hstisgod, cool beans man, and I hope your sobriety goes well. It takes a mature and intelligent person to analyse and admit they may have a subtance abuse problem, or that a subtance is becoming a detriment to their life. Probably the majority of pot smokers I have met smoke for enjoyment and have their lives completely in order. But I too once "abused" pot, in the sense that I was smoking to the point that it was having a negative effect on my life, as opposed to the positive effects I NOW get from it.
I think pot should be enjoyed and smoked as often as anyone likes, but ANY sunstance becomes abusive and a problem when it no longer heightens or enhances the users life. Weed for me is a complete benefit, but as I said, it wasn't always, and I had to do some serious contemplating before I found a happy medium.
So again, good luck, I hope you discover your happy medium where you can enjoy whatever substance makes your days more enjoyable, rather than cause you stress and causes problems ;-)
Oh, and I have HST's "Kingdom of Fear", as well as a PDF version of Fear and Loathing.....after reading the short story, while there were some things left out, I have even MORE respect for the movie, as it was very true to the book. And Depp did a phenominal job of portreying HST.