Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Express


Well-Known Member
Hi All!

Well, welcome to my summer outside grow. I'll be growing inside at the same time, just to maximize my summertime yield.

Well, quite a show I have for you if you'll follow along (I hope). I'll be starting, from seed:

1 AK47
3 CBD Critical Mass
3 Ice Bomb
1 Northern Lights Mazar

From clones, I've got:

4 Big Bud
6 Pineapple Express

These clones come from my current grow that I'm scrogging and have just entered into flowering about 1.5 weeks ago. This, btw, has been my first ever grow. It's coming along nicely, but I'll let you check out that grow if interested via the link below my signature. The clones are attempting to root using Olivia's Rooting Gel that I picked up on Amazon. I don't think that the Big Bud's like being cloned. They haven't taken to it well. They droop, they sag, they do all kinds of things in all the wrong ways. But who cares. As long as they root and begin to uptake nutrients then I'm happy. Currenly they are housed in a plastic covered grow tray with headroom of about 7 inches for them to stand up in. My seeds, most of which have sprouted, are also housed in this same grow tray. The grow tray sits atop a root heating pad to coax the roots to grow. It is my first time using this one and I am very happy with it. It has lots of head room and contains the moisture well, while still having breathing holes that can be either opened or closed.

In this grow, I am so very excited to be growing the CBD Critical Cure. I think this is going to be a wonderful strain for me. At least I hear that its a wonderful strain for dealing with the kinds of pain issues I deal with (debilitating). I am also curious to see how large of colas I can grow on my Big Buds. I"m currently growing 2 BB inside my back bedroom along with 2 Pineapple Express (hence the clones). Big Buds are notorious for developing, under ideal circumstances, these enormous colas that can bend the plant right over. Wow. Wouldn't that be nice, eh?

So I actually began germinating my seeds about a week ago, but I'm not counting that as the beginning of my grow. I"m going to count the day the last seedling pops through as my day one because I don't want to be dealing with well, this one has 71 days, this one had 73 days, this one has 74 days, and on and on with 15 or so plants. No. Let's keep this simple and call out the days as they happen for each plant together, since they'll all begin to flower around the same time. I've checked out all my plants to see how long their growing season is and I should be able to get away with having completed grows for all of my plants, given that I"ve started them early enough.

Actually, I would have liked to have started my plants about a month earlier, grown them to a good size before taking them outside. Better yield that way. But, alas, I didn't. I didn't even consider an outdoor grow until I was sitting by the kitchen window, looking out at all the space and thinking to myself how nice it would be to utilize it better. My thinking process went something like this:

I live on a farm. Farmers grow things. I grow pot. How about farming some pot? Sounds good to me.

So yesterday I spent my day getting ready for my outdoor soil grow. Because I'm starting late for the season, I have to get some compost cooked for before I prepare to plant. So this is what I did.

I gathered up some pails that were hanging around the house and filled up 11 five-gallon pails with 3 year old chicken shit I got up from inside the old chicken coop. I got about as much as I could. This I drove down into the field to the spot I want to grow in (you'll see all this in the pics below) where I had stacked some tires 6-high. I dumped my pails into the centre of the tires and filled the tires up only halfway. Then I drove to my buddy's place who has a son who raises chickens, too. His 15 year old son filled up my 11 pails with more chicken shit and we had a great time talking about growing marijuana and smoking marijuana and using edibles and such. His father, my buddy, has no idea we have these conversations together because his father has no idea his smokes weed.

So anyway, this 15 year old kid, whom I consider a friend apart from my friendship with his father because he's such a nice guy, asked me if I would help guide him through a grow of his own, a guerrilla style grow on the family landlord's property! HAH! How funny! My buddy's kid is asking me to help him grow some weed. I couldn't say no. How many times had I wanted to grow weed as a kid and didn't have a chance to learn. That's basically what he wants help with. He needs a "grow mentor" to help guide him, whom he can ask questions of, that kind of thing. So I decided I'm going to give him 2 of my Pineapple Express clones to try growing on his own and I"ll be his grow mentor, under one condition. If his parents find out about his grow he is not, under any circumstances, to divulge my participation in mentoring him. Rather, he has to say that he learned it all from the internet.

