lookin great so far
what city do you live in?
Welcome and thanx, shaggy_420! Check PM.
real good work bud.+ REPS
Welcome and thanx for the reps, spike69! Good healing vibes to you and your brother!
looks good.I just finished reading your completed journal.Love the catapiler buds.Wierd but hey they do the trick.And i like the toping godd job on it.As far as the runt goes i had a runt veg while i harvested twice and on the third run i flowered her and i have NEVER had a plant get soooo dense. it has something to do with age rather then stature, well thats my experience, so just watch it for the runt she could come out the best.that would be ironic.
Welcome, Butcher! Yea, those caterpillar buds were pretty cool. I'm using the runt for cloning experiments now, but if it turns out to be female I'll flower it later. Hope it turns out like yours!
But any ways glad i saw your journal and now i'm posted GREAT JOB BRADA!!
Thanx! Your journal is looking great.
Thanx! Yours is excellent, SS.
Keepin' an eye on the Kalichakra especially
Me too.
gotta question on the Inoculaid. Does it say anything about shelf life?
It says shelf stable for 3-5 years.
...are you sure that you didn't mix the two strains up?
Those are the skinniest leaves i've ever seen on a northern lights.
i'm just sayin'...
But either way your plants are looking pretty great.
yeah top pic is a nice looking plant, just not northern lights
Welcome and thanx, ds8802! Thanx,PHAT!
I thought I kept track of which was which, but looking at the plants and rereading their descriptions, I think I may have gotten the NL and Kalichakra mixed up. It must have happened while they were seeds. I had a mark on the container, but must have remembered it backwards.
Here are the seed bank descriptions.
Type: sativa-indica
Contains land race genetics from: South India / S.E.Asia
Cultivation: indoor/outdoor
Light: 400 W/m2
Flowering time: 70-75 days/October
Yield: 500-550 gr/m2 (dry weight)
High: a potent, sativa high with an energizing body effect; THC-tolerance only builds up slowly, therefore the best choice for medical or regular users.
Medical Use: Kalichakra shows her therapeutic potential in pain relief and helping against depression.
This variety carries the name of the Hindu Godess Kali, a tantric partner of the ganja smoking God Shiva. With Kalichakra we offer a hardy, potent sativa hybrid with a good yield. This sativa remains easy to control in height - indoor you can expect her to increase two to three times in height in the flowering period. Outdoors she will reach a height of 1,6 - 2,0 meters in temperate climates. Due to the high calyx-leaf ratio the quality of the flowers is above average and she is easy to manicure. She grows in two distinct phenotypes: some plants develop their resinous flowers in an airy pattern, others grow compact quality buds. Kalichakra provides clones easily and in Hydroponics rapid growth can be expected - thereby shortening the flowering time
Northern lights cannabis seeds
Pure Indica and winner of the Indica strain 88, 89 and 1990; an absolute must for the indoor grower! Northern Lights dominated harvest festivals and many wonderful stains share its heritage. Through selective breeding we have succeeded in developing one of the most powerful plants in the world. Northern lights is highly adapted to indoor growing, compact, powerful, good yield and has exceptional resin production. Northern Lights is a most lucrative plant for the indoor grower. When it's covered in snowy crystals of resin lights, it's ready to harvest.
* Flowering: 45-51 days
* Height: 100-130cm indoor / 160cm or more outdoor
* Yield: ~128-180g indoor / 400+g outdoor in good conditions
* Indica/Sativa: 95/5
* Harvest: Primarily indoor, late Oct. if outdoor
* Sow: Sow when soil warms to 15C/59F or transplant after last frost