Maine 4-Season Greenhouse Grow

Highya BH,

I hope you don't mind, but I finally garnered a picture of one of our plants uploaded. This is my Mobsta still hanging on after the rain. Around the outside, I planted some red clover for a cover crop to produce nitrogen for use. Hope it's available near the end. The fans always turn yellow, so will be a good experiment.

Mobsta 2ft4in 06212019.jpg
Looking good! I also planted some red clover in my pots and it is just coming up. Glad she survived that rainstorm...

And someone gets style point for yellow crocs :cheesygrinsmiley:
That would be Julie. I'm holding the plant still, lol. Looks like they'll do fine, now
Put a "leaves wanted" sign in front of your house in the Fall...people will deliver it to you in bags...for free.
If anyone other than the two neighbors or the mailman/ups drivers drove by, it might work. Good thing is I have 60+ acres of woods as a backyard so if I need leaves, I just gotta break out the rake and it doesn't take much. You can actually get down to the humus fairly easy....some great looking stuff for sure!
If anyone other than the two neighbors or the mailman/ups drivers drove by, it might work. Good thing is I have 60+ acres of woods as a backyard so if I need leaves, I just gotta break out the rake and it doesn't take much. You can actually get down to the humus fairly easy....some great looking stuff for sure!
Sounds ideal :)

How are your neighbors? Do they have a tractor?
GH #1 Update: Crazy sporadic thunderstorms with hail yesterday, so I was happy to see plants were doing fine in the GH. They are topped which is good since they are stretching already.,..Satori most noticeably. Their top growth has been thin, but in the last week the new undergrowth has exploded and I'm guessing that will progress upward and they'll bush out. I have been waiting to prune off their lower branches until they get more foliage up top. I was at the feed store and grabbed a small bag of red clover which I added to most of the pots in all the GH's. I am more interested in the cover and keeping moisture than the added N, but I'll take what they offer.

Somebody said their front yard was 1' high grass? Mine is more like 2-3'! Can't bring myself to cut with the lupines in bloom...they'll be gone in a week or so. Saw 2x flies just chilling in the morning sun...can't blame them :)

GH #2 & #3 Update: Plants are looking good and I am just waiting for the regulars to confirm sex and the top foliage to bush out more so I can trim out some of the lower branches.

And to all my Northern Hemisphere homies....Happy Summer Solstice!

Great day to be alive! Summer finally here woot.+

Been a lot of rain down here in Pa too but at least the sun has been coming out after a good hard rain. Last year it was just rain for like 80 days in row not much sun at all. This year hard rain followed by sun which is good for all plants. Hope its more like that up your way.

Congrats on your Journal of the month award. Well deserved. Cabin Porn and flower porn FTW!

Good luck with your Mandala gear. When I ran them I didn't get any molds.

I'm not running any this summer and well getting a bit of PM already. I've found an organic solution for molds and PM/blossom end rot. Stuff the orchard folks use. It's a bacteria that eats mold and mold spores. I've been using it weekly with my IPM and it's working. I've had nights where its 80-90% RH - basically dew point temps. You know that's rough for molds.

It's called "Garden Friendly Fungicide" by Southern Ag - FOILER on lightly is enough.

For hydro guys it can be used to treat root rot so it will also kill beneficial microbes in the soil. Why I only FOILER it on the leaves lightly. A bit of run off onto soil wont be enough to worry about or you could cover soil with a tarp or something while spraying.

I just couldn't battle the mold anymore. Have to take stronger action this year.

Blew got a question to ask - can you post of pic of the action side of the new outhouse please??? You know the under seat shot. We want to build a new port-o-let at our cottage and yours looks awesome. TIA

Cabin coming along. GREAT job. I like your new stove. Tiny cabin tiny stove! Should work great!

Tics they suck ass shits. I got one trying to bury its little head into my neck the other day after a shower. My dogs know when they are on them and try and nuzzle me. Tics dont like my dogs as good as they like me. Dogs got a special fur with oil thats a natural repellent. Nuzzle dad, tics jump on me.
Saw the little fella in the mirror - legs going like 90mph while he was digging in. He got me but not for long! I hate tics
I always tell my kids (only half-jokingly) "that's a $20 pork chop" you're eating ...because in any city it would be.

One of our regional organic farms grows pasture raised everything. They deliver to us 1x a month.

bone in or boneless chops are $10.50/lb - we in the city (not for long). We can buy the same pork chop at WholeFoods (exactly the same from same farm) for that $20/lb deal. meh..... I like home delivery.