So I told my friend (my buddy's son whose name is James) that I'd get him a clone or two to begin growing with. I've got enough. If they all survive, and it looks like they might, then I've got more than I need. Literally. And I chose the Pineapple Express because they're high THC content plants, James' personal favourites. That should secure some lasting loyalty from him. Right now, whenever I go there to get water (don't as about my water situation. Sigh.) James is always there to carry the 5 gallon pails to my vehicle for me, not letting me lift a finger because of my back. He's a good kid. A really good kid. And I'd love to help him out and teach him what I know. Which isn't a lot, but it is a little bit valuable. And if I could give back what has been given to me so far, well, that would be like gold.

But enough talk. How about some pics?

This first photo shows the homestead where I live, out in Alberta. On the right hand side you can see the trailer I inhabit and you can see the various buildings and cow trails on the land.

Within the next couple of days I"m going to start a cow shit manure pile, too. I'll use the chicken manure on the plants during their initial vegging because chicken manure has tons and tons of nitrogen to add to the soil. I"m starting my manure pile a little late, though, and I"m somewhat concerned that the manure might be too hot to give to the plants by the time I transplant them to bigger, outdoor cloth pots. The cow manure I'll give to them later on in the growing season as I get closer to flowering. You really don't want all that nitrogen in the soil when you go into flowering. By that time, you want most of the nitrogen to be depleted from the grow and you want to be left with mostly the nutrients that you need to flower. Like phosphorous and a bunch of trace elements.

In order to up my nitrogen level of my chicken manure (because you want as much nitrogen as you can get), I've been collecting my urine. Okay, stop grossing out. There's nothing wrong with it. It decomposes into just its base nutrients, like all biological matter, it breaks down and becomes the stuff that life is made of. You cannot use human faeces, but you CAN use human urine. So I'm upping my nitrogen levels by pouring, every morning, the day before's collected urine.

Hey, I'll do almost anything to get good weed from a good grow. Won't you?

So here's the pic of the homestead:


These next two shots show where I'm going to grow. My plot will be along the fence of the next farmer over's own hayfield. He'll be in once to seed at the beginning of spring, and then he'll leave his field alone until fall when haying season is upon him. So I plan on planting (I'm actually going to be using homemade 20 - 15 gallon cloth pots to grow in) within days after he's planted himself so that he doesn't see any of the bags. Then, at the end of the fall when haying season is upon us, I'll either have already harvested or I'll be damned close to harvesting.

Will the farmer narc on me? I doubt it. First of all he would have to recognize the type of plant I'm growing. Second, people out here tend to keep to themselves and not bother each other. Will he narc? I don't know for sure. It's a chance I'm going to have to take. Hey, it adds some excitement to the grow, eh?

So my grow will happen along his field. On our side of the fence, there's a row of fenceposts already pounded into the soil (I don't know why they are there, it's kind of a weird place for fenceposts, but who is looking a gift horse in the mouth?



This next shot shows a problem. Being, that the barbed wire on the fence posts has been removed previously, thereby necessitating me to put up some new barbed wire to keep the cows out and keep them from eating my beautiful little plants. Because cows love weed almost as much as I love weed! And that's a lot, by the way!


So here's my compost heap, covered in a blue tarp to keep the heat in and contained in the middle of 6 tires to keep the heat in:


Inside the tires, I have filled it with chicken shit leaving lots of air inside and without packing it tightly. The key to making compost that cooks properly is to keep it moist. Very moist. That way that beneficial organisms that live in compost and do such good work in your garden grow because of the warmth. But if it gets too hot and cooks at too high a temperature, then these organisms might be destroyed, too. So it's a fine balance to walk and you can buy a composting thermometre that helps tell you whether the compost is getting too warm for the organisms' beneficial welfare.

Bet you never knew there was so much to learn about shit, right? So here's the pic:


And for my last trick, I give you a vision into the extra chicken shit that I had left over that didn't fit into the compost heap. Instead, I dumped it to the side and within days James and his father will come with a cartload of chicken shit/bedding that i can use to compost and have for next year, already composted, already ready to grow.


So there you have it. The beginnings of my summer grow. I'm not going to show pics of the seedlings yet, since there's still one to pop up and, like I said up top, I want to consider them all together as being on day one. So when that seedling pops (I figure 2 days, maybe 3 because I can already see a little bit of white growing when I look down into the hole of the Rapid Rooter I used for it.

