Marijuana and bodyweight


New Member
Marijuana is a clinically controversial substance, but one potential medical benefit may be weight gain. According to available studies, appetite stimulation as well as weight gain may occur in patients with physical debilitation due to HIV/AIDS and/or cancer. However, while weight gain may occur, it is not greater than currently available agents for inducing weight gain (e.g.megestrol). As for the effects of marijuana on body weight in the general population, use appears to be associated with a lower body mass index. This observation may be partially explained by differences inshort-term versus long-term use, comorbid polydrug use, and/or the intriguing theory that food and drugs may compete for the same reward sites in the brain. Alternatively, marijuana may genuinely be a regulatory compound, increasing weight in those with low weight,but not in those who are normal or overweight.
Depends on the strain in question (and, more to the point, the specific cannabinoids and ratio of same). I've smoked some stuff that caused me to basically eat until the buzz was gone (/rinse/lather/repeat ;) ), but I've also had some that caused me to not even think about eating.

I doubt any articles that incorrectly use the term marijuana....the correct name is cannabis.

Too right, man, too right. But at least the author didn't refer to it as "WEED." I hate hearing/seeing people do this - most especially, people that are supposedly pro-cannabis; in this war, we shouldn't be collaborating with the enemy (so to speak). This is one of my pet peeves. I have several (as do most people, I assume), and while I occasionally manage to block some of them out of consideration for others... this is one that I rarely even try to do so. I'm as likely to b!tch about it as I am to ignore it.
It also depends on what is going on with you. My appetite or hunger disappeared long ago along with other issues, so I eat to live not to escape hunger. Food tastes different but still good. Cannabis in every form I've tried does not stimulate my hunger as I am now, but what it does is far better, it soothes. As does the lovely grove out back of flourishing ladies taller than a circus giant and stretching still. Harvest for me is bitter/sweet when we have to chop and remove the remains until the cycle starts again. Each year I wonder if I will be able to cope but somehow muddle thru. A magical butter machine is on its way to make it easier still.
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