Chickens eat tics, so do those ginney hens. Put em to work lol

Edit - Love your clover. We planted ours last fall/winter. Its just stated blooming on the solstice as have many of our outdoor flowers.
Girls look fantastic Blew. How much vertical height do you have to play with?
9'+, but I'm trying to keep them @ 8' just for manageability.
Congrats on your Journal of the month award. Well deserved. Cabin Porn and flower porn FTW!
can you post of pic of the action side of the new outhouse please??? You know the under seat shot.
I need to shoot a new one for that....but basically the bench is built around one of my 13 gallon fish totes (same I use for VC). The back just has a hinge flap and you just poop right into the tote. It's big enough that people can't see the edges and dark as well (which worms love). I drilled 4x 1" holes on opposite sides of the tote bin area to move air out that way rather than push into the outhouse space. It's ridiculously simple and a joy to use. Zero stink...and believe me, I just had my MIL (Mother in Law) stay at the Cabin and she commented on how nice and airy the outhouse was..and then proceeded to tell me 3-4x that the loft is "awfully high" :laugh:
bone in or boneless chops are $10.50/lb - we in the city (not for long). We can buy the same pork chop at WholeFoods (exactly the same from same farm) for that $20/lb deal. meh..... I like home delivery.
Our grocery store has a "local" section which is mainly for tourists...I always am shocked to see the prices...$18/lb for bacon, $25/lb for lamb, etc. I used to pay $15 for a chicken from a local farm (which is fair) and we ended up only eating chicken 6-10 times a year...figured I'd just raise our own so now we do 15x a year.
Tick-tock...getting closer to July 1 (week from tomorrow!) which is our first guest arrival at the Cabin...we currently have 5 guests for a total of 28 days...not bad considering we only offered it beginning July 1. I'm guessing we'll cap the year @ 50-60 days...Fall in the Cabin would be we ge more couples after the summer.

Shelf installed and gate soon to be...I need to find a hinge and latch I like...but that will be sometime this week. We had some guests with small kids and having a locking gate will allow everyone to relax (me most importantly!).
Great day to be alive! Summer finally here woot.+

Been a lot of rain down here in Pa too but at least the sun has been coming out after a good hard rain. Last year it was just rain for like 80 days in row not much sun at all. This year hard rain followed by sun which is good for all plants. Hope its more like that up your way.

Congrats on your Journal of the month award. Well deserved. Cabin Porn and flower porn FTW!

Good luck with your Mandala gear. When I ran them I didn't get any molds.

I'm not running any this summer and well getting a bit of PM already. I've found an organic solution for molds and PM/blossom end rot. Stuff the orchard folks use. It's a bacteria that eats mold and mold spores. I've been using it weekly with my IPM and it's working. I've had nights where its 80-90% RH - basically dew point temps. You know that's rough for molds.

It's called "Garden Friendly Fungicide" by Southern Ag - FOILER on lightly is enough.

For hydro guys it can be used to treat root rot so it will also kill beneficial microbes in the soil. Why I only FOILER it on the leaves lightly. A bit of run off onto soil wont be enough to worry about or you could cover soil with a tarp or something while spraying.

I just couldn't battle the mold anymore. Have to take stronger action this year.

Blew got a question to ask - can you post of pic of the action side of the new outhouse please??? You know the under seat shot. We want to build a new port-o-let at our cottage and yours looks awesome. TIA

Cabin coming along. GREAT job. I like your new stove. Tiny cabin tiny stove! Should work great!

Tics they suck ass shits. I got one trying to bury its little head into my neck the other day after a shower. My dogs know when they are on them and try and nuzzle me. Tics dont like my dogs as good as they like me. Dogs got a special fur with oil thats a natural repellent. Nuzzle dad, tics jump on me.
Saw the little fella in the mirror - legs going like 90mph while he was digging in. He got me but not for long! I hate tics
That fungicide is like gold Blew and Bo. I used a similar one last year and got almost 100% of my bud, uncovered outside. You remember the wet end last year.
You remember the wet end last year.
I remember indeed...I'm gearing up to be ready for it this year :cheesygrinsmiley:

Does that stuff have a shelf life? It's $8 for a small thing and I might just get it and put it on the shelf....
I remember indeed...I'm gearing up to be ready for it this year :cheesygrinsmiley:

Does that stuff have a shelf life? It's $8 for a small thing and I might just get it and put it on the shelf....
I used another product with similar bio makeup so I don't know. It works. I had to reapply when the silver /gray tint came back. Sometimes every 4 days or so. Sometimes longer depending on temp and moisture. When I told the guys at the grow store I had a couple dozen nugs go to rot and not whole colas they were impressed and full of stories of huge failures in my region. I'l go look at what I have for a date.
Yeah shelf life like all gear thats made up of bacteria. I use this along with HorseTail fern tea for PM this time of year. Im indoors but no AC for now.

Only need a teaspoon per gallon of that Southern Ag stuff so a little goes a long ways.

I use Spinosad for mites and that is also a bacteria.

I get new every spring.

Not only does it keep mold from happening it will eat the spores and any mold already there. I didn't believe till I tried it.
I used another product with similar bio makeup so I don't know. It works. I had to reapply when the silver /gray tint came back. Sometimes every 4 days or so. Sometimes longer depending on temp and moisture. When I told the guys at the grow store I had a couple dozen nugs go to rot and not whole colas they were impressed and full of stories of huge failures in my region. I'l go look at what I have for a date.
Found it. No dates.
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