So, given that, I bid you adieu and wish you all a great day ahead.
Re: Magnus' Summer Outdr. Soil 15 AK47, Crit. Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin.Expres

Subbed, i was just looking at some ice bomb seeds online, those buds look beautiful!

Hey, welcome aboard! Yes, they are beautiful. That's what first caught my eye about them and then I read how amazing they are supposed to be with pain and anxiety control, two of my main medical issues and the reason I have my medical marijuana prescription.

But really glad to have you along. Please feel free to post and comment as much as you want. The better grow journals, I find, are those where everyone participates in active discussion. Active discussion that we all benefit from.
Re: Magnus' Summer Outdr. Soil 15 AK47, Crit. Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin.Expres

Careful with the urine it can turn into amonia

Yes, urine can turn to ammonia if you do not refrigerate it properly before application to the compost heap. Regardless, the ammonia still breaks down to its base elements, that being nitrogen. I'm not too worried. I'm an old hand at composting. Been doing it for years, actually, for my vegetable gardens that I've planted. Used urine in those compost piles too and never had a problem.

With the urine, I collect it for the day, using a pitcher I keep in the bathroom. Then at night I put it in the refrigerator (I have a second refrigerator in the porch that I don't use for food storage, just for the freezer room. So I can store the urine overnight in the refrigerator with no food in it, and then in the mornings when I take the dogs for their morning walk I walk it down to the compost heap and dump it, then start on another day's worth. I'll do about 3 weeks of urine and then that'll be enough. I feel that 3 weeks of urine in a compost heap of my size is enough. Don't want too much nitrogen... But still want lots!

But thanks so much for showing concern. If I didn't know what I was doing with it I'd be more worried, but I do know, so I"m not.
Re: Magnus' Summer Outdr. Soil 15 AK47, Crit. Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin.Expres

An outdoor grow in the wilds of Canada. Go Magnus. :high-five: Off to a good start. I'll try to keep a close eye on your adventure. Outdoor grows have their own drama and beauty.
Re: Magnus' Summer Outdr. Soil 15 AK47, Crit. Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin.Expres

An outdoor grow in the wilds of Canada. Go Magnus. :high-five: Off to a good start. I'll try to keep a close eye on your adventure. Outdoor grows have their own drama and beauty.

Hey Sue,

Thanks so much! How wonderful to "see your voice" here in this new forum. Did you like the pics? I told you I lived in the sticks, didn't I? I really do live in farmland, right? Turns out its to my advantage this year...:rofl:

Did you like that compost pile? I just about broke myself in half putting that together. Or at least it felt that way. About halfway down my body...that'd be around, well, my lower back. Yep! That's about right. Felt like I broke in half about the center of my lower back. Seriously, I was in enormous pain last night after all the work and I had no weed to pull me through the night. It was a very difficult night. But you know what? I DID it! I got up in the morning and I damned well constructed that thing, swinging those tires up and on top of each other, shovel after shovel of chicken shit and cow shit and whatnot into that pile. Then 8 big buckets of water hauled down (with the truck) but lifted up that high and poured into it. And guess what? I'm really bloody proud of myself. Didn't think I could do yardwork like that anymore.

So for me, this is an ambitious grow. Just thinking down the road to harvest, for example... Harvesting 16 or 17 outdoor plants? Wow. That's going to take a lot of work. Hell, keeping all the different strains separate from each other will be a challenge. Not to mention how the hell I"m going to afford all those mason jars, eh? :rofl:

So Sue, feel at all like having a vacation in Western Canada come the end of October to help with the harvest? Years ago, farmers from all around would help each other with each other's harvests to ensure that they all got in on time. I don't think they do that anymore. But why don't we revive the tradition, you and I. I sure will need the help!

Just kidding. Obviously.

But it is an ambitious grow for me.

And I'm so happy it has already started up.
Re: Magnus' Summer Outdr. Soil 15 AK47, Crit. Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin.Expres

In a minute Magnus. And I'm not kidding. It's a tradition I wish we could start. Think of the fun we could have if we could travel and assist with harvests.

I was impressed by the workload Magnus, knowing you were likely without cannabis to take the edge off. Commitment and determination carried you through. Come October you're going to have your chest puffed out, despite the slap of reality Mother Nature has in store for you.

