on occasion for feed, but that's about it.
Not every grow.

Be careful using Epsom Salt or raw sugar.
If you want to use them do the research.

Thanks Tok! Interesting. Do you just feed base then (and occasionally Epsom salts) all the way through? Do you tweak you base proportions or just keep it as instructed by GHE?

I'll do some reading up on Epsom Salts and Raw Sugar, thanks :thumb:

I haven't adjusted my nutrient habits in years, but am looking to simplify if possible. Hence all the questions i have for everyone regarding their nutrient lines. I've gone with the TA Flora Dual Part (GHE Flora Duo) though for my base, thanks.

Day 19 Flower​

Morning guys!

The readings this morning:

EC : 1.1
PPM : 530
PH : 5.4

The PH dropped quite a bit over night. I'm not going to jump to conclusions yet on this one (although i think the nutrient strength might be on the strong side). If it continues to drop I might bring the EC down a little with some plain water. But we'll see. It might just be the plants feeding. Bumped it up to 5.8.

Audrey :love: with her morning salute
A few hours after adjusting the PH to 5.8 it's dropped again to 5.4. I drained some of the solution from the res and replaced with plain water to bring the readings to:

EC : 0.9
PPM : 450
PH : 5.8

A decrease of 80ppm. I'll let them play with it like that and see how they respond.
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