Maer's - 760W Advanced LED — CO2/SGE/Water Cooled - G13Haze - DIY NFT 4" - Grow 4.0

Re: Maer's - 760W Advanced LED — CO2/SGE/Water Cooled - G13Haze - DIY NFT 4" - Grow

maer do you have a computer based environment controller?

not yet, I am working on an arduino based room controller, you can see my and others progress in OG13s thread:

Arduino based room controller
Re: Maer's - 760W Advanced LED – CO2/SGE/Water Cooled - G13Haze - DIY NFT 4" - Grow

Well my coco clones as of last Tuesday were doing shit, no roots on any of them. The ones that were scraped seem to be healing the scar.... like a tree does with rounded edges... I didn't pull all of them, thought the media may be a little dry so I have been misting them more.

The only time I got 100% success was with rock wool and an air stone under the tray... I am going to try that as soon as my teenage moms are ready. I also plan to try a run in the ezclone with no cooling and just zone in the water, just RO and zone.
Re: Maer's - 760W Advanced LED – CO2/SGE/Water Cooled - G13Haze - DIY NFT 4" - Grow

Hey Maer, the healing scar is what you want, some people call them bumps, the roots are coming. Make sure the stem is in contact w/ some moist media, pack them in so there is no air pocket.
Re: Maer's - 760W Advanced LED – CO2/SGE/Water Cooled - G13Haze - DIY NFT 4" - Grow

Looking forward to an update. I need to get my butt in gear and update mine as well.

I wish I could figure out what your cloning problems are. I just took another full tray of cuttings last week (in coco) and have roots already poking out the bottom. It sounds like our procedures are almost the same. The only thing that may be different on my side is that the coco/perlite mix I use is stuff left over from when I did my airpots two months ago. It has been sitting in a 5 gal bucket and smelled awful (must have started to compost a bit). The coco had been pre-loaded with BPN's 2-part at the seedling mix ratio. I just stirred it up a bit added some RO water and then put it into the cloning tray and then tamped it down tight until they were about 1/2~3/4 full. I then lightly sprinkled the top with some powdered rooting hormone that I had sitting around (first time trying this method). I then topped off the tray with more coco, gave it a quick tamp and then a quick drench with R/O water.

I took cuttings and put them directly into a tray of tap water until I had enough cuttings for the number of clones I wanted to take. I stripped them down to about 4 inches tall, left about 3 nodes and then trimmed the leaves a bit (more so they would all fit neatly into the tray). I lightly scraped the bottom inch with a clean razor, a dip into clonex and then I used a poking tool to make a small hole in the coco. I put the cutting into the hole and then gave the coco a little squeeze to make sure the stems were completely surrounded by moist coco and no air pockets.

I put the short humidity dome on it, under 12/5.5/1/5.5 lighting since that was what my moms are under. One week later I have roots poking out the bottom of the tray. I just left them alone and didn't even check on them until this morning. The room temp is about 74 lights on, 66 lights off.

I think the low-tech/low-cost cloning technique is the way to go.
Re: Maer's - 760W Advanced LED — CO2/SGE/Water Cooled - G13Haze - DIY NFT 4" - Grow

Looking forward to an update. I need to get my butt in gear and update mine as well.

I wish I could figure out what your cloning problems are. I just took another full tray of cuttings last week (in coco) and have roots already poking out the bottom. It sounds like our procedures are almost the same. The only thing that may be different on my side is that the coco/perlite mix I use is stuff left over from when I did my airpots two months ago. It has been sitting in a 5 gal bucket and smelled awful (must have started to compost a bit). The coco had been pre-loaded with BPN's 2-part at the seedling mix ratio. I just stirred it up a bit added some RO water and then put it into the cloning tray and then tamped it down tight until they were about 1/2~3/4 full. I then lightly sprinkled the top with some powdered rooting hormone that I had sitting around (first time trying this method). I then topped off the tray with more coco, gave it a quick tamp and then a quick drench with R/O water.

I took cuttings and put them directly into a tray of tap water until I had enough cuttings for the number of clones I wanted to take. I stripped them down to about 4 inches tall, left about 3 nodes and then trimmed the leaves a bit (more so they would all fit neatly into the tray). I lightly scraped the bottom inch with a clean razor, a dip into clonex and then I used a poking tool to make a small hole in the coco. I put the cutting into the hole and then gave the coco a little squeeze to make sure the stems were completely surrounded by moist coco and no air pockets.

I put the short humidity dome on it, under 12/5.5/1/5.5 lighting since that was what my moms are under. One week later I have roots poking out the bottom of the tray. I just left them alone and didn't even check on them until this morning. The room temp is about 74 lights on, 66 lights off.

I think the low-tech/low-cost cloning technique is the way to go.