I wish you a smooth and rather uneventful grow and a booming harvest. :battingeyelashes: :love:
Re: Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Expr

Hi Magnus.... Sounds by your name that we derives from the same country. . I just love your setup.. wish I had the same conditions to grow in.. Both in terms of the outdoors as well as legally. I have to hide inside.... but it works too
4 white widow in 6th w flower.


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Re: Magnus' Summer Outdr. Soil 15 AK47, Crit. Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin.Expres

In a minute Magnus. And I'm not kidding. It's a tradition I wish we could start. Think of the fun we could have if we could travel and assist with harvests.

I was impressed by the workload Magnus, knowing you were likely without cannabis to take the edge off. Commitment and determination carried you through. Come October you're going to have your chest puffed out, despite the slap of reality Mother Nature has in store for you.

I wish you a smooth and rather uneventful grow and a booming harvest. :battingeyelashes: :love:

Sue, you are too kind. I don't deserve friends like you, HG, FP, Kush and others that I've met on here. I'm serious. I have met some incredibly kind people on here who have freely given beyond what would be considered "Canadian". That may not make sense to you. It does to me.

Thank you for the good wishes. I, too, wish for an uneventful grow and harvest. Those are the best kinds.
Re: Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Expr

Hi Magnus.... Sounds by your name that we derives from the same country. . I just love your setup.. wish I had the same conditions to grow in.. Both in terms of the outdoors as well as legally. I have to hide inside.... but it works too
4 white widow in 6th w flower.

Hey Uffea,

Nice to see you hop on board! I am Canadian, actually. When I decided to change my name from my given birth name, I chose a name that was traditional to my Danish background. Hence Magnus.

Your babies look beautiful! Wow, 6th week? Beautiful. I'm doing a scrog on my current grow (link below) so the plants look completely different than yours do. They've been in flower for only eleven days now, so they don't look anything like that. They're in the iddle of a stretch right now. I first noticed the stretch about 3 days ago, so I"m curious how long it will last. Maybe it was already happening and I didn't notice it, but I don't think so. I look pretty closely at them all all the time. I'm really looking forward to the bloom. I cant wait to see how it happens. And hell, who am I kidding. I can't wait for harvest for obvious reasons.
Re: Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Expr

Hey Uffea,

Nice to see you hop on board! I am Canadian, actually. When I decided to change my name from my given birth name, I chose a name that was traditional to my Danish background. Hence Magnus.

Your babies look beautiful! Wow, 6th week? Beautiful. I'm doing a scrog on my current grow (link below) so the plants look completely different than yours do. They've been in flower for only eleven days now, so they don't look anything like that. They're in the iddle of a stretch right now. I first noticed the stretch about 3 days ago, so I"m curious how long it will last. Maybe it was already happening and I didn't notice it, but I don't think so. I look pretty closely at them all all the time. I'm really looking forward to the bloom. I cant wait to see how it happens. And hell, who am I kidding. I can't wait for harvest for obvious reasons.
I couldn't wait... i pinched a couple of popcorn buds last night and dried them in the micro... Dammit...boom.. coma. I just wonder what it will be like to medicate it once the girls are ready, dried and cured.

Sent from my SM-T819Y using 420
Re: Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Expr

It's great to see an outdoor grow for a change after all of the shots taken under bizarro HPS and LED lighting. This will be fun to watch.

> You cannot use human faeces
You can of course, and people do in many parts of the world, where it's commonly if euphemistically called "night soil." (My father had a great story about sleeping in a sweet potato field somewhere in the south Pacific during WW II only to realize when it started to rain that it had been fertilized with night soil and smelled like exactly what it was.)
You probably wouldn't want to store THAT in your fridge, though. ;)

Good luck with your project. I'm looking forward to more pictures of your crop in the wide open spaces.

PS: Congratulations to Canadians on Trudeau coming through with the national legalization bill! :)
Re: Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Expr

It's all drama mate trust me. . Swing by my first journal for caging (trellising) tips. I'll be watching. Good luck.

PS with people like SweetSue and well me here you practically can't fail now bar law enforcement.

Hey Spookies,

I believe you about the drama part. I'm expecting it. And so glad to know that an expert is here to help me with my summer grow. Between you and Sue, there's no way I could go wrong, right?
Re: Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Expr

I couldn't wait... i pinched a couple of popcorn buds last night and dried them in the micro... Dammit...boom.. coma. I just wonder what it will be like to medicate it once the girls are ready, dried and cured.

