Mars Hydro Grow Journal SP 3000: Blue Kush, RDWC, ScrOG

Genie, I like what you are doing, but you have another week of stretch to deal with before they start to bulk up.

You will very soon be re-think how many plants you can fit in the net; space will be at a premium.

I new you could fill this net easily.

I am thinking about doing a DWC one plant kilo challenge with myself.

I am sure it has been done before, I think it would be challenging for sure.

I would be in to see that as well

Day 16 Flower​

Readings this morning

EC : 0.8
PPM : 370
PH : 6.1

EC stable, PH up one point from last night - I'll take that. Ladies are nice and stable :thumb:

There is some very minor tip burn on the fan leaves. I'm going to favour a slightly weaker top up solution as my RH is still quite low (~30%) even with humidifier on all day.

And here is Audrey

Audrey is looking good. :)Nice work. :thumb: I'm a few pages behind And i need to catch up, so expect a few old posts to get dug up.
I love how you're using a lighter as a measurement guide.
Thing is, is it a metric lighter or an imperial one? Just lm from the UK and I can't visualize in inches.:p
Audrey is looking good. :)Nice work. :thumb: I'm a few pages behind And i need to catch up, so expect a few old posts to get dug up.
I love how your using a lighter as a measurement guide.
Thing is, is it a metric lighter or an imperial one? Just lm from the UK and I can't visualize in inches.:p
I'm in the UK too mate :thumb: And thanks for taking the time.

Day 16 Flower continued...​

Readings before lights out:

EC : 0.8
PPM : 370
PH : 6.0

PH has drifted down a point since this morning, but i'm sure i spotted it drift down to 5.9 and back up again throughout the day. I've still not topped up. Going to leave it this evening and top up tomorrow.

I was going to wait another 5 days to change up my res to my mid bloom recipe. Do you think i should switch up sooner
I think she coming around nicely.

Don't force her she will let you know when she wants more.

Like the old saying goes the turtle won the race; this is the time where patience plays a key role.

I am watching, if you don't see it I will tell you.
Hint: the leaves will start to lighten and she will be taking more water.


Oh yes nice images.

Day 17 Flower​

The readings this morning:

EC : 0.8
PPM : 370
PH : 6.1

The EC is stable and the PH has risen :thumb: System will be getting a top up today.

And here they are, first thing this morning:


I'm seeing some yellowing of the lower leaves on the front-left lady. Will keep an eye on her and the EC.

Have a great day all :peace:

Day 17 Flower continued...​

I topped up the system with ~15L of fresh nutrient solution.

Starting water : Rain water 0ec
Botanicare CalMag: 0.3ec
Canna Aqua Flores : 0.7ec
PH Adjustment 5.8
Root Excelurator

System after feeding:

EC : 0.8
PPM : 400
PH : 6.0

It's been a couple of hours since feeding and they now read:

EC : 0.8
PPM : 390
PH : 6.1

Ladies are feeding. I'm starting to see some more yellowing of the leaves on the front-left lady. I'm hoping this top up will help.
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