Possibly the clonex. I had terrible luck with it. Killed like 3 batches. I changed nothing to my technique except changing the brand of my root hormone and my turbo cloner worked, my rapid rooters worked, and my rockwool worked. Everything rooted. Now I have to many and will probably throw most of them away. This was after like 6 weeks of getting nothing with clonex.
Re: Maer's - 760W Advanced LED – CO2/SGE/Water Cooled - G13Haze - DIY NFT 4" - Grow

I have the ez-cloner almost the same as a turbo. It works awesome, but I've done my last two clone runs using my low-cost method with 100% success. I am re-thinking whether the cost of the ez-cloner was worth it now.
Re: Maer's - 760W Advanced LED – CO2/SGE/Water Cooled - G13Haze - DIY NFT 4" - Grow

I had a DIY aero-cloner, it worked ok except for the temps... The turbo kloner has a fan the cools the res, so I was thinking that might work. It would be able to hold atleast 30 clones at a time, and it would save me the time of transplanting them before they are put into there final home.
Right now I use RR plugs, great success rate. However I have to plant them in small cups to let the roost grow long enuf for the 2 liters.

So you are not sure if your liking the ez cloner any better than other methods?
Re: Maer's - 760W Advanced LED – CO2/SGE/Water Cooled - G13Haze - DIY NFT 4" - Grow

I plan on using the ez-cloner again for clones that will go into my NFT system, but for my tent grows with coco in air pots I will stick with the coco method of cloning (then I can just put the little coco plug right into the air pot). I've used R plugs and like them as well. I was just looking for the lowest cost, lowest tech method of cloning and this seems to be it.
Re: Maer's - 760W Advanced LED — CO2/SGE/Water Cooled - G13Haze - DIY NFT 4" - Grow

How do you like the turbo klone, been looking at them?

I have the new 24 site and I really dig the size of the thing. My first two batches didn't take but my last run was 100% success. Did take 14 and 16 days for my two different strains thought but that's probably me not using it right. If I can get it down to roots in 7-10 days I'll be a happy camper.
Re: Maer's - 760W Advanced LED – CO2/SGE/Water Cooled - G13Haze - DIY NFT 4" - Grow

Here are things as of last weekend. 14 days of 12/12


I vegged my clones for a while and had bad results, I think my mistake was leaving the environment sealed and not providing CO2. I figured they didn't need it for veg but I should have had fresh air exchange going. CO2 was added and 6 pulled ahead of the others and the others were tossed.

Currently I am at 21 days, timelapse to come. Sorry for my "vacation" work is insane.
Re: Maer's - 760W Advanced LED – CO2/SGE/Water Cooled - G13Haze - DIY NFT 4" - Grow

Anyone have any ideas of what is up with the plant by the door? It is lighter in color and some freddy claws are showing. pH has been 5.8-6.1 and ppms lower this time at 1000-1250 range.
Re: Maer's - 760W Advanced LED – CO2/SGE/Water Cooled - G13Haze - DIY NFT 4" - Grow

Hey Maer, glad to see you back. I have seen the claw frequently on Haze varieties versus other plants on the same reservoir. Don't know whether it is the ppm or the N level. They should still do ok.
Re: Maer's - 760W Advanced LED – CO2/SGE/Water Cooled - G13Haze - DIY NFT 4" - Grow

Things are going nicely although I am about 18 inches from the light, there were no sides of burn but I topped some and trained some others outward toward some empty space at the ends. I dont have any more travel in the light box and no time to redesign

Some pH / ppm numbers from the last two weeks.


pH 5.9 ppm1280

pH-6.2 ppm-1240

pH-6.1 ppm-1050

pH-5.7 ppm-1010

pH-5.9 ppm-960

added nutes

pH 5.2 ppm-1270

pH-6.1 ppm-1260

pH-6.0 ppm-1140

pH-6.1 ppm-1120

pH-6.1 ppm-960

pH-6.0 ppm-880

Res change will be today so I will take new pics and post new numbers.
Re: Maer's - 760W Advanced LED – CO2/SGE/Water Cooled - G13Haze - DIY NFT 4" - Grow

pH-5.9 ppm-1320

I did a 50% res change this time to try to prevent the bacteria bloom that seems to happen every time I res change. Didn't work... I found some clumps of mold in my sugaree, but as CES said and I believe penicillium will not grow in the res and the smell is not mold smell... So I realized last time I had a HEPA over the res blowing HEPA filtered air on the the surface. So I went out and bought another HEPA and installed it much more securely this time.

Here are some pics:


And some premature bud porn:


I took another round of clones from the new PAMPERED moms, these moms have never drooped, always been fed lightly every other watering, and flushed every 6 weeks.


There is only RO water in there and 25ml of hygrozyme in 5 gallons of water.
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