Sent from my SM-T819Y using 420

That's great to hear! Sounds like you've got some good bud on the way. I'm hoping I do too with my current indoor grow. And lets raise our glasses to having a good summer outside grow and producing some really pure, really organic, tasty freakin' bud, bud.
Re: Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Expr

It's great to see an outdoor grow for a change after all of the shots taken under bizarro HPS and LED lighting. This will be fun to watch.

> You cannot use human faeces
You can of course, and people do in many parts of the world, where it's commonly if euphemistically called "night soil." (My father had a great story about sleeping in a sweet potato field somewhere in the south Pacific during WW II only to realize when it started to rain that it had been fertilized with night soil and smelled like exactly what it was.)
You probably wouldn't want to store THAT in your fridge, though. ;)

Good luck with your project. I'm looking forward to more pictures of your crop in the wide open spaces.

PS: Congratulations to Canadians on Trudeau coming through with the national legalization bill! :)

Hey Scientific,

So happy to see you on board for this grow. I'm so psyched about this one you have no idea. I've got visions of humongous, tasty yields hopping through my brain as I think upon the eventual harvest. I'm serious. I am dreaming of huge colas and huge yields come harvest time. I'm also scared shitless about harvest. How the hell am I going to harvest 15 or 16 plants the size of elephants? Okay, so they won't be as big as elephants, but you know what I mean. How do you cut off all those branches and where the hell do you hang then all to dry? My place ain't that big. But I'll figure it out. If need be I'll hang them in the shed out to the side of the house. Actually, that's not a bad idea. Hey, thanks for that. That's a great idea!

I'm sure you can tell from the pics, but the spot I chose has absolutely no tree cover, therefore no shading on the plants. They'll have good outdoor sunshine all the live long day, from morning through noon to the end of the day. I'm curious to see how well they grow in the sun rather than under my LEDs.

I've decided that I"m going to top them several times to get rid of that christmas tree shape. Harder to recognize them for what they are from above flyovers. Though, to be honest, I don't remember any planes or helicopters out this way last year nor the year before. So maybe I'm safe. Maybe I"m not. I'm sure going to find out, aren't I?

And yes, there are many of us here who are happy with Trudeau's bill to legalize marijuana for personal consumption. Some are not, but they can go fuck themselves. I've got a married couple who are close friends and they really disagree with it. We've had some difficult discussions about it all. But I'm thrilled to see it come to pass in my generation. Finally, a way out of the dark ages.

Anyway, tons to do yet so I'll sign off. But thanks for dropping by, and glad to have you on board.
Re: Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Expr

Hey Scientific,

I'm also scared shitless about harvest. How the hell am I going to harvest 15 or 16 plants the size of elephants? Okay, so they won't be as big as elephants, but you know what I mean.

Nice problem to have!
Re: Magnus' Summer Outdoor - Soil 15 AK47, Crit Mass, Ice Bomb, NL, Big Bud, Pin Expr

Hi All,

Show 'n' Tell? Anyone game? I just know you are...

So here goes.

These first two are of my seedlings. You can see that most of them are up, though not all. One you can see is trying to break through that surface. He's the one in the upper left. And one has broken through and is reaching high for the sky. He's the one in the upper right. And then everyone else is somewhere in between. Except those who are still pushing out their first legs and are still trappen in the Rapid Rooter. I can see those ones from standing right above. You obviously cannot. But they're going to gain traction and break free of that Rapid Rooter soon enough. You wait and see.

Enough talk. Let's look.



This next one is of my Big Bud clones that I'm trying to root. I told you they were having trouble, right. They sag like this all the time, though. I don't think it is necessarily due to them not getting enough moisture.


This next one is of my Pineapple Express clones. They, too are having a rough time, but not like the BBs. I just about had a catastrophe the other day. I forgot to put the lid back on my rooting tray and they were left without their humidity lid for about 4 hours. I know, disaster. So they've all been having a rough go of it since then. But on second thought, I think the PE have recovered, though the BB have not.


And this last one is of all my baby girls together, seedling and clone alike!


So I hope you enjoyed this little pictorial romp through my closet. Hey, at least its not a romp through another kind of closet. That might not be so pretty. Well, maybe if it were decorated nicely...
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