Magical Butter 2 Review: Making Concentrated Cannabis Oil With MB2 Machine

I have made the butter and the tincture (with glycerin). The butter making is easy and does not smell up the house. I used to make it in a rice cooker (butter, ground herb, and water). This machine does not require you to pregrind or add water. The tincture was not as strong(head trip wise) as the butter but worked great medicinally which worked great for those that want to use it at work. Next I am trying the MBO recipe.
Love the writeup Xlr8!!! I also love the MB2! I haven't tried to make oil yet but this is a great post that I will reference when I am ready! Thanks for doing this post!
Apparently it's sold in Alberta. I'm considering getting a still myself, since they're available online in canada these days.

I love your Avatar Weaselcracker :drool::cco::drool:
Thank you. I have a demented squirrel sharing my cabin with me - lives in the roof. Come spring time though I'll be kicking him out. He's had an easy winter and shouldn't have many complaints. I just don't want him shacking up in there permanently and having a family, I need my sleep!
Please suggest an alternative to Ever Clear,to be used in the Magical butter.Can we use Isopropyl alcohol or any other alcohol,because it is difficult to procure Ever Clear in India.
Just to update my prior post... wow. I have a couple of these, and they are amazing. I run 40g trays of whatever - trim/shake/budand add 3 cups of coconut oil, 1 tsp lecithin, into 2.5 cups of fine finished extract. That 2.5 cups will make 5 batches of 13x9 brownies. I generally take 2"x2" or 4 sq in, with potency equated to 5-10x that of the popular lozenges, maybe more. You couldn't give that dose to a person just beginning cannabis use, they'd be very uncomfortable lol. For me, it's a real nice background med while making dinner. These machines are now part of my routine, and I've used them quite a bit. High recommend! :thumb:
The only difference between the oil or butter is that with butter, you have to clarify the butter. The temps, & times are the same 160* & 2 hours. The oil recipe says 1 hour, lol, but on the other page it tells you that for coconut oil, use 2 hours. I used 2 0z of "bud shake" to 4 cups organic coconut oil. I make cookies that have a 1/2 tsp dose each average & they get me through alot of "old age pain", I have been an equipment operator most of my life in cranes, & truck cranes, & all that lower back pain, becomes bearable.
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