Marijuana Industry Fears If Sessions Is Confirmed, Dispensaries Could Get Shut Down

Re: Marijuana Industry Fears If Sessions Is Confirmed, Dispensaries Could Get Shut Do

I dont think law enforcment and jails and stuff would lose jobs if it were would just free up more money for the state to go after harder dugs...aka the heroin epidemic going on in most of our states

anything that occurs in nature cannot be unnatural!
Re: Marijuana Industry Fears If Sessions Is Confirmed, Dispensaries Could Get Shut Do

If you listened to the hearings, Sessions made a very interesting point. His job is to enforce the laws. If the law needs to be changed, then get Congress to do it. It would seem with more than half the country in favor of at least medical availability, it's time to get our representatives off their sanctimonious butts and get the statutes changed.
Now I certainly hope he's not going to go all blood and guts on us, but he's right - the real problem is the law, not the enforcer.
I'm just sayin'.
Re: Marijuana Industry Fears If Sessions Is Confirmed, Dispensaries Could Get Shut Do

If you listened to the hearings, Sessions made a very interesting point. His job is to enforce the laws. If the law needs to be changed, then get Congress to do it. It would seem with more than half the country in favor of at least medical availability, it's time to get our representatives off their sanctimonious butts and get the statutes changed.
Now I certainly hope he's not going to go all blood and guts on us, but he's right - the real problem is the law, not the enforcer.
I'm just sayin'.

You're right, the problem is the law and not the enforcer (though if the enforcer chose not to enforce the law because it's unjust that would be one way to fix the problem). The main issue though is that those in power seek to maintain and expand the status quo of power, profit, and control. So yes, hopefully the laws will change, but you can bet your ass that lawmakers will change the laws to benefit them and their corporate masters. It won't be "change the law so cannabis is legal for everyone to grow and/or use" it will be "change the law with heavy restrictions so only big business can thrive with a monopoly control while small local growers are squeezed out of the market and even penalized/criminalized while users will still be charged with a crime if they do not purchase from a corporation."

Yes we want the laws changed, but no we do not want those laws changed if they benefit big business while screwing over the people.
Re: Marijuana Industry Fears If Sessions Is Confirmed, Dispensaries Could Get Shut Do

We get to scrappin' betwixt ourselves and we make it all the easier for the folks that want to continue prohibition.

Ya'll are on the same side o' the bud after all so .........
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